#1 July 29th, 2008 04:50 AM


My newest folio

Hello all my forum friends (whom I've sadly neglected recently -- sorry!)

Happy news!  My newest folio for ISM, and my very first duo has been accepted by the ISM office -- they have the pictures in their hot little hands!

I can't wait until they go live and I can get all of your reactions and comments!

It's a bit unnerving ... because these are the ONLY pictures of me having sex with a guy on the internet ... even though I've been doing adult modeling for about -- my god! -- 10 years!  So this is a new intimacy I've never shared before, and I'm as nervous as a girl whose very first nudie pictures are going up!

And, it's a double whammy, because my husband and I took video too, that I'll be getting out in the mail shortly to the ISM home offices.  So in one fell swoop, there will be both stills and video of me having sex with a guy (so shocking!) on the internet!

Wow ... I can still blush about this stuff!  wink

Anyway, how are all my old friends doing?  And I look forward to making new friends!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#2 July 29th, 2008 09:08 AM


Re: My newest folio

Hello Zille, after seeing you on ISM, IFM, and BA and having enjoyed every glimpse and sound, I am looking forward to seeing and hearing more  wink

I already know how I will feel so here's an up front answer.  I loved it  wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#3 July 30th, 2008 02:10 PM


Re: My newest folio

Yay!  Oh how lovely to see new Zille stuff.  I have admired your work here and also on your own site. xo


#4 August 8th, 2008 11:02 AM


Re: My newest folio

Thank you ashmedi and _gethsemane_ !  I appreciate your compliments very much!

I wonder when they'll put the new folio up...!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#5 August 10th, 2008 11:19 PM


Re: My newest folio

I know - I have been eagerly checking since your post went up, Zille - and I can hardly contain my anticipation!


#6 August 15th, 2008 04:54 AM


Re: My newest folio

Me too!  I stop by every few days, "Is it up, yet"  Is it up, yet?"   smile

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#7 August 28th, 2008 04:14 AM


Re: My newest folio

On a different note entirely; that's a question that no man wants to hear!

But I am still waiting.......
Must be just too hot!


#8 September 4th, 2008 06:32 AM


Re: My newest folio

Tecky1970 -- Ooops!  I must have been tired when I posted that, because it didn't even cross my mind!

Of course, the far worse question is, "Is it in yet?"  wink

Obviously, I'm too cool for school, and that's why the new set isn't up yet....  [wry grin, something they don't have a smiley for!]

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#9 September 27th, 2008 08:43 PM


Re: My newest folio

Perhaps we shouldn't be feeling so negative, after all, it is said that the best things come to those who wait..... .

Still, I needed a fix, so I joined IFM:  I can only thank you - your smile is magnificent, like you've just discovered the most wondrous thing! Maybe 'euphoric' is the best way to explain it.


#10 September 30th, 2008 06:58 AM


Re: My newest folio

When?  When?  Every time I refresh I look in the "coming up" queue and...  no Zille!

It's cruel, I tells ya.


#11 November 17th, 2008 06:28 AM


Re: My newest folio

It's finally here! Zille, you look lovelier and happier than ever! Thanks for sharing this side of yourself with us all....Looking forward to more folios...(I hope).


#12 November 17th, 2008 07:01 AM


Re: My newest folio

Hi Zille, I just finished viewing your newest folio and it is fantastic.  I could not get enough of it.  You look so happy in all the pictures and you and your hubby did a great job taking the shots.  You had the jitters for nothing because I am sure that everyone will love them as much as I did.  Again, a great job and don't stop here just keep it coming, no pun intended.


#13 November 26th, 2008 10:53 AM


Re: My newest folio

Techy1970 -- I'm glad you like the Pink Heaven IFM, and there is an exciting new one on the way!

liquid -- I was so glad to share my new happiness with you all!  There is MUCH MORE to come, or should I say, much more "coming"...

Dags56 -- Thank you so much for your kind words!  My hubby had a great time (as, errr, did I!), and we want to do lots more fun ISM folios together!

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


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