#1 June 2nd, 2009 01:14 AM


The esoteric art or tarot...

hi everyone-

I'm excited to see that my new folio is coming out today! This one is really personal and special to me. It involves two of my favorite hobbies - my tarot cards and my collection of stones and crystals - and I've found some interesting new uses for both in this shoot. It's divination meets selfploitation!

While I don't often use my cards to decorate my naked body, I do often use them for guidance, self-reflection, and fun! Do you like tarot or want to know more? Leave me a comment and I'll pull a card and interpret it for you....

And I hope you enjoy my new folio as much as I enjoyed making it!

XO -
Dame Sar


#2 June 2nd, 2009 08:20 AM


Re: The esoteric art or tarot...

I liked your folio, and I like you, you are very photogenic, and some of the shots are highly personal and erotic. I also liked your previous folio as well, you are lovely and it's a shame I will never know you .....  wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#3 June 4th, 2009 09:27 AM


Re: The esoteric art or tarot...

hi ashmedi. thanks for the kind words! i picked a card for you - the sun!

this is an amazing card. number 19 in the major arcana, the sun represents happiness, prosperity, creativity, illumination, and vitality. in a reading it may signify a time of rekindled enthusiasm and personal growth. no card is all positive or negative, but to me this is one of the most affirming in the deck - it's all about warmth, light, and love.

more readings to come in my comments section!


dame sar


#4 June 5th, 2009 12:54 AM


Re: The esoteric art or tarot...

Hello Sarah,
Maybe you already noticed that I was totally seduced by your first folio and your artist profile... The second one is just as good. If I was an angel, I'd swim through the internet to come and rest in your hair.
Or maybe dwell on your shoulder.(sigh) Tonight I dreamt that you came and hughed me. So I'm curious about you pulling a card for me. What could that give? Anyway thanks to all of you girls who choose to control your own sexuality image and share it, in stead of hiding it in fear or low self-esteem. You really help change this planet.

XXX  Vince


#5 June 5th, 2009 10:38 AM


Re: The esoteric art or tarot...

Dame Sarah you have beautiful aesthetics that you have gifted to us in two very different, but equally artistic photos.  The way you used water in your garden shots was really impressive and I had one of your skin against water in motion as my desktop background for a month.  And your use of warm light in your latest folio is beautiful all over again.  Thanks for contributing to I Shot Myself!


#6 June 7th, 2009 11:15 AM


Re: The esoteric art or tarot...

Wow! Thanks Vince and Folly for the amazing comments and great vibes - you guys rock!

I've pulled a card for each of you....

Vince, for you I drew the Chariot, number 7 in the major arcana. This card shows a man driving a chariot with a black five pointed star on his forehead and a sword across his heart. This is, in my opinion, a more complex card than the Sun and as such has a wider variety of interpretations. It can mean mastery or control over an unwieldy situation, or it can signal a time of great change or fast moving processes and events. In many decks this card looks rather chaotic, but in the Aquarian deck the man at the reins is stoic, even almost peaceful, and the racing animals and spinning wheels of the chariot are hidden from view - perhaps suggesting an ability (or a need) to remain calm and grounded in times of turmoil.

Folly - for you I drew Temperance (the card I'm holding in 018 and 203!) Temperance is number 14 in the major arcana (an aside: I'm using the whole deck but so far have picked only major arcana cards for ISM members! good stuff!) As it's name suggests, temperance can sometimes mean a slowing down or modification of some previous behavior. It can also symbolize a  balancing or a blending of two elements to create something fresh and new.

I hope you enjoy the readings and find them applicable - le me know what you think! Again - thank you both SO MUCH for your lovely comments - you and the rest of the ISM community make me feel amazing!!


#7 June 9th, 2009 12:07 AM


Re: The esoteric art or tarot...

Thank you for your explanation, dear Sarah. I've been googling to see what is said about this card and I find it very interesting. I understand it as the idea of having gained great power and responsability, with the importance of using it with discipline and wisdom. Sometimes I draw angelcards, and I thought I could bring you in my mind and ask which angel would like to be there with us. It was the angel of Manifestation.
So here's to you... Thanks so much for being such a beautiful person.
I'll send you big vibes when I'm in Philadelphia this july...

XXX    Vince


#8 June 18th, 2009 10:49 AM


Re: The esoteric art or tarot...

Thanks DameSarah, I'm just waiting to see how it applies!


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