#1 December 19th, 2007 03:16 PM


response to female anatomy

I am curious about something I was told once.. about a response to female anatomy.  Two ex lovers mentioned that they had felt revulsion towards vaginas on occasion.  Is this a rare or a normal response?  It seemed they had some sort of primal self preservation response to being engulfed..    I am curious to know if anyone can enlighten me on the subject.. Is there something wrong with my fanny? (And I am laughing as I say that!) I have felt revulsion towards the male anatomy once or twice, but that was more about how I felt about the person.  Perhaps they had not the nerve to say they didn't like me? 

I personally love the male appendage, have no problems with being penetrated.  Love it in fact.  What's the go?  Is the revulsion response a psychological anomolie, a normal occurrence, or just a couple of guys who I am better off without?  They didn't pass the hang ups on to me, only a lingering curiosity.  Any takers?


#2 December 19th, 2007 06:28 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

I'm a red blooded male and I love the female anatomy.  I love everything, the beautiful folds of skin, shaved or natural.  I love small medium and large and all shapes and colours.  Performing cunnilingus on my partner is a special experience.  I love the way a woman smells too, although I am aware that some men are turned off by this, perhaps this affects their perception.  Several previous partners have expressed embarrasment regarding their vaginas and did like showing it.  Is this common?


#3 December 20th, 2007 04:05 AM


Re: response to female anatomy

Not something I feel myself, but I seem to remember that when 'Jaws' came out one of the theories as to the success of the film was that it tapped into the primeval male fear of the 'vagina dentata' (vagina with teeth) that the shark symbolised. I.e. put your prick inside and get castrated. Nowt so queer as folk.


#4 December 20th, 2007 10:52 AM


Re: response to female anatomy

I am not sure the random sample you get here at this site would reflect men in general. You said two of your lovers expressed revulsion. Now that would be high if you have only had 3 lovers. However, if you have had 20, then the sample may be quite low. So before I would make judgment I would need to know the number of your sample?

For me, it is not the vagina at all.  The woman has to be appealing in 2 ways. First of all, I have to be physically attracted to her. Secondly, she has to stimulate me intellectually. When first meet a woman, I have a certain feel, for example like wow is she hot. There are some women who are attractive but for some reason do not appeal to me. Once she passes the physical attraction portion, she has to appeal to me intellectually. If my criteria are met, what her vagina looks like makes no difference; I would be boned for action.
In your case, as long as I have a face you will always have a place to sit.


#5 December 20th, 2007 11:08 AM


Re: response to female anatomy

ALSO: Kitkat
Your duet partner, Anselm wrote, “I'm addicted to vagina.”
Obviously your vagina did not repulse him. Please settle a bet, did you have sex with him during the shoot?


#6 December 20th, 2007 11:22 AM


Re: response to female anatomy

Theres a lot of negative hangups in society about vulvas. One of the worst things you can call someone in English is a cunt and if you display a picture of one, no matter how beautiful theres outrage and your told it's disgusting. Without them none of us would be here and their central role in making new life should be celebrated and so should female sexuality and not officially despised. So we hear people describing alluring pictures  "their not that bad, you can hardly see anything" as if modesty was a good thing, your a woman, be modest, know your place and shut up. Can you imagine that in any other sphere. "it's a great plot and the house has beautiful views from the ranges right across to the city and beyond but it's not that bad, we built a brick wall in the way so you can hardly see anything" :) and because I'm making the case for women to be alluring if they want to be, I'm suppose to be evil and assume that this will make it more likely that I can have sex with them irrespective of how alluring I am. This is  rubbish of course, women as sexual beings always have every right to choose who they like just like a man, even in marriage sex isn't a right. So the vulva is hidden and shameful in this crazy official view where the hight of virtue is the virgin mary :) (that immaculate conception was a pretty neat trick :) Lol (as opposed to a dirty conception like everyone else) The virgin Joseph believed it, that was the main thing :) Anyway, it's no-wonder this crap sits in your subconscious and can occasionally produce the revulsion you observed, Theres also fear of STDs and making babies but thats a more conscious thing you take your time to consider not an immediate subconscious reaction.

Prof. Blissed :)


Last edited by blissed (December 20th, 2007 11:31 AM)


#7 December 20th, 2007 11:33 AM


Re: response to female anatomy

Pony_1 wrote:

ALSO: Kitkat
Your duet partner, Anselm wrote, “I'm addicted to vagina.”
Obviously your vagina did not repulse him. Please settle a bet, did you have sex with him during the shoot?

That is the hilarious thing.. yes.. lots!  I thought it was going to be quite explicit with my special friend because we are quite an explosion when we get together, but we kept throwing the camera to the side as we were too into each other.  Four times I think, and there was some blindfold and hands tying action too that didn't quite make it either.  We had a LOTof fun!    Yes, he has been a part of the process of my feeling quite comfortable with my sexuality and how beautiful it is.  It's true, he is.. It's a damn nice feeling when a guy can't get enough of you.  And vice versa.

So who won the bet?


#8 December 20th, 2007 12:27 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

Ah, thanks Blissed.  I am inclined to agree with you. 
I do remember an incident in Biology in highschool when we were studying reproduction, and we were given sheeps uterus (oh dear, what is the correct wording and punctuation of that?) to dissect, with vaginas and vulvas intact.  There was lots of prodding and poking and strange guffaws and eeeuws! (pardon the pun) to be had.  I personally thought it was quite cute, and was amazed at how similar the anatomy was.. But then I never did fit in at school!


#9 December 20th, 2007 12:31 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

That is nice to know...

As for your succinct appraisal on the dynamics of attraction.. that's my kind of thing too, if there's no spark in the personality and no thought in the head then you won't get into my bed..

That's poetry, ain't it?

Pony_1 wrote:

I am not sure the random sample you get here at this site would reflect men in general. You said two of your lovers expressed revulsion. Now that would be high if you have only had 3 lovers. However, if you have had 20, then the sample may be quite low. So before I would make judgment I would need to know the number of your sample?

For me, it is not the vagina at all.  The woman has to be appealing in 2 ways. First of all, I have to be physically attracted to her. Secondly, she has to stimulate me intellectually. When first meet a woman, I have a certain feel, for example like wow is she hot. There are some women who are attractive but for some reason do not appeal to me. Once she passes the physical attraction portion, she has to appeal to me intellectually. If my criteria are met, what her vagina looks like makes no difference; I would be boned for action.
In your case, as long as I have a face you will always have a place to sit.


#10 December 20th, 2007 12:36 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

Paulie wrote:

I'm a red blooded male and I love the female anatomy.  I love everything, the beautiful folds of skin, shaved or natural.  I love small medium and large and all shapes and colours.  Performing cunnilingus on my partner is a special experience.  I love the way a woman smells too, although I am aware that some men are turned off by this, perhaps this affects their perception.  Several previous partners have expressed embarrasment regarding their vaginas and did like showing it.  Is this common?

I think Paulie, it is, hence the prevalence of such ridiculous feminine hygiene products as deoderisers and panty liners (useful for tail ends of menses, but day to day?) - if there is such rampant negativity towards women's smells and juices, among women, then there must be also the same mentality reaching into the visual field. 

Strangely enough though, one of those guys was really into cunnilingus, the other was completely anti.


#11 December 20th, 2007 09:59 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

I won the bet!!
So how do you feel about the female anatomy? Do you find the vagina beautiful or repulsive?
HoOw aout a man's penis? Have you ever been excited then turned off when the goods were visible?
Maybe I can find something else to bet on, double or nothing!


#12 December 21st, 2007 11:15 AM


Re: response to female anatomy

Hmm, pony, I tend to find vaginas generally normal, in that I don't get excited by them, although my own does often turn me on! ,  sometimes I see one that makes me go wow, sometimes I am stunned and amazed by anatomy largely different to mine.   As for penii.... well... I like them to have a sense of weight around them, which has nothing to do really with size but how often it is engorged I guess, from my experience.  I find the penis endlessly alluring and fascinating, arousing, entertaining, ah.. I guess I feel about them the way others do about the female anatomy, to answer your question.  I have a natural tendency towards men and unlike most women, don't appear to have any tendencies towards women, which is not to say I haven't tried.  It does not repulse me, it just doesn't interest me.


#13 December 21st, 2007 12:35 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

kitkat wrote:

Ah, thanks Blissed.  I am inclined to agree with you. 
I do remember an incident in Biology in highschool when we were studying reproduction, and we were given sheeps uterus (oh dear, what is the correct wording and punctuation of that?) to dissect, with vaginas and vulvas intact.  There was lots of prodding and poking and strange guffaws and eeeuws! (pardon the pun) to be had.  I personally thought it was quite cute, and was amazed at how similar the anatomy was.. But then I never did fit in at school!

I think a few lonely shepherds are amazed at how similar the anotomy is as well :) lol



#14 December 21st, 2007 04:23 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

I like your humour blissed.  You can come down to my paddock anytime.


#15 December 22nd, 2007 08:40 AM


Re: response to female anatomy

Well we can't message anymore, so we'll just have to imagine it, but I think you would've enjoyed yourself :) ha ha



#16 February 9th, 2009 03:29 PM


Re: response to female anatomy

kitkat wrote:

Ah, thanks Blissed.  I am inclined to agree with you. 
I do remember an incident in Biology in highschool when we were studying reproduction, and we were given sheeps uterus (oh dear, what is the correct wording and punctuation of that?) to dissect, with vaginas and vulvas intact.  There was lots of prodding and poking and strange guffaws and eeeuws! (pardon the pun) to be had.  I personally thought it was quite cute, and was amazed at how similar the anatomy was.. But then I never did fit in at school!

eeeeuws!!! I actually lolled at that! Maaaaaaahhhh!!!!

Bathory loves Black metal, long haired men, blast beats and schofferhoffer


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