#1 June 29th, 2009 02:16 PM


safe sex/good sex.

Anyone out there with sexually transmittable diseases/virus'?

I'm herpes I positive (genital) and in a committed relationship with someone without herpes who does not want to put himself at risk of acquiring it.  It kind of puts a strain on things, seeing as herpes is skin to skin transmittable.

I enjoy performing oral so for the most part I think I'm safe in accepting that he is a pretty satisfied partner.  I'm struggling however, and I don't know how to approach the discussion of 'my needs.'  I'm a terribly awkward sort of person working on my communications skills but I'd like some help.  I know about dental dams but they're rather pricey and hard to find here..I'm not sure if he knows about them.  I'm afraid of giving the impression that our sex-life is more of an important issue than our emotional relationship but it's starting to spill over into our emotional relationship as I become more insecure and awkward about my desires and sexual frustration.

What are your experiences?  Advice?  Suggestions?


#2 June 30th, 2009 12:11 AM


Re: safe sex/good sex.

You can buy dental dams on the internet,

http://international.drugstore.com:80/p … m=sespider

that was the result of a quick search with these terms

http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ei … ce&spell=1

It's an interesting subject, I have to go shopping now but I'll look some more later on.



#3 July 2nd, 2009 10:13 AM


Re: safe sex/good sex.

I've heard that female condoms are great for this type of situation as they not only protect your vagina but cover the entire genitile area.


#4 July 7th, 2009 02:19 AM


Re: safe sex/good sex.

Oh my goodness - that's a tough situation. For good genital and anal coverage, you can cut open a condom and use it as a dental dam - it's generally big enough to cover the whole area, and that's what I've seen recommended for use when dental dams aren't around.

On another note, though, you asked if anyone had any advice, and I would say this (and please don't take it badly, trust me, it's from the heart!): If he's the kind of man who is able to be a satisfied partner in a relationship in which you aren't getting yours and you don't feel you can talk about it (and he isn't rushing out to research ways he could still please you despite the situation), there's a possibility he's not worth your worry.

I wish you the best of luck - you should be brave and discuss your feelings with him. Practice the things you want to in the mirror if you have to, and see how you go from there.


#5 July 8th, 2009 10:53 PM


Re: safe sex/good sex.

This is quite a good guide to safer sex http://www.tinynibbles.com/blogarchives … nload.html



#6 July 9th, 2009 12:44 PM


Re: safe sex/good sex.

You can find out information on Herpes by going to Intelihealth: http://WWW.intelihealth.com   Mouse over "Look it Up", click on "Diseases and Conditions", under H, Hepes, subtopic genital Herpes you will find a wealth of information which also deals with treatment and preventing spread of Herpes.  Hope you find this helpful,



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