#1 April 24th, 2009 05:22 AM


Woooah Naked online!

Hey guys,
So my set went up and I couldnt be happier...
It gave me a really odd sensation to see myself as the first one in the line up today, (an excellent sensation to say the least)

I hope you guys enjoy and please comment away!


#2 April 24th, 2009 02:36 PM


Re: Woooah Naked online!

Well if you want my comment I'll tell you that you're astonishingly hot and I love your pictures.  The location is cool too.  So is this the first time naked online?   Can you tell us what it feels like?  What goes through your mind before and after seeing yourself up here?  I've always wondered about that, but until ISM opens up for guys, I'll not get any first hand experience.


#3 April 24th, 2009 04:26 PM


Re: Woooah Naked online!

Hey Danzig - well done on an awesome Primary folio!

Its pretty weird to see yourself in all your glory on the front on an intenet site hey!  Go over to our other site, BeautifulAgony and have a look - seeing yourself there is even stranger wink

Great to see you on the forums and hope you'll reload soon.

Hyperballad xoxo

Last edited by _gethsemane_ (April 24th, 2009 04:26 PM)


#4 April 25th, 2009 03:47 AM


Re: Woooah Naked online!

Carlh~ Thank you so much!  I love the location(my home haha) I wish I could've shown it off a bit more, maybe next time...IT is my first time, (other than random emails to boyfriends haha) but yeah its totally nerve racking!  With all the support and compliments though its a really good feeling, all my nervousness went away and I feel really good about myself.  Before I sent the pictures in I was pumped, I was so psyched and then I get an email saying Im on the site and then its like, oh god, my naked self is on the internet, but that goes away when nice people say nice things haha


#5 April 25th, 2009 03:49 AM


Re: Woooah Naked online!

gethsemane~  Thanks!  Im quite happy with how it turned out smile  And yeah Im going to check out Beautiful Agony riiiight now smile
I have tons of ideas floating around so you'll be seeing me shortly!



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