#1 March 9th, 2017 09:53 AM


artist statement/main screen new release summary


I have often wondered why ISM does not include the main screen  new releases spiel from each girl as it holds more/different information, on top of  the personal statement that is included when you download each folio attachement? Of course you can read the new release talk from each girl, but for only a limited time as with each folio that gets loaded on the main screen old ones disappear.  I hope this makes sense.

I also would love to have (if possible) included in the questions that they get asked in folio statement from each girl - whether they have done nude photo shoots before or this is there first time. For me I like it when it is realised that this is the first time ever for a girl to be posing nude.


#2 March 9th, 2017 01:32 PM


Re: artist statement/main screen new release summary

Good suggestions, thanks.  I'll talk to the sysadmin.


#3 March 9th, 2017 02:39 PM


Re: artist statement/main screen new release summary

I've also been thinking about the folio blurbs, Cahoons - definitely something we will work on!

Thanks for the feedback smile

~ ISM Editor ~


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