#1 February 16th, 2009 04:55 PM


Learning to Squirt

Hi everyone,

The last 2 shoots I have done for ism - I have come down with a terrible cold in the days before... for my next shoot - I plan to be healthy and vibrant...

In fact, I've spent the last few months teaching myself how to squirt... yes... ejaculate!!!  I've read all about it... learnt all about it and I am dying to do an instructional video on just how to achieve that amazing sexual feat!

You wont believe how easy it is girls and how it is NOT pee...  I'm not sure whether it will be a video suitable for here on ism or on ifm... either way - I can't wait to do it and show you all how to squirt too!

Should be FUN :-)

miss x


#2 February 16th, 2009 07:38 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Hi Miss,

You are so dedicated.  You could run courses for girls.  Please post the video on ISM.  I'm so curious.



#3 February 16th, 2009 08:02 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Hi Paulie,

I will definately let you know when my video comes out on ism!

I did read a book about a lady who in fact did run classes for ladies to learn how to ejaculate... extremely fascinating read.

You can just imagine a bunch of women all turning up to a house... bags packed with lube, toys and towels... then the mirrors come up - the legs are spread and the woman all have to learn how to do it!!!

I reckon it would be an absolute giggle and so much fun...

It was interesting that all kinds of women turned up for the class, divorced women in their 50s, young women, married women who wanted more, those sent by their partners... it is for everyone to explore and enjoy.

miss x


#4 February 16th, 2009 11:36 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

You are right on the mark with squirting.  I have just recently experienced this and as the partner it was one of the greatest turn-on's I have ever had.  I wish more women would learn this art of ejaclation.  All I can recommend is that they keep lots of towels handy as it can become a flood, oh but what a wonderful flood.  At first I was not sure I would like it but now I cannot get enough of that lovely warm water as it sprays over my face or I listen to it actually gush.  I look forward to your video with great anticipation.


#5 February 17th, 2009 06:28 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Hmm...I never really understand why people are so fascinated by this.
Yes, it's fantastic when it's the result of an extra-powerful orgasm, but just squirting alone? I could give or take it.
I was with one guy who was very intent on making me squirt repeatedly and it got old very fast. It quickly became uncomfortable and made me feel like a performing seal. That he was more intent on seeing some liquid come out of me than he was on actually giving me pleasure was very telling.


#6 February 17th, 2009 08:28 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Squirting and more squirting just to do it then I agree with you Perl.   For my partner and me it is the build up of foreplay more than just the act that is the turn on, this gives my partner a higher level of orgasm than what she says she can achieve without it and I found it gives me longer orgasms and multiple ones as well.  I figure it is a win win situation.  But then each to there own.


#7 February 17th, 2009 11:24 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

I too am trying to learn how to ejaculate.  I'm having limited success, I feel like I'm so close but its difficult to let go...  I'd be really interested on seeing what you come up with for your film Miss - looking forward to it smile


#8 February 17th, 2009 03:49 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Dags56 wrote:

For my partner and me it is the build up of foreplay more than just the act that is the turn on, this gives my partner a higher level of orgasm than what she says she can achieve without it

That's interesting. I think it's the other way around for me - I'm more likely to squirt with or after a (few) fantastic orgasms. That, at least, is the fun way.
Squirting from just having my g-spot prodded repeatedly is kinda meh. Intense feeling, but not really especially pleasurable. Definitely not something I'd want to do to myself.

So, I guess my advice for those still working on it would be to give yourself a couple of orgasms first, then go for the squirting. I usually find a bit of g-spot pressure during a clitoral orgasm is what'll get my sheets wet AND be fun.


#9 February 17th, 2009 06:57 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

It is so interesting to hear how different people do this!

I guess what I have found from my explorations is that you can squirt without an orgasm - in fact I am likely to gush a few times before I actually reach an orgasm and that is fun for both my partner and me!

His excitement at it all turns me on even more!

Then with orgasms - there is the g-spot orgasm and the clit orgasm... and boy - I must say that the g-spot orgasm is my favourite because it is so much longer and far more intense that the clit orgasm... although clit is easier and quicker to achieve.

gethsemane - I can't wait to do my video - I hope it shows how anyway can squirt by finding all the right bits on your body and stimulating them to the point of squirting :-)

:-) miss x


#10 March 2nd, 2009 10:18 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

oh wow that sounds like a fun video to make.
i've tired to learn to squirt a few times but so far i haven't had any luck. i think i'm a little too impatient.
i can't wait to see your video!


#11 March 4th, 2009 07:19 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Hi Taliah_m, it is quite hilarious how I learnt - a book in one hand - a mirror between my legs so I could watch... then the 'overcoming' I think I'm going to pee fear!

Patience is definately a virtue when it coming to squirting!


Miss x


#12 March 19th, 2009 04:01 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

I have a lot of questions about squirting.  Please let me know when you release your video!



#13 March 26th, 2009 05:50 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Can a male squirt without ejaculation?  This would give a male multiple (at least 2) opportunities to cum.  I really don't understand squirting and what it involves.  But I am looking for greater organisms than one.



#14 March 27th, 2009 04:25 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Ejaculating == squirting, it's just that boys squirt out different fluids.
Also doubt you'd have trouble finding more than one organism, though orgasms are slightly harder to come by wink


#15 May 15th, 2009 11:45 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Depending on the stimuilation, I have cum 4 times over a 3 hr period but each time was longer and more intense than the last.  With me, it is the building up with forplay that stimulates me the most and giving my partner as many orgasms as possible.  I do find that if I stroke the head of my penis very fast I will pee instead of cum. Looking forward to your video on squirting Miss, hope it will be sooner than later.


#16 May 29th, 2009 05:24 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Squirting is definitely a turn-on for me and my beau. I love to make puddles in the bed. And the best part is, I can squirt many times before I actually reach orgasm, so it's a win/win situation for all parties involved.


#17 June 5th, 2009 05:00 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

would love to see the video, i am the only one out of all my girlfriends that can actually gush and wud love hear and see how other girls do it too!


#18 July 2nd, 2009 08:59 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

i LOVE squirting! Girlies, it is the best thing ever! there is a slight naughtiness i think, which makes it even better!

Would love to see your video miss!



#19 July 9th, 2009 09:17 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

has anyone of you seen that threesome scene in "californication"?
just awesome!! big_smile really recommend it..



#20 May 31st, 2010 06:55 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

Learning to ejaculate is definitely worth it, at least just to experience it and see if you like it. I learned to do it by accident! My boyfriend and I introduced toys into our sex life and BAM! I was squirting before I even knew what it was. I have to say I absolutely love it now, makes me feel powerful, wink


#21 May 5th, 2011 10:08 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

I've been keeping an eye out for your squirting video Miss, I hope that you have not given up on the idea.  I think it would be a great contribution to your wonderful folio's.


#22 May 23rd, 2011 09:56 PM


Re: Learning to Squirt

My experience has been totally bizarre!! I used to squirt ALL the time, and now it's stopped. Not sure if it's the change of sex partner, but the sex i've been having is EVEN BETTER!

how have I stopped squirting?!! HOW!? help?

goodluck with the video!!!

P.S. I'm new!!!

http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_arti … supertramp


#23 May 25th, 2011 11:27 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

As a man, it's not an essential for me that a woman I'm with squirts.  I don't think about it unless I experience watching that happen.

I think guy's egos can get a lot out of seeing their girlfriend squirt.

Also, a lot of guys don't think about it unless they see it happen.

Having said that, if you make that video I will certainly watch it!  This thread did perk up my attention!


#24 May 28th, 2011 10:11 AM


Re: Learning to Squirt

I think it is the best thing ever Miss, and you are right to want to learn it. The most satisfaction i have ever had from a man is after he made me "squirt" and once they know that you do it, they just cant get enough! Keep learning, you will get there in the end, im sure x


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