#1 May 27th, 2005 04:27 PM


Im sure this has been asked before but...

My wife is kinda new to shaving "down there" and we want to know what products (that can be bought in US) that help with razor burn.  We already do all the right things ... soak in hot bath... shave slowly ... use fresh razor .... but alas it seems we still get the little red bumps and razor burns .. anything anyone would recomend?

Reason we ask is because we see so many wonderfuly smooth kittys on ISM.

By the way .. she has no problems with burn or bumps on the vulva area .. just the region between her belly button and clitoris.

Please help smile


#2 May 27th, 2005 05:05 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

One word:


Piracy is the only option.


#3 May 27th, 2005 05:22 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

pixen wrote:

One word:


Agreed.  Perhaps you could even shout her a session at a salon (it's not that expensive) as a special treat?  A professional wax is a good starting point...

the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#4 May 27th, 2005 08:35 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

I find dont shave too often, if you sweat alot shower often, and after a bit it will get better. Dont shave again till all is well again. Keep her moisturized LOL. Dont want dry skin!!! I shave and just use a razor. I have a full beard because my neck never seemed to get over the shaving. I sweat alot and its almost impossible to keep my neck dry. I found a really good electric shaver best on my face but there is too many tiny bits that stick up to go below with it LOL. Maybe Braun makes a better one now.


PS Hi Catt nice to see you!!!

The universe is unfolding as it should, and so are the girls on ISM. I love them all.


#5 May 27th, 2005 10:55 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

corbargar wrote:

My wife is kinda new to shaving "down there" and we want to know what products (that can be bought in US) that help with razor burn.  We already do all the right things ... soak in hot bath... shave slowly ... use fresh razor .... but alas it seems we still get the little red bumps and razor burns .. anything anyone would recomend?

Reason we ask is because we see so many wonderfuly smooth kittys on ISM.

By the way .. she has no problems with burn or bumps on the vulva area .. just the region between her belly button and clitoris.

Please help smile

Most of the models I work with says it's just being regular.  It's like if you don't shave your face for a while,  you get burn.  Once your face is used to it,  the burn goes away.  Let the rash heal first.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#6 May 28th, 2005 12:16 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

the other main tip that everyone has failed to mention is shave in the direction the hair grows and not against the grain. I have had a rash when I shave up the neck but shaving down the neck sorts it.

It also helps to open the pores by using a hot flannel before shaving as a barber would for a face shave


#7 May 28th, 2005 12:17 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

Yah -- she has gone to regular shaving and it helps .. we moisterize .. but what kind of wax do you use?

We live in a smaller town so there arent any salons round that do that type of thing .. so I want to be able to wax if it works .. just dont know how to or with what.

Making sense here?


#8 May 28th, 2005 03:13 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

corbargar wrote:

My wife is kinda new to shaving "down there" and we want to know what products (that can be bought in US) that help with razor burn.  We already do all the right things ... soak in hot bath... shave slowly ... use fresh razor .... but alas it seems we still get the little red bumps and razor burns .. anything anyone would recomend?

Reason we ask is because we see so many wonderfuly smooth kittys on ISM.

By the way .. she has no problems with burn or bumps on the vulva area .. just the region between her belly button and clitoris.

Please help smile

I've used razors and wax and various other things - bar pulling the little blighters out one by one and then I discovered that Veet make a hair remover specifically for those sensitive areas. It's great; no lumps or bumps; no iching and smooth as a baby's proverbial bum (assuming baby hasn't got a daiper rash)

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#9 May 30th, 2005 11:14 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

corbargar wrote:

Yah -- she has gone to regular shaving and it helps .. we moisterize .. but what kind of wax do you use?

We live in a smaller town so there arent any salons round that do that type of thing .. so I want to be able to wax if it works .. just dont know how to or with what.

Making sense here?

You need to get proper hard wax for pubic hair, underarms and face.  Pouring a tea-light over your sensitive bits is not a good idea - unless you really like pain.  Hot, liquid wax is for legs, arms etc and you rip it off with fabric strips. Hot hard wax forms its own "lip" and you don't need fabric. You can buy it from chemists (and sometimes supermarkets).  It really needs to be done properly though, otherwise it can cause large amounts of pain.

How do I know all this?  I lived with a flock of gay men who regularly waxed every hair in sight and used me as a guinea pig.

Piracy is the only option.


#10 May 30th, 2005 12:00 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

pixen wrote:

You need to get proper hard wax for pubic hair, underarms and face.  Pouring a tea-light over your sensitive bits is not a good idea - unless you really like pain.  Hot, liquid wax is for legs, arms etc and you rip it off with fabric strips. Hot hard wax forms its own "lip" and you don't need fabric. You can buy it from chemists (and sometimes supermarkets).  It really needs to be done properly though, otherwise it can cause large amounts of pain.

How do I know all this?  I lived with a flock of gay men who regularly waxed every hair in sight and used me as a guinea pig.

A 'flock of gay men' is my new favourite saying, replacing 'a murder of crows'.

One of my oldest friends - gay - had a delightful saying - "As camp as a tent full of homosexuals", which is also another favourite.


the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#11 May 30th, 2005 12:03 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

nagaloo wrote:

I find dont shave too often, if you sweat alot shower often, and after a bit it will get better. Dont shave again till all is well again. Keep her moisturized LOL. Dont want dry skin!!! I shave and just use a razor. I have a full beard because my neck never seemed to get over the shaving. I sweat alot and its almost impossible to keep my neck dry. I found a really good electric shaver best on my face but there is too many tiny bits that stick up to go below with it LOL. Maybe Braun makes a better one now.


PS Hi Catt nice to see you!!!

Hey Stew, how're things?

the beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.


#12 May 31st, 2005 02:48 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou....

Everyone for your input.  We'll have some fun I guess trying out different waxes....<crosses fingers>

I guess I can be my wife's lil guinea pig smile


#13 November 20th, 2007 05:02 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

I really don't understand this shaving fad.

Since when did razor bumps become sexy?

I understand this thread is about how to avoid them . . . but I still don't get the initial concept.

Pubic hair makes a woman . . . womanly.  Neatly trimmed, of course.

Just my opinion.


#14 November 20th, 2007 12:16 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

It feels good for both parties involved jiggs
just my opinion wink
although I wouldn't know about the razor bumps I wax


#15 December 19th, 2007 09:27 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

I've shaved once and the awful regrowth itch is a killer.. I've waxed professionally (and another tip, wax just after your period, the hair comes out better and less painfully; NEVER wax premenstrually it will hurt like hell) and the pubis mons area is problematic pain wise too... many women agree, the waxing there hurts much more than any of the other more delicate places. I've tried the full job at home (I wax everything else at home) and I can never quite get all the angles and secret places done, you really do need help.  So now, a happy medium, waxing to a small triangle and as far in as I can manage other ways, and a good trim to make it easy for all parties concerned.  I like the look, it's sexy but not confronting, enticing but not overwhelming.   If I ever do the full job again it will be professionally.   You could also try aloe vera on the razor burn, and a cold compress of lavender is very soothing too.


#16 December 19th, 2007 12:48 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

Leda, Leda where are you... I guess you'll be back in the new year... for more fun! xx much love to you sweety, I miss your laugh and gorgeous grin and that look in your eyes when you are just about to crack up..


#17 December 20th, 2007 11:17 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

HOw baout a full wax job next time? You remember Leda's first shoot? She surprised us all, in he rfirst picture she ahd hair and later on down she was waxed! That wasa totla surprise and I know you, you don't want to be out done! Either way you are cool and I will enjoy whatever you do!


#18 December 20th, 2007 02:32 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

Pony, I am having a whole re-think about the wax thing.  I think I really like the barely there but still slightly mysterious thing... and am reluctant to put myself through the pain at the mo..
but it may yet happen.  It's a special treat in my world, not a usual thing, so I may wait until I feel the need to share myself so bare once again.

Merry Christmas!  Probably won't post again until in the new year..


#19 December 20th, 2007 02:56 PM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

It would be special, please consider it!


#20 December 23rd, 2007 08:48 AM


Re: Im sure this has been asked before but...

I would definitely stick to shaving over amateur wax experiments. That is some delicate skin down there and the bruising and bleeding I experienced after a bad wax (from a "professional", I shudder to think what the result would've been had I got my partner to do it) was far worse than any shaving rash I have ever experienced.

Last edited by perl (December 23rd, 2007 08:49 AM)


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