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#1 June 21st, 2018 11:01 AM


Monte Luxe!

I love you Monte!! I Hadn't seen much of your work before I got to edit your ISM videos - love the way you are so down-to-earth and confident, so sweet, sexy and fun! Also thank you for talking about anal sex - the butt really is misunderstood.

Your "Pearls Of Wisdom" videos are so educational - I would highly recommend studying them if you're curious about your bum (or anyone else's!) even if you're an "anal expert" - basically what I'm trying to say is everyone should watch them and unlock the secrets of the ASS <3 <3

Anal for everybody! Yay!


#2 June 21st, 2018 05:41 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

As someone who is very much an anal novice, I found these videos to be really informative and entertaining. Monte is bloody hilarious and absolutely gorgeous to boot!!

Your crush is very adorable too Mew. wink


#3 June 26th, 2018 12:25 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

My crush on you Redbird? tongue

I surely am a massive fan of Monte though - I want a regular feature: "Sex Ed With Dr Luxe" HOW GOOD WOULD THAT BE


#4 June 28th, 2018 05:05 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

OH THAT WOULD BE AMAZIIIIIIIIIING!!! I feel like I would learn so much.


#5 June 29th, 2018 12:26 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

So into this ISM VID, i just wanna sit down with a bowl of popcorn and watch them all! What an absolute queen!


#6 July 3rd, 2018 11:51 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Farkin. I wrote a response but the damn thing didn't post. I shall regather my thoughts after lunch, can't make more good sentences right now.

In short though, killah vids!!


#7 July 3rd, 2018 02:39 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

I wrote another response & I was kicked out of the forum. Brilliant. Apparently the forum doesn't like me today.

I love these videos, they are important & also very cute. I fucking LOVE seeing women extol the virtues of their passions & Monte is no exception.

What. A. Babe.

Does anyone else feel like doing butt stuff, like right now? So motivating! LOL


#8 July 5th, 2018 09:37 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

How amazing and educational are these videos?! I love Monte and I'd love to see more ISM Videos like this on here smile. FAB editing too, Mew.

~ ISM Editor ~


#9 July 5th, 2018 12:30 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

*blush* easy to make magic when you have such dreamy footage to work with smile just quietly I would love to see Monte in an IFM duet, maybe helping someone prep their butt for first time anal (someone who is keen to explore but needs an experienced hand show them the ways...) I wouldn't be opposed to a lil bit of a teacher/student or doctor/patient vibe either!


#10 July 11th, 2018 03:51 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

I volunteer as tribute!


#11 July 17th, 2018 11:16 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Ooh yes! I would also loooooooove to see Monte de-flower a man..... In the bottom........ Ahem.... *dreams*


#12 July 20th, 2018 11:58 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Mew wrote:

Ooh yes! I would also loooooooove to see Monte de-flower a man..... In the bottom........ Ahem.... *dreams*

That would be bonkers amazing. I like the way your brain works Mew. Yes, yes I do!


#13 August 12th, 2018 10:37 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

the last two posts are not according to your communication-rules. I understand your enthousiasm.

Bat what would happen, when a man wrote the same in this forum?

I am not shocked: Defloration and bottom or what ever kind of dreams are not themes, they really irritates me.

But when your site gives you certain rules, than a expect, that all (males and females) are accepting this.

If not, you need no rules anymore... 

And than, I wish you good look for this forum


#14 August 12th, 2018 10:53 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

ping wrote:

the last two posts are not according to your communication-rules. I understand your enthousiasm.

Bat what would happen, when a man wrote the same in this forum?

I am not shocked: Defloration and bottom or what ever kind of dreams are not themes, they really irritates me.

But when your site gives you certain rules, than a expect, that all (males and females) are accepting this.

If not, you need no rules anymore... 

And than, I wish you good look for this forum

I am not sure what you mean? They weren't talking about humiliating or otherwise abusing anyone; though I agree 'deflower' also carries some less nice meanings, but in this case they were talking about introducing someone new to butt stuff.

Last edited by Tjeux (August 12th, 2018 10:53 PM)


#15 August 12th, 2018 11:46 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

That is not the point.

if I remember right, it was or is not allowed, to give the actors any wishes for sexual activities in the future.

Is this now a little bit more understandable?


#16 August 12th, 2018 11:54 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

ping wrote:

That is not the point.

if I remember right, it was or is not allowed, to give the actors any wishes for sexual activities in the future.

Is this now a little bit more understandable?

I suppose tone matters a lot. "You should do this" vs "would be cool if", there is a difference.


#17 August 12th, 2018 11:58 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

weil dann wären wir ja dann in dieser Situation:

Liebe Hyperballad, ich finde Dich extrem sexy. Bitte bums doch mal mit dem oder der, mache dabei dies und das und halte das dann auch noch für die Öffentlichkeit fest...


#18 August 13th, 2018 12:04 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Ich finde auch, dass der Ton eine gewisse Portion an der Kommunikation ausmacht.

Also, erweitern wir das Ganze jetzt etwas mit meinem vorherigen Beispiel:

Liebe Hyperballad, ich finde sich (nach wie vor) extrem sexy. Und ich würde es sehr, sehr cool finden, wenn Du mit dem oder der Sex hättest. Besonders cool fände ich, wenn Du dabei das und das machen würdest und dies dann für uns zugänglich machst...


#19 August 13th, 2018 12:24 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Sorry, I don't speak German. But I still don't see what the problem is. The forum rules are perhaps slightly ambiguous on this part, but they make it clear that there can be no demanding of models to do something. And there have been no demanding apparent in this topic. It is up to moderators and/or Monte herself to decide if anyone was behaving badly of course, but to me this seemed very respectful conversation.


#20 August 13th, 2018 12:25 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Die ganzen Guidelines wurden, aus meiner Sicht daher gemacht, dass mögliche Fans und Freaks nicht zu aufdringlich werden und das ganze ja auf der von ISM/Beautiuful Agony und IFM so hochgehaltenen Freiwilligkeit der jeweiligen Actors beruht.

Ich lasse mich gerne eines besseren belehren. Bin aber überzeugt, dass ich, wenn ich in diesem Forum als Mann sagen würde, ich würde es sehr cool finden, dass diese oder jene Frau einen Mann (oder eine Frau) in den Arsch (oder wohin auch immer) ficken sollte, dann ginge ein ziemliches Geschrei los und ich müsste sicherlich und berechtigterweise mit Post von Euch oder mit einem allfälligen Ausschluss von Eurer Seite her rechnen.

War that clearly enough?


#21 August 13th, 2018 12:30 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

sorry: what that cleary enough?


#22 August 13th, 2018 12:50 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

if necessary, I will let translate my german comments in english. please let me know
I am shure, that you are not on the winner site for this time.

But nobody could always winn...


#23 August 13th, 2018 10:27 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Ping the difference is that men haven't been subjected to objectification and sexual violence for thousands of years.  Also the women are not talking about an ISM contributor, they are referring to an imaginary random person.  The language of the Forum is English since that is the language spoken (whether as a first or second) by 99% of the people here.


#24 August 14th, 2018 01:10 PM


Re: Monte Luxe!

If you think I have made a mistake regarding forum parameters that's fine ping, express that, but can you please leave me *personally* out of your examples? It's not proving a point.

Last edited by _hyperballad_ (August 14th, 2018 01:19 PM)


#25 August 15th, 2018 02:45 AM


Re: Monte Luxe!

Dear hyperballad, I will do not make that ever in the future and I am really very sorry if I should hurt you. that was never my intention


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