#1 December 18th, 2008 05:01 PM


NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Hello All,

Now I have your attention, thanks to the aid of my really bad humour.... I have a very special Christmas surprise for you.

On Christmas Eve.... only 7 sleeps away... I will bare for you my naked soul! Thanks to ISM, my first ever ISM video is will filter onto your screens.

So, if your fighting with your family about who gets to hand out the presents this year. If you've fucked up the turkey because you forgot to drag the damn thing out of the freezer. Grumpy because you got yet another pair of brown socks from your in laws. Embarrassed because your nanna is pissed again, or even if you are having a wonderful evening with family and loved ones, be sure to log on to ISM, and check out my ISM vid.... I live in a magical place, and I am generally a very private girl, so this vid will be a rare gem never to be repeated. I hope you enjoy.

Merry Christmas All. 

x Vivienne

NORMAL is the cycle on a washing machine!


#2 December 18th, 2008 05:06 PM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

I'll be watching your video Vivienne, chewing on celery sticks naked while my family stuffs themselves with Turkey.
Love ya! x Chica


#3 December 19th, 2008 08:18 AM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

I'll be counting down the sleeps smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#4 December 20th, 2008 09:41 PM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Just realized I accidently lied... whoops....sorry... I wont be gracing your screens on the 24th.... But I'm sure some other hot little lady will be, and I'm sure she is equally worthy of all your Christmas attention! - I'll be logging on to check her out big_smile

NORMAL is the cycle on a washing machine!


#5 December 23rd, 2008 05:00 PM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Well.... I'm a little demented these days... My little ISM video is appearing on New Years Eve... NOT Christmas Eve as I originally thought...... I don't like my chances of attempting to drag you away from those festivities to check my naked self out - paradise or no paradise!

May you all have a very merry Christmas, and a safe and happy New Year!

x Viv

NORMAL is the cycle on a washing machine!


#6 January 1st, 2009 06:03 AM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Ahhh Vivienne, I am here, you are here, I watched you, you are oh so watchable wink

Loved your video, you are a sensory delight, thank you very much ;-)

Happy New Year to you, may it be fabulous, and I hope you are so full of good cheer that you grace us with lots more of your beautiful self  smile

PS: Do you take requests from Secret Admirers ???
If yes, he would love to see you on BA or IFM, ...... or both ????

Last edited by ashmedi (January 1st, 2009 06:09 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#7 January 2nd, 2009 12:18 AM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

I wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year as well Vivienne.  I did drag myself away from the festivities and was very glad that I did.  You did a beautiful job with your video and I watched it over and over again.  I left a nice message on the video site that you can read at your pleasure but to say again I enjoyed your free and easy manor and your very soft and beautiful sounding voice.  I hope that you will do more for us as you are a natural in front of the camera.  All of your friends and loved ones that you wake up in the morning are very blessed to know you.


#8 January 2nd, 2009 09:11 AM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Thank you for your three wonderful additions to ISM. Your photography technique is just outstanding. I like your forthright way of choosing shots and your directness with all the beautiful details of your deliciously beautiful bod. The textures you capture in all their variety is a great treat for the eye and a male's aesthetic appetites. I hope this is not the end of the line for your offerings. You have so much beauty to explore and so much lively exuberance to share. I will keep an eye out from half way 'round the world with anticipation.


#9 January 2nd, 2009 08:18 PM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Thank you all for your lovely messages, they have really lifted my spirits. I had a horrible car accident two days before New Years, and have fractured my neck, so I've been a little down in the dumps and in a lot of pain since the accident. Reading your beautiful comments bought a tear to my eye and lifted my spirits. Thank you. x

NORMAL is the cycle on a washing machine!


#10 January 3rd, 2009 12:42 PM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Hey Vivienne hope you recover as quickly as possible, thats what you need, things to lift your spirits

Nearly always makes me smile.

Varied blog, I love the unusual cloud pics.

Get well soon x



#11 January 27th, 2009 02:08 AM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Hello Vivienne I hope you are coming along alright.  Please give us an update as I am sure that I am not the only one who wishes you all the best.  Hope you get better soon, always thinking of you and your lovely pictures and video.



#12 February 2nd, 2009 04:42 PM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Hey Dags56, rudbaqre, blissed, ashmedi.... Thought I should give you an update... I'm doing okay, have been in bed for about 5 weeks now, the fracture seems to be healing, but I need to be really careful as the shattered bone is close to nerves, and i've been told that if I was to trip, or fall there is danger in the shards of bone damaging or severing a nerve in which case I could become a paraplegic.  I feel frustrated at times, and lucky at other times.  I have an MRI tomorrow to see how everything is going... unfortunately I'm chillin with my Mum not at the beach house, but Mum has been amazing.  I think I went up on BA recently, so you can get some Viv into your blood stream by checking that out (I haven't been able to watch it yet... feels very personal... I'm almost a little shy and embarassed... I'm sure I will check it out one day though).

Love and light to you all.

x Vivienne

(Apologies if my spelling is shocking)

NORMAL is the cycle on a washing machine!


#13 February 3rd, 2009 04:31 AM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Nice to hear your on the mend, considering you've been in a bad accident sounds like your very lucky not to have severed a nerve at the scene. You just take really good care of yourself until your well and then, considering your injury, praps leave a margin of error and just chill for a couple of weeks and charge your mental batteries too,  I think thats what I'd do. Sending best wishes to you x



#14 February 3rd, 2009 04:59 PM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Thanks Blissed... problem is I'm soooooo impatient, and 6 weeks feels like 6months.... Argggghhhhhhh .... and bless my mum but she is the worst cook in the world... I don't think I can take another day of her cooking! (ungrateful so-n-so, arent I?).  I'll be dying to do another ISM when I'm better....Thanks for your support blissed - mwah

NORMAL is the cycle on a washing machine!


#15 February 4th, 2009 12:42 AM


Re: NAKED is the NEW BLACK ....

Hey Vivienne sounds like you still have a sense of humor which is important.  Just don't try and do things to fast or it may put your recovery backwards, I know it seems like forever but time itself heals many things.  A friend of mine broke his neck and it actually saved his life but that is another story. Try some takeout food and say you are giving you mum a rest in cooking for you.   I wish you all the best and a complete recovery very soon.


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