#1 April 11th, 2017 10:40 AM


2 sexes, 1 sexual orientation blueprint?

Anatomically most people are either male or female, with an intersex crossover of about 2% of the population. http://oii-usa.org/2563/how-common-is-i … in-humans/

Within each sex there's a spectrum of femininity and masculinity.

Each individual is somewhere on a spectrum of opposite and same sex attraction. All these things can change as we go through life.

The whole system is wonderfully diverse and complex. The diversity allows the species maximum survivability. We’re omnivores and our sexuality can have much of the same adaptability.

Gynosexuality means to desire women.
Androsexuality means to desire men.

My sexuality is mostly Gynosexual and is a very tiny bit Androsexual. It is what I would call a mono sexuality. In a male body it’s gynosexual and in a female body, it's more self focused and wants to be fucked by men. and is mostly andro, and a tiny bit gyno.

I can watch a video of  heterosexual sex and enjoy the thought of being either the male or female. I discovered this, (by amongst other things), the role playing of writing erotic stories.

My suspicion is that many if not most humans have a mono sexuality. That is the same sexual blueprint if you like, that expresses itself differently in different bodies, with all the variations I opened the post with.

Last edited by blissed (April 11th, 2017 08:47 PM)


#2 April 11th, 2017 08:55 PM


Re: 2 sexes, 1 sexual orientation blueprint?

So. This could be an explanation for why homosexuality is an innate part of human and other species sexuality. Homosexuality would have died out long ago if it was just a trait who's continuation depended on procreative sex.

Having the same sexual orientation blueprint would mean the potential for either sexual orientation exists in pretty much everyone, being expressed by what sex of brain and body you happen to be in. Then if you throw in the the variability of diversity, you will I think inevitably get lots of varying degrees of same sex attraction.

Last edited by blissed (April 11th, 2017 09:00 PM)


#3 June 21st, 2017 11:01 PM


Re: 2 sexes, 1 sexual orientation blueprint?

blissed wrote:

Anatomically most people are either male or female, with an intersex crossover of about 2% of the population. http://oii-usa.org/2563/how-common-is-i … in-humans/

Within each sex there's a spectrum of femininity and masculinity.

Each individual is somewhere on a spectrum of opposite and same sex attraction. All these things can change as we go through life.

The whole system is wonderfully diverse and complex. The diversity allows the species maximum survivability. We’re omnivores and our sexuality can have much of the same adaptability.

Gynosexuality means to desire women.
Androsexuality means to desire men.

My sexuality is mostly Gynosexual and is a very tiny bit Androsexual. It is what I would call a mono sexuality. In a male body it’s gynosexual and in a female body, it's more self focused and wants to be fucked by men. and is mostly andro, and a tiny bit gyno.

I can watch a video of  heterosexual sex and enjoy the thought of being either the male or female. I discovered this, (by amongst other things), the role playing of writing erotic stories.

My suspicion is that many if not most humans have a mono sexuality. That is the same sexual blueprint if you like, that expresses itself differently in different bodies, with all the variations I opened the post with.

Basically, female and male have exactly the same reproductive system, just arranged differently. In less differentiated organism - like snails and fish for example - it's fairly easy for individuals to change sex and is normal for those species that can. We have to make do with all having nipples.

So it's easy to see that the spectrum is not just of perceived gender, but presumably represents the actual genetic and morphological 
place we are on as well. Another good reason that all points on that scale should be recognised as normal, the only difference being the probability of being at each point on the scale.

Getting the more ignorant to understand that male and female weren't created by God but by evolution (an inherently messy process) could take some time, I fear.

Last edited by mori910a (June 21st, 2017 11:02 PM)

#4 December 3rd, 2018 07:49 AM


Re: 2 sexes, 1 sexual orientation blueprint?

Ohhh the garden of humans <3


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