#26 December 17th, 2007 06:06 AM


Re: All about image

I cannot wait to see you and your gf in your next shoot. Perhaps you can put a hurry and get it done soon!
You use a lot of imagination so your shoots are always fun to see. I have always been curious, I know you and probably everyone screens your photos before they are sent in. Is it any more difficult for you to you include the more explicit shoots?
Also, did you ever see your mother perform when you were growing up and did it ever her career ever embarrass you among your friends? I know around here with the conservative attitudes a child of a dancer would be left out of activities. I wish you the best and I enjoy your replies!


#27 December 19th, 2007 12:33 PM


Re: All about image

And that is what is so great about this site.. the modernist idea of the femme fatale is firmly shoved out the window, the catholic madonna/whore duality is squashed, and the diversity of women in their sexual and nude expression is respected, appreciated, celebrated.
By real men. (And women)


blissed wrote:

Women being made to feel shameful for expressing themselves sexually kind of disrespects them as sexual beings. Being attractive enough to be desired is a gift like having a great singing voice, so when you use your gift, like using a great singing voice, that should be celebrated and you should be given kudos.

I think it's been mentioned before but most peoples families have no problem doing that if you become a beauty queen.



#28 December 19th, 2007 12:38 PM


Re: All about image

No pony, I do not.  I would like to but I am reluctant to just grab any old donor and make a baby.  bit old fashioned and want a father etc..

But the whole quandary of values and whether they change when people have children does take some space in my thoughts, and I sincerely hope that I am old enough to be secure in what I believe now, and that I would be the sort of mum that I wish to be.  But pregnancy and childbirth, and motherhood in general seems to be quite a primal thing, and who knows what dark passions or proclivities lurk in my swamps? I might be the arch conservative underneath.  I guess that is part of the joy of discovery in this journey of life, what changes us, what makes us, what turns us upside down. 

Pony_1 wrote:

Well said Blissed. I enjoy this format so much more than the Playboy type of sites. I enjoy viewing natural girls that may have some flaws. It takes more courage for the women to pose who may not be judged as Playmate material. I appreciate this opportunity.

KITKAT do you have kids?  You were saying that if you did you would proud if one day they were involved in a site like this.


#29 December 20th, 2007 11:12 AM


Re: All about image

I suspect that childbirth will have no effect on your feelings about posing and doing nudity. You are a natural and it is easy to tell you enjoy your contributions.
Just curious, your recent contributions have been more explicit. Is this because you have gained confidence or feel more appreciated by our comments? I say keep it coming!!


#30 December 20th, 2007 11:28 AM


Re: All about image

I think I just realised that I was in a safe environment to do so, and yes, I have gained more confidence over the last year in my self in general.  I've always been comfortable nude, I've worked as an artist model for 13 years and was always naked as a kid, I think the extension of that comfort into my sexuality has been a natural progression of doing this work, becoming single and exploring sex finally on my own terms, and feeling that the negativity I experienced towards my sexuality both externally and internally has largely healed.  I am pretty sure that the time will come when I can explore all of this in full with the man who ends up being my partner.  That's the pot of gold at the end of my rainbow.


#31 December 20th, 2007 11:36 AM


Re: All about image

kitkat wrote:

And that is what is so great about this site.. the modernist idea of the femme fatale is firmly shoved out the window, the catholic madonna/whore duality is squashed, and the diversity of women in their sexual and nude expression is respected, appreciated, celebrated.
By real men. (And women)


blissed wrote:

Women being made to feel shameful for expressing themselves sexually kind of disrespects them as sexual beings. Being attractive enough to be desired is a gift like having a great singing voice, so when you use your gift, like using a great singing voice, that should be celebrated and you should be given kudos.

I think it's been mentioned before but most peoples families have no problem doing that if you become a beauty queen.


Ha Ha thats a co-incidence I just finished posting about the catholic thing :)


Last edited by blissed (December 20th, 2007 11:38 AM)


#32 December 20th, 2007 10:06 PM


Re: All about image

I have always wondered what motivated people to be art models, perhaps now I have a better idea. Here at ISM there is more of a sexual feeling then artistic and I think that is what you are exploring. I am glad you are gaining confidence and look forward to seeing more of you in the future.
Where did you live that you were always naked as a kid?


#33 December 21st, 2007 11:23 AM


Re: All about image

Well, without giving too much away.. north qld and the country in nsw. My parents were always quite relaxed about it.  Art modelling made me comfortable as an adult and gave me confidence in my natural self.  Yes, ISM has given me confidence in my sexual self.  Not just by posing, but by the interaction with the site itself as well, and seeing all women of all shapes and sizes and just generally relaxing about having to be the most beautiful woman all the time, which lurks uncomfortably in many a woman's psyche and is most awkward when you see glorious beauty on somebody else.   But honestly, I think ditching a cheating, confusing and wayward partner and risking to see men as individuals has had a large part to play in the process as well.  The confidence you project as well that comes from sexual confidence becomes in the end a human confidence, and allows you to see others in a more compassionate light.   One day when I've stopped being rightfully pissed off with my ex I may have some for him as well..


#34 December 30th, 2007 12:17 PM


Re: All about image

I lived naked as a child as well lucky lil vegemites aint we Kitkat xxx
HELLO HELLO all hope everyones new year is a good one, mine will be quietly peaceful unlike last years unruly beginnings, lovin the balance wink
See you and that chica lass soon cause I'm missing your crazziness xox


#35 December 30th, 2007 01:44 PM


Re: All about image

Glad you are back Leda! Did you mention sometime ago that you had another shoot coming soon? I hope so and I cannot wait to see the format.
HOw did you and Kitkat meet up anyway????


#36 February 6th, 2008 01:18 PM


Re: All about image

Cone on Leda, where are you?


#37 February 13th, 2008 09:21 PM


Re: All about image

HEEEELLLLLOOOOOOO I  have JUST moved very recently into another state (not of being though, I'm not quite that deep), another household so am sorry for my seeming rudeness, it certainly is not on purpose. Bit like my typos hehe....and i did mention that I did another shoot but was never sure of its availability!! These crazy folk who knows when things come up makes it all a bit exciting smile
Hope you are all cruising and life is GOOD. Mine is other than annoying lil things like moving states and such shite as unpacking (oh aint it a joy....NOT) but having sex
on tap with a rather sexy fella whom I quite like, seems to make all the annoying hassles of life simply.....vanish...xxx....I'm coming down soon KittyKat so hope to see you than if you are....available??????xoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Really appreciate the querying Pony hope you are getting into life too wink


#38 February 15th, 2008 02:52 AM


Re: All about image

Hello Leda, good to see you again. wink Wish I had a life sad . . . smile

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#39 February 15th, 2008 02:28 PM


Re: All about image

Leda, your shoot appears tomorrow! You always have surprises, what will they be? Would your new guy like to pose with you?


#40 February 16th, 2008 05:02 AM


Re: All about image

Leda, speaking about image, Yours is superb wink

Thanks for todays peek into your being. smile

PS: Do you need to update your profile ??
I thought I read you have a new man in your life

PPS: Love your features, your eyes, your hair, your mannerisms, your beautiful breasts with their incredible nipples, your voice and your laugh.
And I loved your BA and IFM clips, absolutely incredible.
Makes me wish I was that new man  wink

Last edited by ashmedi (February 16th, 2008 05:24 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#41 February 16th, 2008 09:23 AM


Re: All about image

One awesome and wonderful photo shoot. I am so glad you have the confidence to pose! Actually, you remind me of Kitkat in that your photos get better with experience and practice. Was it easier the second time? Was it easier to be a little more explicit?
I hope your new man approves of your shoot and perhaps he might join you in your next shoot. Finally, I am dieing to know, when your men saw your long stem nipples for the first time, what were their reactions?? I never have been so lucky!
Thanks for your shoot and I look forward to reading your reply.


#42 February 18th, 2008 09:28 AM


Re: All about image

""I'm coming down soon KittyKat so hope to see you than if you are....available??????""

I am always available for you!  Have so much to tell you too... and I want you to come and hang out with me and my boy.. he keeps joking about the 11th March (as a wedding date!) and his friends all know me as his wife ... before they even met me.. oh boy I am soooooooooooo happy.  But, luscialiscious, it seems you and me should do that duet sometime soon so let's get together and shoot the breeze some..

And by the way, thanks Pony, I think improvement and confidence go hand in hand!  Nice to be appreciated along the way... hope you all had a nice Valentine's Day... x

Last edited by kitkat (February 18th, 2008 09:29 AM)


#43 February 19th, 2008 10:05 AM


Re: All about image

BOO So frustrating have very bad internet speed and I'm not used to it grrrrrrrr
I'm so so so happy for you Kitkat makes me all warm and fuzzy inside wink
Have to say I can't believe how well everything is going here (except for the reason I'm going to be back in NSW, but I'll tell you bout that later sad
Lets shoot and have a complete and utter fall down on your face laughing of a time YAY!!!!!
Thanks Pony really appreciate your interest, so weird to me that people think my nipples are alright I think they are kinda strange, but hell I'm used to them. Most of the guys I have been with haven't really made a big deal of them, I'm pretty much a package girl....nothing in particular stands out but all together it's pretty cool smile and I have such a dashing but modest personality.........haha

I really liked my first lot of photos these don't really get me so am a little disappointed with my effort, but it was still fun.

Thanks so much Ashmedi your comments really made my day smile


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