#1 May 5th, 2005 11:38 PM


Hey boys its Chrissy

im here and thats how i like it and keep talking to me boys i love it.


#2 May 6th, 2005 12:10 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

hey Chrissy,
are you the Chrissy that has been a frequent Artist/Contributor?
or are you the Chrissy that is a new subscriber and is saying "what's up"?
or are you the Chrissy that has a folio on the way and is preparing us all for it's brilliance.

i really need to know... i'm only on my 3rd cup of coffe and so am still half asleep... wink


that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#3 May 6th, 2005 12:37 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

wantingscott wrote:

hey Chrissy,
are you the Chrissy that has been a frequent Artist/Contributor?
or are you the Chrissy that is a new subscriber and is saying "what's up"?
or are you the Chrissy that has a folio on the way and is preparing us all for it's brilliance.

i really need to know... i'm only on my 3rd cup of coffe and so am still half asleep... wink


There's only one Chrissy with one submission WScott and her folio and her registration date are the same i.e. 29th March, ergo I guess that this is the Chrissy with the Kitty ;-)

Me thinks more cups of coffee are needed fella!

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#4 May 6th, 2005 01:49 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Chrissy wrote:

im here and thats how i like it and keep talking to me boys i love it.

Hey there, you spicey, funky, feisty, succulent ball of 'glow'!

PS: My offer still stands...



#5 May 6th, 2005 02:33 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

"Hey boys" ?  What about us ladies, now?!

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."
            -Emma Goldman


#6 May 6th, 2005 02:57 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

oh, yes. i remember now. i had another two cups (thanks Belgareth)

wantingscott says...
oh. i mentioned once i was never breast-fed as a baby, right? i'm scarred for life..
5:29AM Mar 29th 2005

"wantingscott says...
congrat's Chrissy on being #1 on the ISM hitlist for almost a whole month-and-a-half now!!! wow. i think it's the pink sweater. i've always loved folios that start out clothed. it's how you first see people, so it makes sense...
10:05AM Apr 21st 2005"

yes. Chrissy, do you mind that a guy might find your breasts a source of tremendous comfort? in a relaxing way, like if he's watching tv with you with his head on your lap and his mind just goes blank?


oh, BTW- bigup from Manhattan to Liz...

that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#7 May 6th, 2005 03:19 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

MrPicMe wrote:

Hey there, you spicey, funky, feisty, succulent ball of 'glow'!

PS: My offer still stands...


I could'nt say it better myself.  Plus you get to look at one of your fans naked pics.
Maybe all of the guys should put at least one naked pic in their membership gallery
I'm game

And the third beast came forth from the ground


#8 May 6th, 2005 03:29 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Torstar wrote:

Maybe all of the guys should put at least one naked pic in their membership gallery
I'm game

i tried that with a little candid of scotty but it got zapped...  sad

that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#9 May 6th, 2005 03:44 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

wantingscott wrote:

i tried that with a little candid of scotty but it got zapped...  sad

I think there's something in that for all of us (bois)... smile

...and when the day arrives I'll become the sky and I'll become the sea and the sea will come to kiss me for I am going home...


#10 May 6th, 2005 06:21 PM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

wantingscott wrote:

i tried that with a little candid of scotty but it got zapped...  sad

Do I understand you correctly my friend, that you placed a part of your body on your profile and the Head removed it? Shame on Head, are my doubts in the Head coming true? I am not offended by anyone’s naked parts, once I had a problem long ago but consider myself more enlightened and ISM and the people here have helped me confirm my enlightenment. Oh great and wondrous Head cast not doubt upon my soul.

The universe is unfolding as it should, and so are the girls on ISM. I love them all.


#11 May 6th, 2005 09:49 PM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

nagaloo wrote:

Do I understand you correctly my friend, that you placed a part of your body on your profile and the Head removed it? Shame on Head, are my doubts in the Head coming true? I am not offended by anyone’s naked parts, once I had a problem long ago but consider myself more enlightened and ISM and the people here have helped me confirm my enlightenment. Oh great and wondrous Head cast not doubt upon my soul.

While I was in no way offended by a small (image wise) but distinct display of WScott's private parts, I will uphold Head's decision to remove them. I think it would be right to post images of ones naked phallus if there is an overwhelming demand made by ISM contributors for this sort of display, rather than by it's members. After all, we have a significant say in what we would like from the contributors, so why should they not decide upon what we give them in return.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#12 May 6th, 2005 10:08 PM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

liz wrote:

"Hey boys" ?  What about us ladies, now?!

Sorry... Hey guys and girls. So how are you? have you seen my photos? I am really sorry i really didnt know what i was writing last nite.
                                   Love Chrissy xoxoxoxoxo
P.s. Guys and girls keep posting i love it.


#13 May 6th, 2005 10:45 PM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Thanks for posting all your responces and i dont want to see any bits of you boys.... Well i hope you all like the set of photos i did there will be heaps more coming so dont worrie you will see more of me one of the shoots i ended up with black pubic hair. lol... I hope another set of my pics come up soon.
                                          Chrissy xoxoxoxoxoxo


#14 May 6th, 2005 11:02 PM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Belgareth wrote:

While I was in no way offended by a small (image wise) but distinct display of WScott's private parts, I will uphold Head's decision to remove them. I think it would be right to post images of ones naked phallus if there is an overwhelming demand made by ISM contributors for this sort of display, rather than by it's members. After all, we have a significant say in what we would like from the contributors, so why should they not decide upon what we give them in return.

I didn't touch it!


#15 May 6th, 2005 11:31 PM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Head wrote:

I didn't touch it!

Well WScott suggested that you did. His image that is, not his privates ;-)

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#16 May 6th, 2005 11:36 PM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Head wrote:

I didn't touch it!

ha ha ha!!!

that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#17 May 7th, 2005 03:35 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

I'm looking at you now

And the third beast came forth from the ground


#18 May 7th, 2005 03:58 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Chrissy wrote:

Sorry... Hey guys and girls. So how are you? have you seen my photos? I am really sorry i really didnt know what i was writing last nite.
                                   Love Chrissy xoxoxoxoxo
P.s. Guys and girls keep posting i love it.

And you know you want to post more, you are psyching yourself up by contacting us.  When you enter into your next shoot and stare at that camera you will feel our lustful glances at your stark naked body. Yes even your sox will be gone and you will feel naked as you capture your images for all of us to see.

And the third beast came forth from the ground


#19 May 7th, 2005 04:35 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

woah, Torstar, it will put the lotion in the basket...  wink

that's the way it goes. but don't forget, it goes the other way too.


#20 May 7th, 2005 09:07 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Belgareth wrote:

While I was in no way offended by a small (image wise) but distinct display of WScott's private parts, I will uphold Head's decision to remove them. I think it would be right to post images of ones naked phallus if there is an overwhelming demand made by ISM contributors for this sort of display, rather than by it's members. After all, we have a significant say in what we would like from the contributors, so why should they not decide upon what we give them in return.

Now if It was placed as an avatar then it would be there for all to see and over and over depending on how many times a post was made. But if its in the profile an effort has to be made to observe. Did W Scott attach the offending member to a post? If so then I withdraw my protest.

It seems the Head did not touch W Scotts member so who did? W Scott were you tuching yourself again? LMAO

Going Slowly Blind

The universe is unfolding as it should, and so are the girls on ISM. I love them all.


#21 May 9th, 2005 04:40 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

No it's not of my private parts, no I'm not even naked but if Chrissy were to look, it would be her choice, then she would know one of her fans a little better.

And the third beast came forth from the ground


#22 May 9th, 2005 05:58 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

Torstar wrote:

No it's not of my private parts, no I'm not even naked but if Chrissy were to look, it would be her choice, then she would know one of her fans a little better.

Cool image, Torstar!  But you kinda look like you are stuck in a hole in the ground  ;P

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#23 May 9th, 2005 06:30 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

now you can put a face, (scary as it may be) with one who will lavish heaps of praise upon you for your posts and folios.  maybe next time I'll get naked.  ahhhh!

And the third beast came forth from the ground


#24 May 10th, 2005 03:35 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

It is good to have a face to go with the compliments, it's true  [grins]

But really, were you stuck in a hole in the ground?  Were you hiking in some awesome location?  Digging up dinosaur bones?  What is the story behind the photo?

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#25 May 10th, 2005 04:12 AM


Re: Hey boys its Chrissy

It was a slag heap from a 1920's copper smelter.  It's quite a moonscape with very little vegitation.  Apparently it's been used in some movies.  The point of the pic is to recreate the apocolyps when the earth would split open and the beasts would come forth from the ground.  :'D

And the third beast came forth from the ground


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