#1 April 13th, 2009 04:12 AM


This site is really beautiful

From the beauty of the people who become artists here to the philosophy behind the concept and the way that positively permiates the contributions, and the care taken in presenting them is all really beautiful, and quite unique I think.



#2 April 13th, 2009 11:59 AM


Re: This site is really beautiful

agreed, i have a folio and the response is really good, amazing, shiny oh brilliant!, i had such a brilliant time taking the photos, and the reponse is so pleasing. getting ready now to make another album. so much happy fun!
keep enjoying the site. anna bo bana 'fair weather'


#3 April 14th, 2009 01:07 PM


Re: This site is really beautiful

I've said it once and I'll say it a million times - this is one of the few places in my world where I feel true sisterhood.  I find women judge each other so harshly in everyday life...  We're pretty critical and nasty to each other.  It makes me really sad. 

Here in ISM land we freely love and encourage one another and feel able to express how beautiful we find one another and ourselves.  Its magical and I wish it could be this way all the time...


#4 April 15th, 2009 12:35 PM


Re: This site is really beautiful

ISM is really beautiful and unique, isn't it?  We get to express our individuality and eroticism here and be totally supported doing so -- that's too rare of an experience for too many people.  _gethsemane_, I totally agree about the feeling of sisterhood, as well, but I'd add in that I feel a kinship with the men in ISM land that is really special, too.


#5 April 16th, 2009 03:59 PM


Re: This site is really beautiful

Yeah thats so true.  Its like minus our clothes we're all able to actually be honest and communicate with one another.  Gender fades into the back ground and we just say whats in our hearts and heads.

Btw.  I'm actually hyperballad on ISM (confusing I know)...

I read your blog.  I think you're pretty awesome.  You say the stuff that people are too frightened to articulate.  Massive kudos for not only talking the talk but walking the walk.

*sends love via the intertubes*


#6 April 23rd, 2009 01:53 AM


Re: This site is really beautiful

You say such sweet things Blissed, and you see beauty without prejudice or preconceptions which much be bliss - I guess that is how you got your name smile

Alisha X


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


#7 April 24th, 2009 09:54 AM


Re: This site is really beautiful

Hey Alisha thanks! smile like your smile in your new folio, 072 is my favourite. I started this thread because it's been a little while since I've been able to see the whole site and this is my immediate reaction. I take a lot of pleasure in looking at great images but when their erotic as well it doesn't get much better does it.



#8 May 5th, 2009 12:10 PM


Re: This site is really beautiful

this site is really beautiful isnt it?
ahhh where to start? where to end? NEVER!!!! hahaaa


ism has helped me in so many ways thanks richard and friends xx


#9 May 21st, 2009 05:41 PM


Re: This site is really beautiful

ISM and IFM are the two sites I recommend above all else. I reckon they're pretty much all anyone needs!


#10 July 27th, 2009 11:08 PM


Re: This site is really beautiful

I've been browsing through full folios for the for the first time and I'm awestruck by the  creativity and quality. Simply fabulous.


#11 August 19th, 2009 12:28 AM


Re: This site is really beautiful

There are some amazing folios on here - the art prize is given to genuinley beautiful art and there is no doubt about that, taking such amazing photos which showcase beauty and personality isn't easy. I see some of the girls folios here and I just think 'wow' because I could never do anything that good myself!


Alisha X
New folio! Me naked with a bass guitar smile http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_gall … ts&offset=


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