#1 March 15th, 2009 11:54 AM


New and smiling

Been away for the weekend and got back to see my first shoot up!  YAY!
And im loving having a look around the site. 
Its very cool to see everyone's folios, all quite different, i like it.  all kinds of places and all kinds of faces, very happy to be amongst them.  in fact most people look happy, its a nice change to see smiles everywhere...but then everyone gets naked, so of course everyone's smiley.
Anyhoo just wanted to say HI to everyone and hope you're smiling, its contagious, how couldn't you with so many hot and happy girls around!?!

what always make You smile?

my answer....hmmmm...sex!!!
Maybe that shouldn't be allowed as an answer...

o.k. Another one for me, wearing matching underwear...sometimes when i walk down the street i just smile, cause i know i have matching underwear on and i feel Hot!



#2 March 15th, 2009 08:08 PM


Re: New and smiling

Margie your smile is contagious in your shoot and if anyone who met you on the street or anywhere would have to smile back at you.  As to sex, that should always be allowed as an answer....

It is not just the smile that gets the attention of people who see it but the attitude of the person that is giving it.  The twinkle of the eyes, the spring of the step, the openess that one protrays in meeting.

As to your smile, your beautiful face just seems to tell me that you are a happy person that can find the good in anyone.  When looking at your pictures I know that I had a smile on my face and hope that you might consider doing a video in the future for I am sure that anything that you put your mind to you can do.

I just wanted to say HI back to you and let you know that of the hot and happy girls around you are the HOTTEST of them all.


#3 March 16th, 2009 01:16 PM


Re: New and smiling

Hey Margie smile  Whenever I read your username it makes me think of Mary Tyler Moore for some obscure reason!

Your folio is certainly happy and shiny, and you look like you're having an absolute ball!

Tis pretty wonderful to be in a place with so many wonderful, strong, beautiful, naked, smiling, honest and open women.  I've got to say it makes me feel pretty awesome! 

So in answer to your question, ishotmyself makes me smile wink


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