#1 October 20th, 2008 01:37 PM


Hyperballad here and I've been meaning to say...

A humble and grateful thank you for all the kind words for my most recent folio Big_book... 

I had little tears of happiness glittering in my eyes as I read all the comments - this folio going live couldn't have come at a better time, its been a rough couple of weeks.

ISM is such an awesome and special place, I'm so glad it exists and all the wonderful staff, contributors and members alike make it that way.  Yes, you!  You're excellent.

Sometimes its hard to celebrate your body when you're constantly having 'skinny is pretty' rammed down your throat everywhere you look and listen... 

I can only use flimsy words to express what being here and experiencing sharing myself in a postive and creative atmosphere with others means to me.

Okay, enough gushing from me, but keep on being brilliant, beautiful people.

*much love*

hyperballad xo

(yes I know my handle on here is different - I've gotta keep you on your toes somehow!)

Last edited by _gethsemane_ (October 20th, 2008 01:38 PM)


#2 October 21st, 2008 01:29 PM


Re: Hyperballad here and I've been meaning to say...

Hyperballad, I have been meaning to leave a comment on your folio to tell you how wonderful both you and your photos are... I haven't quite got there yet so I'll leave my comment here smile

I hope that your rough weeks are now turning into smooth ones. I think Bobby has a special way of putting folios up at just the right time to cheer us up.

I agree, ism is a magical place full of extra special ladies. Your most recent folio gave me goosebumps - the hot kind.

xxx chica


#3 October 21st, 2008 05:07 PM


Re: Hyperballad here and I've been meaning to say...

I think the turning point came when I saw my folio up, looked over it, read the comments and responded - I got happy and haven't looked back smile

It occured to me that this site, staff, members and contributors create such a wonderful special place that is seldom available to women.  Its remarkable and I wanted to impart some of this awesome feeling I get back to those who helped me to create it.

Thank you beautiful Chica smile

*much love*


#4 October 25th, 2008 07:57 AM


Re: Hyperballad here and I've been meaning to say...

Well HyperB, I just had a browse back through your folios and you are a rather lovely woman with a wonderfully lush body. I love the openness of your sets, you positively glow and we're all rather fortunate to be able share your beauty. I loved your short hair back in '05! So THANK YOU to YOU, more power to your camera and I hope you continue to allow us along for the journey. xx


#5 October 27th, 2008 03:53 PM


Re: Hyperballad here and I've been meaning to say...

For sure!  The ISM project has sparked a real passion in me for self documentation. 

I too loved my short hair, but a change is as good as a holiday and I kept it like that for many years...  My new goal is to have hair down to my butt like a mermaid big_smile 

Myself and my bestest friend 'Avani' just finished off an ISM duet together.  It won't be up on the site for a while, but it was really fun and interesting squeezing the 2 of us into the shots.

It'll be really nice to share a slice of our friendship smile


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