#1 August 2nd, 2005 12:33 AM


biggest sexual regret?

what's your biggest sexual regret?

mine sounds silly, but here it is:

summer of my 16th year, i'm in a backyard pool with a beautiful isreali girl i'd been dating. riding my 10 speed bike on a 12 mile round trip every night for a month to see her, in fact. that night, she wanted to skinnydip. i saw her dad through the porch doors, drinking a beer and watching a ballgame, and i chickened out... she broke up with me shortly after.

i want to go back to that perfect night, even though it was 20 years ago, and slide under the water with her again...


oh, and also, she was a kick-ass Saxaphone player. anytime i see a woman playing the Sax, it kills me. KILLS ME!!!

that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#2 August 2nd, 2005 12:55 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

wantingscott wrote:

what's your biggest sexual regret?

Oooh, now that's a difficult question, should I say something I didn't do or something I did? Are regrets healthy? Hmmm....

Probably the only regret I have is from when I was 17. My ex-boyfriend myself and his new girlfriend (who was a close friend of mine also, prior to my, and her, relationship with him) all lived in a flat together in London. One night after he and her had a big fight, and John and I had gone out together to get wasted (had a nasty coke habit at the time), we ended up having sex. It was strange, I knew she was cheating on him, and I used that to justify myself, but I knew she loved him and that it would really hurt her. I think I've felt terrible about it all my life. My friendship with her is superficial at best these days, because i feel it is insincere to remain close to someone I have betrayed but haven't had the balls to confess it to her.


#3 August 2nd, 2005 06:33 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

Being older, I have more regret time available.  The thing I regret now is the number of times I just said 'no thanks' (remember folks, women choose) because I was being Mr. True Blue to my wife.  Maybe six to ten offers - I DIDN'T COUNT,  but some were truly foxy looking babes.  Turns out she wasn't true but often quite blue with others.
I think back now on what might have been some really fun times.
Except for the guilt factor.
I did not want to become that standard of derision - the sneaking married guy.


Which do I regret more?

The lost sexual opportunity?

The price of my integrity?.


Neither, though there were times I would have said lost opportunity. 

Now I regret a late beginning in the serious search for broader experience before i was 30 and married.

Have I ever lied to you before?


#4 August 2nd, 2005 10:28 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

Oo that's hard. There aren't any specific incidents that I regret. I regret that some were bad boyfriends rather than just a good one night stand. I regret that some were boyfriends rather than girlfriends.


#5 August 2nd, 2005 05:38 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

That I never slept with all of the women that I had the opportunity to sleep with.

I plan to make up for it in the future...


#6 August 3rd, 2005 10:36 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

nihilonx wrote:

That I never slept with all of the women that I had the opportunity to sleep with.

I plan to make up for it in the future...

That's a good one.

Also the few hotties I wanted badly,  but they just weren't interested....  like scuzzy girl.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#7 August 4th, 2005 03:31 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

You can never go backwards, but you can always move forwards and take what you learned with you.  Maybe you can find yourself another "scuzzy girl" tomorrow if you look in the right places.  I never remember the "no" 's but the "i should have at least tried" 's get me every time.

I always like to remember that all things considered, I still had (and continue to have) my share of fun.  People always tend to be far too critical of themselves, and this is probably the biggest obstacle to enjoying life that there is.

Besides, I've done enough crazy stuff already to probably last the average person two lifetimes.  There are photographs floating around out there somewhere, and I like knowing that someone is being entertained by my antics.

Can't wait to add to those collections.


#8 August 5th, 2005 05:15 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

I don't think there's anything I regret. There's stuff I didn't enjoy as much as I could have and people who I look at and think "WHY did I want to fuck THEM?!", but I still learned from the experience, so I don't regret it.

Though I do regret NOT sleeping with a couple of people.


#9 August 5th, 2005 10:58 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

I don't regret anything sexually though i do regret something about my sexual makeup.

I don't like causing pain or even recieving it for that matter.  I also dont enjoy domination games.  I don't even really understand the need for them.  Both of these things are related in a way i suppose.

The only reason i would even consider either of these things a regret are because it has slowed or stopped a few sexual relationships, not the friendships though luckily.

Side note, another thing i don't get is role playing.  I understand it and all that but it just never did anything for me.

One by one, the penguins slowly steal my sanity


#10 August 5th, 2005 11:40 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

Like most people that've replied here, I don't really regret the things I've done, rather the things I <i>haven't</i> done.

I remember just before new years last year, my friend and I had just got back from overseas and were itching to have a wild night out back in Oz.  We met a random group of guys at this little bar in Lorne where we'd gone to see this local muso play.  We ended up having one of those magically insane nights that are completely unexpected and that serve as a benchmark for all good nights thereafter.  One of the guys there I was ridiculously smitten by- he was absolutely beautiful in the most unconventional way and had pretty much all of my 'hot boy checklists' covered.  Yet I ended up with his friend because I knew his friend liked me and I was too chicken to go after the one I really wanted.  I've always wondered what would've happened if I went after him, and kick myself when I think of the great sex we never had.


#11 August 5th, 2005 07:42 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

wantingscott wrote:

what's your biggest sexual regret?

Twin sisters(at the same time) in college...(one was a cheerleader)

...DAMN! You had to remind me...



#12 August 5th, 2005 10:55 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

ilana wrote:

Like most people that've replied here, I don't really regret the things I've done, rather the things I <i>haven't</i> done.

I remember just before new years last year, my friend and I had just got back from overseas and were itching to have a wild night out back in Oz.  We met a random group of guys at this little bar in Lorne where we'd gone to see this local muso play.  We ended up having one of those magically insane nights that are completely unexpected and that serve as a benchmark for all good nights thereafter.  One of the guys there I was ridiculously smitten by- he was absolutely beautiful in the most unconventional way and had pretty much all of my 'hot boy checklists' covered.  Yet I ended up with his friend because I knew his friend liked me and I was too chicken to go after the one I really wanted.  I've always wondered what would've happened if I went after him, and kick myself when I think of the great sex we never had.

That started just like an evening two Kiwi girl friends of mine once had, and then spent another enjoyable evening when they regaled me with the details. It starts the same ...  " my friend and I had just got back from overseas and were itching to have a wild night out back in Oz.  We met a random group of guys at this little bar in Lorne [substitute sorento (just the other side of port philip bay] where we'd gone to see this local muso play.  We ended up having one of those magically insane nights that are completely unexpected and that serve as a benchmark for all good nights thereafter.  One of the guys there I was ridiculously smitten by- ... but that's where it starts to deviate because in her story they all went back and had an orgy, three boys two girls. It was a most hilarious adventure when retold in full but I felt obliged to lecture them on the dangerous and vulnerable situation they could have been in.


#13 August 5th, 2005 11:18 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?



#14 August 6th, 2005 07:41 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

Sexual activity slowly decreased until it now almost is not there any more. I'm fed up with getting excuses and just had to many not now's. This site is one of my ways to compensate.


#15 August 7th, 2005 09:40 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

Head wrote:


But you had to do it in order to learn that you would always regret it and it's not worth ever doing it again.

Besides I always figured if you feel so compelled to be with someone else that you can't resist it then the relationship is as good as over, so you may as well end it immediately. There's no such thing as a harmless fling.


#16 August 8th, 2005 02:40 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

There are some people that I look back and go "Oh, WHY?"  But I really do remember why I was having sex with them at the time (insecurity, not knowing exactly what I wanted, etc.) so I seem them as part of my learning experiences more than regrets.

There is one guy I have vacciliating regrets about.  He was beautiful -- like an angel fallen to earth, with curly blond hair.  Tall.  Piercing blue eyes.

I was hot for him, but he waxed hot and cold about me.  One minute he was looking deep into my eyes, the next he was removing my hand from his. 

One afternoon, I teased him.  I had gone on vacation and come home with a whole bunch of new clothes.  I tried them on for him, letting him see me change through a crack in the door that I didn't know was there

That afternoon, I knew that he was mine.  We made out, and I could taste victory.

But, with a wisdom not of my years (I being about 17) I somehow knew that he would not enjoy sex as much as he would get off on being rejected.  (He had loaned me Venus in Furs, and I had finally gotten the point that he was a serious masochist.)  So, after he got his pants off (to this day, the fastest I have seen anyone, male or female, go from dressed to stark naked!) I let him lay down beside me, I built it up ... until we were just about to have sex ... and then I told him I was "tired" or something like that, and we had to stop.

I know it was the right thing to do -- i could tell at the time, and I still strongly believe it to this day.  (And it was the only time I ever did something like that -- when I initiate sex with someone it's because I want to have sex with them!) 

But even though it was the right thing to do, sometimes I wish I had gone through with it, that I would have the memory of sex with him all these years later (as, I suppose, I guess, the memory of my first time dominating someone....)

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#17 August 11th, 2005 02:55 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

ilana wrote:

Like most people that've replied here, I don't really regret the things I've done, rather the things I <i>haven't</i> done.

nihilonx wrote:

the "i should have at least tried" 's get me every time.

Agree totally.  I have no regrets for the stuff I probably should have regrets for like the few times I cheated on ex-girlfriends, which is kinda suprising.  My main regrets are the things I haven't done.  Many, many, many I should have tried, which will always haunt me.

However, the king regret of them all was when I was working in New York for the summer, I was 21 and I was seeing a girl I worked with who was 27.  She had some crappy filing work to do in this big file room and we arrange to rendez-vous after lunch for a bit of during work nookie-nookie.  So I snuck my way out of my department and made my way into the filing room without anyone seeing me.  She was there too.  It was very exciting and we were both giggling like two Japenese school girls at the prospect of it all.  Then I heard someone from my office walking by and I paniced and legged it.  I mean it made no difference if I was caught seeing that I was heading back to Ireland the next week and was finishing work in about 2 days.  What a complete spastick I was.  Why I chose that mental course of action, I'll never know!!!


#18 August 11th, 2005 07:45 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

bryboru wrote:

However, the king regret of them all was when I was working in New York for the summer...

i was at an agency on Huson Street where SOOOOOOOOOO much fucking was going on after hours it seemed like a normal part of work (i worked late and had to turn up the radio & close my door).  However, since i was married, there were art directors who got mad at me and stopped working with me because i wouldn't participate.

i don't regret it. i guess i'm just squirting lemon juice in your wound Bryboru... sorry.  but sex-at-work is intruiguing anyway. it doesn't happen often here (according to the rumour mill) but the pheromones of possibility are really THICK in the air some days...

married or not, flirting just seems like a part of my personality anyway... if i was single and it COULD lead somewhere, i really wonder some days who "would" and who "wouldn't", you know? i wish i could find a secret list of people who wanted to fuck me, just so i could know. it could be very interesting.


that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#19 August 11th, 2005 11:59 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

One of my friends worked at a keyboard/synthesizer company. Naturally, most employees were musicians and HALF would be in the parking lot shortly after 5pm smoking up joints before returning to do a little work. Mostly straight male staff, so little office romance other than my friend dating her 15 yr. older boss. At least he wasn't married. Years later he did try to assist when she and her girlfriend wanted a baby. I've had a couple interesting workplaces, but mostly gossip fodder.

I perhaps regret stopping with a girl I didn't feel much chemistry with, but knew had serious kink potential besides a fit body. The sex was mediocre, but I feel like I should have tried harder to build rapport.


#20 February 9th, 2009 12:42 PM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

Mine would have to be the fact that I havent done anything worth regretting! Its all been to awesome :-P

Bathory loves Black metal, long haired men, blast beats and schofferhoffer


#21 February 11th, 2009 09:40 AM


Re: biggest sexual regret?

actually I lie. I was opn  tour with a particular Norwegian metal band and I refused the lead singer. FOR GOD'S SAKE WHY!!!????

Bathory loves Black metal, long haired men, blast beats and schofferhoffer


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