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#1 July 14th, 2009 06:22 AM


An apology

First and foremost, this is an apology for my "nipple and breast size"
posting.  One, I didn't realize as a first-time forumer that the women
who shoot themselves participate in the forum in a friendly relation with
those who appreciate their art.  Two, this is the only forum I've ever been
in where this kind of relationship exists.  Any forum I've been in before
is almost exclusively devoted to two kinds of content: negative
criticism of some product, usually some software item; and queries from
the perplexed on how to use the product.  People who respond may
agree that the product has problems, with variations, or they may offer
advice to help people out.  Positive comments about the product are
rare, and when they do occur are either about some other product the
responder thinks is much better (flame wars often result), or are in the
nature of defense against criticism that goes overboard.  Postings of
any kind from the people who produce the product occur only in
manufacturer-sponsored forums, and not always then (Acronis and
Zone Alarm, yes; Microsoft, no).

"Why am I here?" I was asked.  I've "lurked" for some time, enjoying
and sometimes collecting the free content.  I finally decided to invest
in a month of paid membership, and in some three weeks of spare
time managed a complete tour through the folios back to the
beginning, downloading around a tenth of them.  Almost as an
afterthought, I also toured the videos, downloading only a few.  Seeing
the actual process of a shoot, much faster and less obviously
painstaking than I had thought, makes me marvel at the quality and
erotic appeal of the still folios that result.  Finally, out of curiosity,
I quickly toured the forum, offering dated advice in a couple of cases
and then making my ill-advised "size" posting.

All of the women with folios are beautiful in their own ways.  Some
have large breasts, which is attractive.  Some are almost flat, which
can also be attractive.  Personally, I prefer large and erect nipples; other
people will feel differently, but there it is, they turn me on.  But there
is a _lot_ more to a woman than her breasts.  The big turnon, to me,
is a face that broadcasts intelligence together with a lively and
imaginative erotic spirit.  An average body can be animated with
beauty and grab me with sexuality as a result; an amazing body
becomes, well, amazing in its effect.

So that's it.  I came, I saw, they conquered -- I collected.  I never had
a participatory aim, as you might deduce from my weird user name,
which I didn't expect to use except to log on.  Contrary to some early
forum postings claiming the then-lowest rate was a ripoff, I got
excellent value for my money, but I've made the whole tour and I
won't be here after the end of my month.

Sorry again for my negativity, which was the grounds in a well-savored
cup of coffee, and, well, keep it up -- take that in as many senses as
you like.


#2 July 14th, 2009 10:16 AM


Re: An apology

Apology accepted, but perhaps in future you could communicate as though whom you are talking of could read or hear what you're saying.

As a general rule I try not to say anything about anyone that I couldn't say to their face.  It works pretty well and means I don't have to make apologetic posts for things I shouldn't really have said.

Glad you enjoyed your stay.

- Hyperballad


#3 July 14th, 2009 03:13 PM


Re: An apology

ISM is about People.  Thanks for your considered repsonse, I hope you come back in a few months to catch up.


#4 July 16th, 2009 02:36 PM


Re: An apology

Not having to apologize -- an admirable goal.  It was once
current to say "being in love means never having to say you're
sorry."  I never agreed.  Being in love means saying you're
sorry -- not because you have to, but because it's right -- more
often, and meaning it, than in any other context.  Even being


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