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#1 January 9th, 2005 10:43 PM



In two recent portfolios, artists show a long scar on the abdomen. Any ideas about what surgeries produced these scars? (Caesarian section?)


#2 January 9th, 2005 11:32 PM


Re: scars

duncan_b wrote:

In two recent portfolios, artists show a long scar on the abdomen. Any ideas about what surgeries produced these scars? (Caesarian section?)

probably appendix removal i'd say...


#3 January 10th, 2005 12:29 AM


Re: scars

C-Sections are much lower -- horizontal line just above the pubic bone.  Appendix removal I think are on the side, not what duncan_b is speaking of.
I am curious about the scar as well...

"Look at da Chort?!  He's gone mad wit power!"


#4 January 10th, 2005 01:29 AM


Re: scars

duncan_b wrote:

In two recent portfolios, artists show a long scar on the abdomen. Any ideas about what surgeries produced these scars? (Caesarian section?)

The only thing that can be said with any certainty is that the they have undergone some form of abdominal surgery. Appendicectomy scars are now very small but my own is about 20cm, due to contracting peritonitis. C-sections are not always carried out in the same way, I understand that most are now horizontal incisions but they used to be vertical.
I can think of so many possibilities that it would be unfair and inconsiderate to list them. How about leaving it at an abdominal procedure of some description.

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#5 January 10th, 2005 03:53 AM


Re: scars

duncan_b wrote:

In two recent portfolios, artists show a long scar on the abdomen. Any ideas about what surgeries produced these scars? (Caesarian section?)

It might be more polite to direct the question to the artists in question.  They might give more accurate results.

I saw one recently that looked as though the retired dancer had had some sort of hip joint surgery.

The other is obviously the result of training to kill Bill with Samurai swords, and her partner slipped.

Have I ever lied to you before?


#6 January 10th, 2005 04:15 AM


Re: scars

< rant >

Re todays folio 'zest that I guess started this thread.

I can't believe the insensitivity of the comments on the subject. I have been raised to accept people for what they are and I don't pass negative comment on other people appearance or personal traits because it would be plain rude.

I am incredulous at the remarks people make in the comments area..people who feel that they have an anonymous 'web persona' and say stuff they would never say to a persons face. A child pointing at someone and saying something out loud could be forgiven but we are all over 18 here and should know better

< /rant >


#7 January 10th, 2005 09:02 AM


Re: scars

Gimme_Danger wrote:

< rant >

Re todays folio 'zest that I guess started this thread.

I can't believe the insensitivity of the comments on the subject. I have been raised to accept people for what they are and I don't pass negative comment on other people appearance or personal traits because it would be plain rude.

I am incredulous at the remarks people make in the comments area..people who feel that they have an anonymous 'web persona' and say stuff they would never say to a persons face. A child pointing at someone and saying something out loud could be forgiven but we are all over 18 here and should know better

< /rant >

No-one, as far as I can see, has made any derogatory remarks about anyone's appearance. I have just re-read all of the replies in this thread and, with the exception of you own reply, I didn't find any which even made specific reference to a folio or individual. There should be no shame attached to scars. We all know that illness can lead to operations and that the nasty people out there can do nasty things with sharp objects. I cannot comment on the views or reasons of others but I accept people as they are and do not judge by appearance, neither do I consider my comments to be in any way rude, nor do I hide behind the anonymity of a "web persona".

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#8 January 10th, 2005 10:17 AM


Re: scars

Belgareth wrote:

No-one, as far as I can see, has made any derogatory remarks about anyone's appearance. I have just re-read all of the replies in this thread and, with the exception of you own reply, I didn't find any which even made specific reference to a folio or individual. There should be no shame attached to scars. We all know that illness can lead to operations and that the nasty people out there can do nasty things with sharp objects. I cannot comment on the views or reasons of others but I accept people as they are and do not judge by appearance, neither do I consider my comments to be in any way rude, nor do I hide behind the anonymity of a "web persona".

why are you taking this personally? this is not aimed at any one person - please take the time to re-read the comments left at todays folio.

My point is, I find it strange that people should even think its OK to raise the issue unless the 'shooter' first broached the subject in her Profile


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