#1 October 12th, 2016 05:10 AM


Hitlist voting.

I'm not sure I like the idea of a hitlist. Sure, there are contributors who I personally like to look at more than others, but then there are other people who like to look at the contributors I'm not so keen on. A once a week vote, for me, seems to imply that I don't like all the rest, when in fact I might love to see the rest again. It doesn't seem to me fair on all the women who contribute folios which often embody their dreams and feelings about their own bodies to cast them aside simply because we have just one vote a week for one (often random) folio. Could we find a more sensitive way to do this?


#2 October 12th, 2016 08:26 AM

Aven Frey

Re: Hitlist voting.



#3 October 12th, 2016 12:45 PM


Re: Hitlist voting.

I've found the hitlist a little bit harsh too. I've also noticed some contributors submit a reload who haven't reached #1 so there must be other systems already in place for inviting contributors back.

Maybe you could keep the hitlist but hide it from public so nobody knows who's on the list and who's not. Better yet just invite everyone back (not sure the Feck accountants would like that idea though).

Last edited by Fe3Cman (October 12th, 2016 12:49 PM)


#4 October 14th, 2016 07:55 PM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Aven, how nice to see you on the Forum again, even if for only a word, one word.  Looking forward to more of your thoughts on more subjects.

As for the hitlist, I think the sentiments expressed by each of the above members are thoughtful and wonderful but I also suspect that the staff are merely searching for ways to engage the members so as to retain them.  I've long felt that this moderated Forum might be key but to make the Forum a greater draw I believe the folio contributors (far past, like you, Aven, as well as recent) will have to become more involved. After all, they are the basis of the enterprise.

Might there not be a great deal of potential for the business in creating greater synergy between folio and forum?  As it is, rarely do the folio contributors even thank those who praise their folios in the comment sections.  Several of the staff jump in with thoughtful posts in the Forum and I've noticed this generates more comments but there isn't much followup so the discussions usually die quite quickly.

Finally, back to you, Aven.  I think you are a real #1 hit.  Thank you.


#5 October 26th, 2016 04:49 AM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Only problem with the hitlist is the once a week factor. Because Murphy's Law means that you wait half an hour for a bus and then three come along together. I vote someone onto the hitlist, and, sure enough, there's someone else I want to vote next day, but, by the time the week's gone by, I'm likely to have forgotten.
Personally, I wish we could have our own private page where we can register our own hit lists. I don't always get round to downloading and I know there are dozens of contributors I'd like to look at again. Perhaps access to a list of our comments on the folios would be useful too.


#6 October 26th, 2016 10:31 AM

Aven Frey

Re: Hitlist voting.

Hey Trevor!
Thanks dude! In the wake of the lovely Laney and the excellent Sondrine heading off into the non Feck world I've been doing some editing and making the headshots etc. We've just got a new editor and her folio edits have just started hitting the site! Woo!

Leo, and everyone, we'd appreciate input from our subscribers! Would a personalised page where you could have an identity and curate your favourite images into specific sets (eg. 'LeoBloom's PERFECTLY SANE CAT LADIES' best cat shots of ISM) to share (or keep private) and engage with other subscribers and contributors be of interest to you? 

What kind of things do peeps think you'd like to do on ISM? How could we make it more interactive?


#7 October 27th, 2016 01:25 AM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Aven, how nice that you are onboard the Feck staff (though sorry that the lively and lovely Sondrine and Laney have left---I hope they are both very well).  As for for making the ISM more interactive, the best interactive is dialogue.  Ticking boxes and voting does not excite me.  Interactive with a computer does not excite me.  I like sharing and exchanging ideas, thoughts, humour... with responsive people.  As I have said several times before, I think if staff, like you, and the artist contributors would engage in this forum, paying members would more likely contribute and stay as members.  I definitely am not why members even read this forum let alone stay with ISM.  In fact, very few members ever comment on my posts unless one of the artist contributors (even from the not recent past, like you, beautiful and charming and intelligent, Aven) jump into the discussion.  The topics seem to be most lively and active when two or more artist contributors jump in.  Alas, most of the time, this forum is like a ghost town.

An additional thought, I know Feck does not want to establish a "dating service" but it has occured to me that you might keep your standards high and yet also allow members to contact one another privately through the site so that you have both public and private discussion.  If a member didn't want to be contacted in general or by a specific member, this could be accomplished in the member's preferences, by not responding or by blocking.  Any member who was out of line with the expressed standards and policies of Feck (most importantly, respect and sensitivity to all) could be exiled from the community.

In fact, I had thought that this was possible from the member profile options but don't see that this is actually effected:

Set your privacy options

Select whether you want your email address to be viewable to other users or not and if you want other users to be able to send you email via the forum (form email) or not.
Display your email address. Hide your email address but allow form email. Hide your email address and disallow form email.


#8 November 11th, 2016 10:55 AM


Re: Hitlist voting.

We have changed the Hitlist voting so you may now vote on any folio, including Reloads and Videos, and you may vote once a day.


#9 November 15th, 2016 02:24 AM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Thank you, Head!  big_smile


#10 November 17th, 2016 11:09 AM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Thanks again.  I really enjoy voting every day.
And being able to express my appreciation for earlier models, even tho they may not hear about it.
And thanks to those of you who suggested it and made it happen.  big_smile

Last edited by Skyhawk (November 17th, 2016 11:12 AM)


#11 November 20th, 2016 02:49 AM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Aven Frey wrote:

Leo, and everyone, we'd appreciate input from our subscribers! Would a personalised page where you could have an identity and curate your favourite images into specific sets (eg. 'LeoBloom's PERFECTLY SANE CAT LADIES' best cat shots of ISM) to share (or keep private) and engage with other subscribers and contributors be of interest to you? 

What kind of things do peeps think you'd like to do on ISM? How could we make it more interactive?

Yes. I do think that would be good, but I had the impression it wasn't in keeping with the site's ethos (is it possible there's been a changeover at the top?) I definitely seem to have a memory of someone being lectured way back as to how unhealthy it was to be fixated on certain kinds of erotic stimuli, and how the site was supposed to be opening our minds to all kinds of beauty. Well OK, yes, but we all of us find ourselves drawn to and wanting to return to certain kinds of beauty, and it seems natural for the site to facilitate this.


#12 October 30th, 2017 04:53 PM


Re: Hitlist voting.

I see that Head's post above says that reloads and videos are now eligible for hitlist voting. I also see that Bobbi_J is appearing on the hitlist, based on her video from 04 October. 

What I do not see is a way to vote for reloads or video contributions. The "vote here" note under the hitlist leads to a page that lists only eligible primary contributors, and neither the reload or video page nor the artist profile accessible from the reload page contains a hitlist vote note.

I see no way to vote for reload contributions, yet somehow some reload contributors keep collecting votes. I'm obviously missing something. How is this happening?


#13 November 9th, 2017 01:44 PM


Re: Hitlist voting.

I see Viscous is appearing on the hitlist for her 15 October reload, but I do not see any way to vote for her. A vote icon does not appear on any of the three methods I'm aware of: hitlist table, list of folios from homepage (and following pages), or artist profiles. How are people voting for reload contributors?


#14 November 9th, 2017 04:16 PM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Hello toucan2!

You can infact vote for others by clicking through to their folio, scroll to the end of the images and click 'vote to hitlist' next to 'view artist profile' and 'download folio as zip'. This also works in video format.

I hope this helps!

~ ISM Editor ~


#15 November 9th, 2017 09:21 PM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Thanks, Ivy Jean, but I have done that, and I do not see "vote to hitlist" on anything associated with Viscous. Yet she appears in the hitlist.

I see what you describe for all primary contributors for the last 31 days, but not for reloads. I'm not complaining because I personally think that the hitlist should be limited to primary contributors, as before, but I'm just confused because I've followed your path for Viscous and cannot see a way to vote for her, as I did with Bobbi_J earlier (her contribution has since passed beyond 31 days, so I do not expect to see her now).


#16 November 9th, 2017 11:42 PM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Ivy_Jean smile

I just followed your instructions and found the link...
Being curious, I clicked it and did not get the normal response which is a list of the last 30 days to choose an artist from.
I got a square bubble with a 2 line message saying "www.ishotmyself.com says" and "Thank you for placing your vote"
I couldn't do anything til I clicked OK... When I did, I noted the vote to hitlist link had disappeared... I refreshed the screen and the link did not reappear... She is still in 9th place on the hitlist, but I have no way of telling whether my vote was recorded or not, but because of the behavior of the vote link on the profile page, I would assume I just inadvertently changed the voting results...
I wonder if that link will be back in 7 days, the normal delay period...

OK, I did vote for Viscous because I just tried to vote for Bobbie_T and was told I can only vote once a day...

and that is new info I mussed a year ago, didn't know I could vote every day  wink

Last edited by ashmedi (November 9th, 2017 11:51 PM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#17 November 10th, 2017 08:53 AM


Re: Hitlist voting.

Hello ashmedi,

Yes, if you follow the instructions I gave above - given you haven't already voted that day, you will see a popup bar that says "Thank you for placing your vote!"

You only need to click "vote to hitlist" and then your vote has been placed!

Thanks smile

~ ISM Editor ~


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