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#1 March 2nd, 2019 12:20 AM


One person

I have noticed over the last several years that one person is named by contributors, to the exclusion of all others.  big_smile
And he is not even from the Southern Hemisphere.  smile
Why is that?


#2 March 4th, 2019 01:13 PM


Re: One person

That was a serious question.
Why is Donald Trump the one person no one wants to see shoot themselves?
Not your PMs, not the Queen, not Obama, not Hillary.
I have ceased to wonder at the hate I see and hear in this country almost daily.
Even from members of my own family.
But what is it about Trump that you object to?  His hair?
I doubt that it is hate or dislike or even disagreement with his policies or politics.
For most of you he has no impact on your lives.
Regardless of what our media and perhaps your media believe and promote, we elected him for our reasons and will probably do so again .
I would not care to see him on this site, but he is not at the top of my list.


#3 March 5th, 2019 08:37 AM


Re: One person

Well, nearly a million Brits signed a petition on the official UK Parliament Petitions site when he first stood for President for exactly the reasons you doubt - his hate speech, his policies, his politics, his dishonesty, his incompetence, and the list goes on. The petition was to ban him from entering the UK which has laws against hate speech etc. It was debated by Parliament and in Westminster hall. And yes, he does have an impact, he stirs up far right sentiments such as racism, misogyny, homophobia, etc. in other countries as well as his own. He certainly does the reputation of the US no favours with his ignorance of even basic world affairs and his lies about just about everything. And his wall.... well, at a time when immigration is at it's lowest for several years, he wants to spend your taxes on a wall costing billions to keep out a rampaging horde that don't seem to exist.

#4 March 5th, 2019 05:00 PM


Re: One person

This question is baffling. Objectively though he is not an attractive person at all. I have a pretty broad taste in men but regardless of his actions and position, I could never get it up for Trump. He is undeniably a deplorable man, and that tends to influence a person's opinion on how attractive they are. As you surely already know? Australian contributors have previously commonly stated John Howard and Tony Abbott (past Prime Minsters) as the person they'd least like to see, so it's fair to assume that an individual's lack of desire to see someone naked is at least based in part on whether or not that person is someone who is actively damaging the country they govern.

His actions very much affect the rest of the world, and to say that it doesn't is madness. Every day I struggle with feelings of complete hopelessness, which is largely in part due to him being America's current president.

Last edited by redbird (March 6th, 2019 04:02 PM)


#5 March 10th, 2019 04:57 AM


Re: One person

Skyhawk wrote:

That was a serious question.
Why is Donald Trump the one person no one wants to see shoot themselves?
Not your PMs, not the Queen, not Obama, not Hillary.
I have ceased to wonder at the hate I see and hear in this country almost daily.
Even from members of my own family.
But what is it about Trump that you object to?  His hair?
I doubt that it is hate or dislike or even disagreement with his policies or politics.
For most of you he has no impact on your lives.
Regardless of what our media and perhaps your media believe and promote, we elected him for our reasons and will probably do so again .
I would not care to see him on this site, but he is not at the top of my list.

I think you make a good point.
I'd noticed the frequency with which he was cited too, and, like you, it struck me as a knee-jerk reaction. Ten years ago George W Bush was No 1 no-no, but at least there was the intervention in Iraq that had world-wide resonance and that was controversial. It's difficult to think that Trump has had any noticeable effect on anyone outside the US, and his one major foriegn policy initiative - trying to talk to N Korea - seems fairly benign in its intentions.
Surely, if you want to go political, there have been loads of other far worse major political leaders - ugly ones too - that one might mention. Chavez anyone? (or his successor Maduro?) Kim Jong-il? Assad? People who have destroyed their countries and the unfortunate citizens who live there.
But no, it's just Trump, Trump, Trump. There's something inauthentic about it.


#6 March 11th, 2019 08:32 AM


Re: One person

Leo you make a good point about other dictators being way worse. But hating Trump isn't just something Americans do because of the dreadful way he is running the (my) country, it's also a pop-culture experience. Trump isn't only about politics and history. He's current events.


#7 March 12th, 2019 01:00 PM


Re: One person

There is definitely a huge amount of contributors who list Donald Trump in the 'least like to see shoot themselves' category. I imagine there are several reasons behind that. I suppose the first thing being that Trump holds a lot of conservative values that aren't so popular with younger generations, and a lot of contributors fit into that category. Alongside that, I suppose the notion of contributing to the IShotMyself site appeals to the empowered feminist woman in a lot of us, and that feminist woman doesn't typically hold the values that Trump stands for.
I think it's also worth noting that women have historically been (and continue to be) marginalized in ways that men aren't, and so Trump's attitudes towards a number of minority groups are perhaps something that a lot of women have a much more emotional response to than their male counterparts?
I think most of the women who contribute here can agree that they really respect that IShotMyself is a space where they feel they can express themselves freely, and also feel that they are respected and not objectified the way women often are in mainstream erotica. It's no secret that Trump has said some very objectifying things about women in his time, so I can definitely see why Trump would be an unpopular fella around these parts.
On a more personal note, I really dislike him, his policies, and frankly, his hair/appearance is the least of my worries! haha.
I know I really only speak for myself here, but that's my read on the situation anyway smile


#8 March 12th, 2019 01:23 PM


Re: One person

Inauthentic? Rude. I guess we're all a bunch of SJW's who OF COURSE would say Trump because for some reason don't like seeing an openly misogynistic and racist person in such a high position of power. 

Like Viva said, he is very much one of the main focuses in current pop culture, hence the large amount of people listing him in their bio. He is everywhere.

As I stated earlier, when John Howard and Tony Abbott were PM they were the main answers you'd see from Australians. As ScoMo (the current PM) continues along his destructive path through Australian politics I'm sure we'll see more of him, but as it stands, ol' Trumpy is top dog when it comes to hideous scumbags currently in power.


#9 March 21st, 2019 03:06 AM


Re: One person

"Rude"? "Mansplaining"?
I don't think either the OP or I was trying to explain anything. Nor are our noses out of joint. We were expressing puzzlement. And I suspect he's still as puzzled as I am.
My use of the word "inauthentic" (referred to this particular feature of the contributors' responses and not to the contributors themselves, by the way) could only be regarded as rude if you think that access to your authentic self is easy and natural. I'm getting on for 70 and my own experience has been that it's one of the hardest things you have to do in life (if you want to do it - most people don't) and that it's as difficult now as when I was a teenager. There are so many forces lying in wait to hijack your authentic self: niche groups in the massmedia, the people you happen to hang out with, the general Zeitgeist... Now, with the internet, it's probably harder than ever.
But, seriously, thinking hard, can you really not think of even one more hideous scumbag in power at the moment than Donald Trump? Are you sure you're following world events? The OP's point was simply that there was an extraordinary lack of proportion in all this.

By the way, for what it's worth, my unchecked impression is that, after Trump and Bush, third on the list was Steve Buscemi. I think you're all giving Steve a tough time. Lay off him.


#10 March 21st, 2019 08:47 AM


Re: One person

Steve Buscemi - seriously? I am really surprised! I would love to see him shoot himself.


#11 March 21st, 2019 09:15 AM


Re: One person

Anyway, OP was definitely edging a pro-trump agenda, which is a surefire way to fire people up on the internet. I am American. There's a lot of reasons I hightailed it so hard back to Melbourne . One of them was definitely the deplorable political climate in the US. While many people did vote for Trump and will do so again, it's obviously a hotly contested issue not only in the USA, but worldwide.

If you see conservative American presidents coming up so frequently as an example of someone young women all around the world mention when asked who they don't want to see naked, well, I addressed the reason already above. American presidents are not just political. They are also pop culture in ways that presidents and PMs of other places are not. And none more so than reality-tv star, corporate dick-swinging, populist rabble-rousing POS in the White House right now.

The OP was pressing buttons, Leo, and you know it. He asked why we don't want to see Hilary shoot herself - why Trump, and not Hilary? Have you been paying any attention to the general vibe of feminism lately? Do you know we are a website with proud feminist ideals? For many women in the USA and abroad, Hilary Clinton running for and potentially becoming the first female president of the United States far outweighed her politics. She was a symbol. Of course we won't take her down by naming her the person we'd least like to see on our site. Though I don't agree with her politics, I voted for Hilary, and would do so 1000 times, Hilary over Trump. For many of us, her campaign represented hope. Her defeat was our defeat.

And why Trump, and not Obama? Come on. OP is clearly taking the piss. Obama is a 5-alarm panty dropper. Our collective lady-boner for Obama is is so big and hard it can be seen from space. Obama makes us so wet that if the icebergs don't raise sea level, our unceasingly flowing girl-cum will.

If you're genuinely, authentically puzzled, LeoBloom, I hope my repeated explanations are clearing this up for you. Authenticity gets more complicated as we get older, mostly because it's more fun for us that way. Maybe you've forgotten what it's like to be the age of most of our contributors. They're figuring things out, and their "authentic selves" are no one's business but their own. We shift and dance as we explore our identities. What's real? What's left when you take away all our pop-culture references, preferences, attitudes, opinions, arms, legs, names, memories, influences, and anything else that can "hijack our authentic selves"? Are we just a burning ball of incandescent soul-stuff,  beings of light which have no end and no beginning? Are we our inner emotional child, weepy and collapsed, willing and helpless? Our excited intellectual passions, aroused and intense, finally angry, speaking up that deep truth she's kept buried? Are we our animal sexuality, panting with need? Are we our anxiety? Our concern? Our deepest secrets? Our hipocrisy?

Give me a break. Leave it to the french deconstructivists. Some of my most authentic expressions of my self have been outright lies.

Look Leo, you seem to have good intentions. I don't doubt the wisdom of your years. I have respect for what you say. But don't come into a womens' space and pointedly question their responses to interview questions, especially by suggesting that their answers may not be "authentic" because they are not he same kind of answers you might give, if asked the same question. And please understand, you can't accuse someone's response of being inauthentic, and separate that from accusing them of BEING inauthentic themselves. It's insulting to suggest that we are just mouthpieces for the zeitgeist, just the internet speaking in the form of naked tits and arse. We're people. If our responses are repetitive, maybe it's because lots of people actually think that thing.

The best thing to do when people tell you what they think is listen. They will show you their authentic selves. All you have to do is believe them. It's actually not very difficult at all.

Last edited by viva (March 21st, 2019 09:21 AM)


#12 March 23rd, 2019 02:38 PM


Re: One person

Skyhawk wrote:

That was a serious question.
Why is Donald Trump the one person no one wants to see shoot themselves?
Not your PMs, not the Queen, not Obama, not Hillary.
I have ceased to wonder at the hate I see and hear in this country almost daily.
Even from members of my own family.
But what is it about Trump that you object to?  His hair?
I doubt that it is hate or dislike or even disagreement with his policies or politics.
For most of you he has no impact on your lives.
Regardless of what our media and perhaps your media believe and promote, we elected him for our reasons and will probably do so again .
I would not care to see him on this site, but he is not at the top of my list.

It's funny that you picked up on his hair as the possible cause for derision, as he certainly is a caricature.  Perhaps you're blinkered, because some of his policies would be to your benefit - but as an American you're treated to a somewhat insular view of the man, as shown by your claim that he has no effect on our lives.  America is the world's largest economy and he's picking a fight with the second largest, that he can't win.  (Our financial market has a saying - "if America sneezes, the Australian stock exchange catches a cold").  Any country he's slapped tariffs on, is losing, but so is the USA because free trade benefits both economies.   Meanwhile he's trying to take credit for making progress with N Korea while walking away every time he doesn't get all his demands met, while making no concessions to the other side.  The N Koreans just want the powder keg off their doorstep, can you blame them?  They've had a million guns pointed right at them for the last 70 years.

When you look at him objectively, as we can from afar, he's clearly dishonest, clearly racist, clearly motivated by self-interest, clearly misogynist (did you HEAR that tape?) and clearly not an intelligent man.  He's regressive, and those are qualities that make sapiosexual women not want to see him naked, even if he looked like Trudeau.

And in any case the most popular answer a decade ago was G.W. Bush, for different reasons.


#13 March 25th, 2019 08:31 AM


Re: One person

Mmm, Trudeau.


#14 March 26th, 2019 11:26 AM


Re: One person

Also, just thought that I'd mention that regardless of how common it is for people to state Trump as the person they'd least like to see shoot themselves, the most common answer consistently given is family members (usually parents or grandparents) and in recent years the second most common answer given is "No one. Everyone should give this a try if they want to" (or something to that effect).

Also Steve Buscemi is a babe. I would absolutely LOVE a shoot from him.


#15 April 2nd, 2019 02:16 PM


Re: One person

Viva- you write like my favourite Tom Robbins novels and I'm so grateful for your explanation about authenticity here. I'm reading books about how creating meaning is a path to healing depression and fuck me if you haven't nailed some part of the psyche down here...

Love you!!!!

viva wrote:

Anyway, OP was definitely edging a pro-trump agenda, which is a surefire way to fire people up on the internet. I am American. There's a lot of reasons I hightailed it so hard back to Melbourne . One of them was definitely the deplorable political climate in the US. While many people did vote for Trump and will do so again, it's obviously a hotly contested issue not only in the USA, but worldwide.

If you see conservative American presidents coming up so frequently as an example of someone young women all around the world mention when asked who they don't want to see naked, well, I addressed the reason already above. American presidents are not just political. They are also pop culture in ways that presidents and PMs of other places are not. And none more so than reality-tv star, corporate dick-swinging, populist rabble-rousing POS in the White House right now.

The OP was pressing buttons, Leo, and you know it. He asked why we don't want to see Hilary shoot herself - why Trump, and not Hilary? Have you been paying any attention to the general vibe of feminism lately? Do you know we are a website with proud feminist ideals? For many women in the USA and abroad, Hilary Clinton running for and potentially becoming the first female president of the United States far outweighed her politics. She was a symbol. Of course we won't take her down by naming her the person we'd least like to see on our site. Though I don't agree with her politics, I voted for Hilary, and would do so 1000 times, Hilary over Trump. For many of us, her campaign represented hope. Her defeat was our defeat.

And why Trump, and not Obama? Come on. OP is clearly taking the piss. Obama is a 5-alarm panty dropper. Our collective lady-boner for Obama is is so big and hard it can be seen from space. Obama makes us so wet that if the icebergs don't raise sea level, our unceasingly flowing girl-cum will.

If you're genuinely, authentically puzzled, LeoBloom, I hope my repeated explanations are clearing this up for you. Authenticity gets more complicated as we get older, mostly because it's more fun for us that way. Maybe you've forgotten what it's like to be the age of most of our contributors. They're figuring things out, and their "authentic selves" are no one's business but their own. We shift and dance as we explore our identities. What's real? What's left when you take away all our pop-culture references, preferences, attitudes, opinions, arms, legs, names, memories, influences, and anything else that can "hijack our authentic selves"? Are we just a burning ball of incandescent soul-stuff,  beings of light which have no end and no beginning? Are we our inner emotional child, weepy and collapsed, willing and helpless? Our excited intellectual passions, aroused and intense, finally angry, speaking up that deep truth she's kept buried? Are we our animal sexuality, panting with need? Are we our anxiety? Our concern? Our deepest secrets? Our hipocrisy?

Give me a break. Leave it to the french deconstructivists. Some of my most authentic expressions of my self have been outright lies.

Look Leo, you seem to have good intentions. I don't doubt the wisdom of your years. I have respect for what you say. But don't come into a womens' space and pointedly question their responses to interview questions, especially by suggesting that their answers may not be "authentic" because they are not he same kind of answers you might give, if asked the same question. And please understand, you can't accuse someone's response of being inauthentic, and separate that from accusing them of BEING inauthentic themselves. It's insulting to suggest that we are just mouthpieces for the zeitgeist, just the internet speaking in the form of naked tits and arse. We're people. If our responses are repetitive, maybe it's because lots of people actually think that thing.

The best thing to do when people tell you what they think is listen. They will show you their authentic selves. All you have to do is believe them. It's actually not very difficult at all.


#16 April 8th, 2019 09:48 AM


Re: One person

Haha thanks Artemesia! I'm so passionate about creating meaning. It's all we have. I think the essence of depression is when you feel like there's simply no point to anything.


#17 June 23rd, 2019 08:24 AM


Re: One person

redbird wrote:

This question is baffling. Objectively though he is not an attractive person at all. I have a pretty broad taste in men but regardless of his actions and position, I could never get it up for Trump. He is undeniably a deplorable man, and that tends to influence a person's opinion on how attractive they are. As you surely already know? Australian contributors have previously commonly stated John Howard and Tony Abbott (past Prime Minsters) as the person they'd least like to see, so it's fair to assume that an individual's lack of desire to see someone naked is at least based in part on whether or not that person is someone who is actively damaging the country they govern.

His actions very much affect the rest of the world, and to say that it doesn't is madness. Every day I struggle with feelings of complete hopelessness, which is largely in part due to him being America's current president.

Redbird  I saw your remark that says you struggle with feelings of complete hopelessness which is largely due to Trump.  Please explain how Trump causes you these feelings????


#18 June 24th, 2019 09:48 AM


Re: One person

Oh no way Luv2see. It's obvious that for many, Trump's presidency represents a dire state of environmental, social, and economic politics not only in the USA, but represented all over Europe and in Australia by vociferous hard-right, populist agitation and conservative governments. I think it is really clear the ways in which power being held by leaders who oppose your hopes and dreams for even just sensible environmental crisis response could induce feelings of serious hopelessness and helplessness.

Redbird of course feel free to answer but just know that this question does not have a vibe of genuine curiosity or open-hearted interest. Luv2see, prove me wrong. Redbird you have a right to feel anyway you do and you do not have to explain yourself to emotionally inept bullies.

ffs. I should close this stupid thread.

Last edited by viva (June 24th, 2019 09:48 AM)


#19 June 27th, 2019 04:42 PM


Re: One person

Thank you Viva. Answering such an insulting question to a troll just trying to start shit is exhausting and I don't have the spoons for such ridiculousness anymore. Having people trying to bait you into defending something that is obvious is infuriating (I suspect that was the reason behind the query though). Therapists have actually coined the term "Trump Anxiety Disorder" after that horrendous person came into power. It's a very real and very serious thing and I'm not going to waste any more time discussing him further here.


#20 June 28th, 2019 09:03 AM


Re: One person

viva wrote:

Oh no way Luv2see.....

Redbird of course feel free to answer but just know that this question does not have a vibe of genuine curiosity or open-hearted interest. Luv2see, prove me wrong. Redbird you have a right to feel anyway you do and you do not have to explain yourself to emotionally inept bullies.

ffs. I should close this stupid thread.

Well stated Viva <3, and thank you for writing my initial thoughts of his statement with more politeness that I can come up with for
these right wing bible thumping jackasses whenever I cross paths with them on forums and Facebook...

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#21 July 4th, 2019 08:01 PM


Re: One person

On a lighter note, but probably as authentic as any ..... [ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-48494926 ]

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