#1 April 23rd, 2012 01:54 PM


Significant other

I admit it, I am a forum junkie.

And I need more excuses to keep posting so I thought I'd re-create/revive this old thread. Although there are some privacy concerns for some of the significant others of other contributors, mine has no problem with being photographed and put on the internet for all to feel envious of.. (just kidding x)

we spend all of our spare time together, going out to coffee most mornings, and having long romantic walks. i wish she didn't already have a partner though..


she's my flatmates dog sad

does anyone else have any pictures of their significant others they wanna share with the world?

Last edited by artemesia (April 23rd, 2012 02:43 PM)


#2 April 23rd, 2012 08:43 PM


Re: Significant other

She's cute :) Having a dogs company is really nice. I haven't got any pets but when I lived in London the resident dog use to follow me around, and so by defacto I use to take him for walks and he use to chase footballs in the park, and they'd bounce off his nose to the amusement of everyone playing, until he actually managed to bite into the ball and flatten it :) ha ha. Game over :) Then he wasn't my dog. Well he wasn't my dog! :)



#3 April 23rd, 2012 11:12 PM


Re: Significant other


There is another doggie here who also hangs out with me a lot, but they don't really get on at the moment, case of spending too much time together i guess. But the other doggie does the same sort of thing. I recently took her to play soccor and basketball with a big bunch of friends and she was all over ALL the balls. She kept running flatout at the basketball and got hit pretty bad. I finally gave up on her and took her home cause her nose got really red from smacking it so hard. Ouchies!


#4 April 30th, 2012 08:27 PM


Re: Significant other

She is so cute!!!
I have 3 dogs and two cats. But I also take care of another 5 dogs and a lot of cats everyday. I don't know about other countries, but here, in Romania, there are too much cats and dogs on the streets and I like to believe that they're all mine. smile) My boyfriend says that I'm the mothers of all animals on the street.
I have no idea how to insert pictures in here to share my lovely pets with you. sad

I am the happiest woman among all women


#5 May 1st, 2012 10:25 AM


Re: Significant other

Hiya Greenkat.  To put a pic in your post you need to host it elsewhere (for example: flickr, imgur etc) then link to it in your post using the img tag


[img]insert image url here[/img]

On that note this is my beautiful catdog.  He plays fetch and talks CONSTANTLY.



#6 May 1st, 2012 11:59 AM


Re: Significant other

oh greenkat you are amazing! thankyou so much for doing the duet with your 'real' significant other. you two are so gorgeous together, I hope there's more to look forward too!

I've looked after stray cats before but in Australia it's kinda is a duty to get rid of strays because they kill the native birds. By get rid of, I mean get them to a shelter and get them desexed. Strays are cute though, I was making friends with one, until some girl just took it to a shelter without even talking to me about it, even though she knew we were friends. I asked her where she took it, but I think the shelter where she was brought to just put it down (killed it), cause they didn't have a record for a cat like her. That sucked...

Please put some pictures of your doggies up! There's a lot of cat love on ISM but  we need to show more puppy love!!!!


Last edited by artemesia (May 1st, 2012 12:00 PM)


#7 May 1st, 2012 08:28 PM


Re: Significant other

hehe. Artemesia, thank you! <3 I'm glad you like it,  I was nervous about the reactions.
Omg, that sucks. In Romania, cats are everywhere, nobody has nothing with them. But there's a problem with dogs. They're so many, and some kids were killed by them. The government tries to kill the dogs, but it's illegal now. I cannot imagine my live without ,,my dogs" from neighborhood sad

I am the happiest woman among all women


#8 May 1st, 2012 08:34 PM


Re: Significant other

Thanks Vernonicaf! I finnaly made it. These pics are made yesterday
As you can see, my bf is a dog lover too!

this is Blacky:

This is Aramis, who lives with me, in the apartament

And the white one, the bigger one, is Break. When he was a baby, he was bigger than Aramis smile , who was 3 years old.


Last edited by GreenKat (May 1st, 2012 08:37 PM)

I am the happiest woman among all women


#9 May 2nd, 2012 10:26 AM


Re: Significant other

omg greenkat I would happily watch a feature length movie about you and your adorable life! this is starting to be a serious crush!


#10 May 3rd, 2012 02:53 AM


Re: Significant other

haha! i'm dreaming about an adorable life smile)
but thanks! maybe I'll do in future one more video including my pets and my house <3 i have so many folios and videos, omg. you're gonna be sick of me smile)

I am the happiest woman among all women


#11 June 19th, 2012 02:15 PM


Re: Significant other

Greenkat! What's the haps? We need an update on your lovelife!

I got so busy cause the kitty had kittens again. She's barely a year old and she just finished her second litter. As soon as they were off the teat, I got her desexed, so she's my cat now.

we only have two kitties left

the one on the left is the girl cat. she's stand-offish, tough and extremely cute. her name is barcelona. the one on the right is called home-owner. it's strange that we only have the cutest kittens left. but lesson learnt. never let people claim kittens from litters. if they want one, they have to decide and take home on the day!

unfortunately i don't have a clear image from when the mayhem was at it's peak.
but as you might be able to tell it was a struggle to get to work some mornings, five kittens hanging off my stockings- it's a struggle to do anything.

not only did I have the kittens to look after, as well as they very vocal kitty-mum, but there is another older male cat here, 6 chooks, the two dogs and a bird.... i've felt like a single mum for the longest time (one with 16 babies).... i can't wait to go on a date with an actual human sometime, but I think i'd still have to take the doggie, she's the best thing in my life and I'm starting to feel like I can't live without her....

something to do with those shadow-ninja eyes....

Last edited by artemesia (June 19th, 2012 02:23 PM)


#12 October 15th, 2012 11:40 AM


Re: Significant other


momma cat got run over on friday.

i didn't get to say goodbye. technically she was the neighbours cat, even though she spent most every waking minute at my house, birthed two lots of kittens here, and i paid for her to be desexed so she could live some of her short adult life as a normal cat (free from pregnancy). i really really miss her.


#13 October 15th, 2012 03:51 PM


Re: Significant other

*hugs* sending love to blamps, wherever she be, and to you artemesia..


#14 October 16th, 2012 11:46 AM


Re: Significant other

*loves* to you and blamps sad


#15 November 22nd, 2012 07:19 PM


Re: Significant other

I cannot read this thread without wanting to share my significant others! All of yours are so cute. I respect people who have compassion for the animals.

I have many photos of mine. I fell in love with Cid while in Reno, and we have been inseparable since. He is my best friend. We go on many adventures together. He is very intelligent, loyal, fiesty, and expressive. He is a picky eater, but he loves banana chips. What he loves the most is snuggling up with me. He purrs when petted just right and he loves all dogs without exception.

Turk is so silly and caring. He is getting old, but he still acts like a puppy. He loves eating salmon and running through the forest. For him, scaling cliffs is a breeze but linoleum flooring is terrifying. He is so goofy, sweet, and loyal. When his back is scratched he does such a funny dance.
I learn a lot from them and they make me very happy.


#16 November 27th, 2012 12:34 PM


Re: Significant other

This photo never fails to make me smile. Loki cat is a bit evil though.



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