#1 July 13th, 2009 12:28 PM


'Circadia' by Vivienne

Hey guys and gals,

I logged onto the site for the first time in ages, and was pleasantly surprised to see my reload had gone up. Thank you for all your lovely comments and encouragement.  All these shots were taken late last year pre car accident where I broke my neck and back.  Six months on, I'm almost back to my normal self, only several pounds heavier due to a long, drawn out, and boring recovery period.

It was interesting to look back on the shots and realize when we are in the free-flow of life, we can take for granted such things as our beautiful bodies, good health and mobility.  There is only one thing which remains constant in life, and that is 'change'. Sometimes I find my greatest challenge can be accepting the changes life throws on a seemingly regular, and steady basis.

I'm in Bali at the moment taking a well deserved break (no pun intended), a holiday minus the constraints of a neck brace, where I can contemplate the next phase of life.

Perhaps I'll try a to shoot another folio here, just for old times sake, and to challenge myself ion the arena of creativity and physical acceptacne. As anyone who has shot themselves knows, there is quite an art to contorting your body to get the best possible angle!  A new folio will bring its own personal challenges for me; acceptance of the 10 kilos gained since acquiring my injuries, the physical challenge of shooting with one hand, and twisting and contorting the body whilst trying to maintain a natural smile minus the grimace - I may need  to acquire a hot sweedish masseuse after the shoot to relieve the aches and pains -  that shouldn't be too difficult to find, I am in Bali after all!

I also wanted to say a BIG thank you to the administrator and all the wonderful staff at feck, who have graced me with yet another wonderful folio introduction, and for providing us gals with the vehicle of self-expression which is ISM.


Vivienne x

NORMAL is the cycle on a washing machine!


#2 July 13th, 2009 11:07 PM


Re: 'Circadia' by Vivienne

Oh god Vivienne - that's a damn beautiful post. Sounds like your recovery has been incredibly challenging and life-changing. Very very best of luck in all things, and do another shoot, woman, the world wants to see a strong, sexy female on the mend!


#3 July 13th, 2009 11:18 PM


Re: 'Circadia' by Vivienne

It is great to hear from you Vivienne and that you are coming along to a full recovery.  I for one would love to see you in another shoot and or video and am sure you will be as beautiful as ever.  Old times or new times it makes no difference because not only are you beautiful on the outside but are even more beautiful on the inside as you showed in your video.  I wish you all the best in whatever you decide to do for the future and when you get home please say hello to Tyson who I am sure will give you the hero's welcome that you deserve.


#4 July 14th, 2009 12:45 PM


Re: 'Circadia' by Vivienne

It's hyperballad here.

As always love, love *love* your work.  There is something so electric and incredibly alive about your images...  You're no shrinking violet lovely lady!

Am so glad to hear you're healing and getting back into it, slowly but surely.  When it comes to recovering from injuries, you can only do what you can do...  Pushing yourself definitely doesn't do you any favors.

Don't stress about putting on weight sweets, I'm carrying 15 kg that I never used to, I can't say it doesn't get me down from time to time and I'm making an effort to become a fitter and healthier person - but the size of your ass isn't the sum total of who you are and the sexiness you have.  (you have many sexiness-es)

I'm still taking photos, chunky butt or not and the best work I've done insofar for ISM has been since that weight gain... 

*biggest, baddest and maddest loves*

Last edited by _gethsemane_ (July 14th, 2009 05:15 PM)


#5 July 14th, 2009 01:03 PM


Re: 'Circadia' by Vivienne

Great to hear you are doing well Vivienne...life's oh so 'little' challenges enjoy that massage of yours too smile and as always your latest folio is beautiful...I think that you would be a woman who with weight on or off always looks sensual, fun and just simply gorgeous smile xo


#6 July 14th, 2009 03:15 PM


Re: 'Circadia' by Vivienne

Hey Vivienne, glad to hear you're on the mend, and thanks for another lovely folio.


#7 July 16th, 2009 09:46 AM


Re: 'Circadia' by Vivienne

It's really nice to hear your recovery is going well,  It is a really good folio too, hope whatever future your contemplating includes another one smile



#8 July 20th, 2009 12:04 PM


Re: 'Circadia' by Vivienne

Hey vivi, that's a beautiful post and I think it's bold to keep on doing what you're doing with the Project after having such a huge experience with the physical body.  There are quite a few artists here whose bodies have morphed significantly between shoots for one reason or another and I think being willing to show your body honestly over time and change is something that ISM really supports.  I like your reflections on this (in your words about change), and I imagine that the act of opening the images you've created in the body you inhabited then is a pretty intense thing.  So thanks for sharing a bit of that response.


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