#1 December 22nd, 2004 06:13 PM


Do you drive in bed?

A bunch of us were comparing sleeping habits the other night and it came out that the man nearly always slept on the right hand side - except one couple, who happen to be american.  Is it a co-inkydink that the driver's side is on the right in Oz and the left in the USA?  What about couples where the woman is usually the driver?  let's hear it folks, what side do you drive on and what side do you sleep on?  Then we can talk about backseat drivers...


#2 December 22nd, 2004 06:34 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

Head wrote:

A bunch of us were comparing sleeping habits the other night and it came out that the man nearly always slept on the right hand side - except one couple, who happen to be american.  Is it a co-inkydink that the driver's side is on the right in Oz and the left in the USA?  What about couples where the woman is usually the driver?  let's hear it folks, what side do you drive on and what side do you sleep on?  Then we can talk about backseat drivers...

Was the American left handed by any chance?

In my experience you want your best hand free [ie not under your body] when you are facing your partner for obvious reasons < g >


#3 December 23rd, 2004 12:32 AM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

Head wrote:

A bunch of us were comparing sleeping habits the other night and it came out that the man nearly always slept on the right hand side - except one couple, who happen to be american.  Is it a co-inkydink that the driver's side is on the right in Oz and the left in the USA?  What about couples where the woman is usually the driver?  let's hear it folks, what side do you drive on and what side do you sleep on?  Then we can talk about backseat drivers...

I drive on the left of the road and sleep on my left-hand side but it's an interesting question. I always associated the left-hand, right-hand sleeping position to the foetal position and which way round you were in the womb. That, however, begs another question - is the position in the womb related to the hemisphere in which you develop, in the same way that water goes anti-clockwise down the plughole in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern?

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#4 December 23rd, 2004 05:21 AM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

Head wrote:

A bunch of us were comparing sleeping habits the other night and it came out that the man nearly always slept on the right hand side - except one couple, who happen to be american.  Is it a co-inkydink that the driver's side is on the right in Oz and the left in the USA?  What about couples where the woman is usually the driver?  let's hear it folks, what side do you drive on and what side do you sleep on?  Then we can talk about backseat drivers...

Hmm...I currently sleep on the left (i.e., the driver's side as I'm a USer), but my husband and I do swap sides every once in a while.  I think I have always tended to sleep on the left, when I've shared my bed with other women, also.  But in all cases my partner has been the primary driver - I don't enjoy the driving (on the road, that is!).  Very interesting to think about - is there some sort of strange power-play working itself out in the way we sleep?  I wonder....

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."
            -Emma Goldman


#5 December 23rd, 2004 12:01 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

Head wrote:

A bunch of us were comparing sleeping habits the other night and it came out that the man nearly always slept on the right hand side - except one couple, who happen to be american.  Is it a co-inkydink that the driver's side is on the right in Oz and the left in the USA?  What about couples where the woman is usually the driver?  let's hear it folks, what side do you drive on and what side do you sleep on?  Then we can talk about backseat drivers...

I like to change which side I'm sleeping on. Then when my lover goes to the toilet in the middle of the night I stretch out and take all the bed, as clearly it's right for a woman to have an entire bed to herself. He can squeeze in where he can, or fight me for some space.


#6 January 8th, 2005 05:25 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

theda wrote:

I like to change which side I'm sleeping on. Then when my lover goes to the toilet in the middle of the night I stretch out and take all the bed, as clearly it's right for a woman to have an entire bed to herself. He can squeeze in where he can, or fight me for some space.

Sounds familiar.. I sleep wherever I am damn told. Woke up in the kitchen this morning, though that is probably beyond the scope of the thread..


#7 January 9th, 2005 02:54 AM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

randomnumbers wrote:

Sounds familiar.. I sleep wherever I am damn told. Woke up in the kitchen this morning, though that is probably beyond the scope of the thread..

It would seem that your ISM handle epitomises your life ;-)

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#8 January 9th, 2005 03:06 AM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

For you fans of - bedroom orienteering?   
I am from Canada, never drove in England, always drove seated in the left side of the car down the right side of the road, and am usually the driver.  Not a power trip, she just doesnt like to drive and I do.   I have driven a RHD English car on French roads, and felt the left side of the car to be waaaay too far away.
I mostly sleep on the right side of the bed.  I am ambidextrous, but mostly a rightie when writing on a desk.  (on a wall or blackboard - either side is fine by me)

I have slept on the left as a guest, and when not sleeping, sex in almost any orientation is normal for me except standing up in a hammock while holding a hockey stick.

Have I ever lied to you before?


#9 February 2nd, 2005 01:23 AM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

Head wrote:

A bunch of us were comparing sleeping habits the other night and it came out that the man nearly always slept on the right hand side - except one couple, who happen to be american.  Is it a co-inkydink that the driver's side is on the right in Oz and the left in the USA?  What about couples where the woman is usually the driver?  let's hear it folks, what side do you drive on and what side do you sleep on?  Then we can talk about backseat drivers...

as an aussie i drive on the left of the road. i sleep on the left hand side of the bed nearly all the time


#10 February 2nd, 2005 12:22 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

Head wrote:

A bunch of us were comparing sleeping habits the other night and it came out that the man nearly always slept on the right hand side - except one couple, who happen to be american.  Is it a co-inkydink that the driver's side is on the right in Oz and the left in the USA?  What about couples where the woman is usually the driver?  let's hear it folks, what side do you drive on and what side do you sleep on?  Then we can talk about backseat drivers...

Maybe I'm just being a goofy analytical American, but I would like to know if you mean 'slept on the right hand side' as being in the 1st person's perspective or as an observer (insert comments here!).
I'm a left handed male, I drive on the right side of the road in the left drivers seat (from the 1st person perspective).  My girl always has to sleep on the right (as 1st person perspective), but at both her place and mine, the right side of the bed is the closest to the bathroom -- which she must be near.
When we are not staying in the same house, I tend to sleep on the left side of the bed -- maybe from habit.

"Look at da Chort?!  He's gone mad wit power!"


#11 February 2nd, 2005 05:30 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

[QUOTE=zimbonies]Maybe I'm just being a goofy analytical American, but I would like to know if you mean 'slept on the right hand side' as being in the 1st person's perspective or as an observer (insert comments here!).
I'm a left handed male, I drive on the right side of the road in the left drivers seat (from the 1st person perspective). ...
     Question: Left hand side facing the foot or the head of the bed? Canadians, Europeans of most stripes, and those from the U.S.A. drive on the right side. I'm one of those and I sleep on the right side of the bed, if we're facing the head.... on the left if otherwise. But if my wife and I are away from home, I sometimes switch. Reason unknown.


#12 February 3rd, 2005 04:19 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

I thought about it.  I am American.  I am also in the Military and have travel throughout the world, so every house we have had, I have slept the closest to the door.  I do not know if it the man protective side or just coincidence.  I am right handed and I sleep on the left hand side at our house that we have now, of course closer to the door.


#13 February 3rd, 2005 09:44 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

I was referring to the first person's perspective.


#14 February 19th, 2005 06:29 PM


Re: Do you drive in bed?

As already mentioned by another - when with a partner, I always sleep on the side closer to the door. It has nothing to do, for me, with being left or right handed, or which side of the car has the sterring wheel.

It's  a conscious decision based on the same chivalrous reasoning a man may choose to always walk curbside when walking with a woman.

Something I learned early on, when I was living in Germany, as a child of a military man intent on teaching us proper manners, etiquette, and how to be a gentleman.


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