#1 February 19th, 2008 09:28 AM


Curiosity - Does anybody like Cats ???

Two years ago I was down to 2 cats after all my big males passed away and went to the Rainbow Bridge. Both were females adopted from the Humane Society, Misty, short hair Calico and the perfect cat with the most catlike personality, and Angel, long hair pure Black, and she thinks I am her mother and always has.
Last year I adopted an unwanted Calico, Elmo, and she is the talker. All the females are about 9 or 10.
On Jan 1st my aunt passed away and I have now added her old cat to the group as I could not find a home for her. She is Miss Kitty, just over 15, on meds for kidneys, arthritic in the hind quarters, and I believe she is mainly or totally deaf. She was never friendly before my aunt passed away but since then she has become very friendly and can't get enough stroking or brushing. My aunt wanted her put down after she died but I have a hard time playing god so I didn't have the heart.
She was at the apt since Jan 1 and every day I'd go over to see her, her fur was so knotted I thought I'd have to shave her, but brushing every day has removed them and she is silky soft now.
She was not socialized to other animals and she is in a bedroom away from the other cats and dawg til I figure out how to integrate her. If she was younger, spryer, and could hear, the task would be a lot easier.
No pics of her yet but all the other cats have their own albums on Webshots, and Angel is the most popular and most downloaded.
If anybody is interested, the albums can be found here
http://community.webshots.com/user/dreamwerxx   smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#2 February 19th, 2008 02:35 PM


Re: Curiosity - Does anybody like Cats ???

Pets are the best.. I would try finding some bush flower essence sprays (google australian bush flower essences) - one is called space clearing essence, for making all parties concerned feel safe and comfortable, and then another called emergency essence for just calming down any jitters and tears...

I have used them on my pets extensively and they work wonders.  They do nice things to you too.


#3 February 20th, 2008 09:15 AM


Re: Curiosity - Does anybody like Cats ???

Thanks Kitkat, I will have to see if those are available anywhere close to me since Aussie land is about the farthest place from me since I live in the Great White North - Canada.

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#4 February 20th, 2008 10:48 AM


Re: Curiosity - Does anybody like Cats ???

You should be able to get them in Canada.. they are available world wide..x


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