#1 October 31st, 2007 10:58 AM


All about image

I'm finding these sites so fascinating and it's incredibly eye opening to read why women submit. So many of us have written in our intros that one of the reasons we have submitted is because of how we feel towards our own bodies, which in many cases is not one of love.
Why is it we are such terrible judges of our own beauty. I guess there are many answers to that one but we really do seem to be our own worst enemies on that score.
I would call myself more an admirer of the female form (and just barely bi if that's possible smile and love reading the intros as people in general are so fascinating. It is such a joy for me to be able to view all these gorgeous women (and sometimes if lucky, men) without feeling like I am a dirty perv, the creativity and friendliness of these sites are awesome, am including ISM/IFM and BA.
I guess this is simply a thankyou really to the creators of this site (the hard workers and big Boss), the contributors and the other viewers out there who in all respects seem to be a very mature and respectful crowd smile
Big Ups all round, have a great day all


#2 October 31st, 2007 07:42 PM


Re: All about image

Here is your very own quote, "But shooting has made me feel ok about my body. I'm not quite what I was, but... it's all good, and hopefully some of you out there can appreciate it too.
I really apprecited both of your shoots, in fact you are awesome and my favorite. I am so glad you made your post! When are we going to see more of you????????


#3 November 1st, 2007 08:28 AM


Re: All about image

Hey Leda,
good reading your thoughts.   smile

I must tell you I just love the video you two great girls did. All that happy jumping! Wished I would have been there too to jump around, LOL!
T'was cute when you hid behind the graves. It really made me laugh all of it.

Just looked again at your pictures and I'm really impressed by your face, your smile, the you....14, 144, 150



#4 November 5th, 2007 08:33 PM


Re: All about image

Also, I appreciate your confidence to pose. How old are your wo children? Your body recovered from childbirth and is beautiful.


#5 November 13th, 2007 04:56 PM


Re: All about image

Well for myself I had always had a pretty good body image before submitting, but prior to my first shoot I had breast surgery and radiotherapy and felt like a carcass after that process and shot myself to feel like myself again, and it did that, and more.  For me it started a whole new journey of understanding of my physical body, an acceptance of change (and that's a good thing to have as you get older) and the biggest bonus of all, I learnt to appreciate other women's beauty and to no longer feel threatened by it, which I think is where some of women's sense of insecurity comes from, the terrible, awful competitive bullshit that women foist upon one another.  One thing I love about this site is that it encourages women to unite and appreciate each other's individuality and beauty, truly, walking against the flow.  And to hear the genuine appreciation from men (and the respect) reaffirms my faith in men, and men's sexuality. And turtleman, thanks for your appreciation of our video! That was one hell of a silly day, my abs got a work out on that one!  So Leda, when are we next to appear?


#6 November 14th, 2007 02:55 AM


Re: All about image

Hey Kitkat.   smile

You sure learned a lot.  smile

Surgery and whatnot you're one hell of a beautiful girl! Don't ever worry again, you're (nearly) perfect, at least for me, LOL!

I'm REALLY looking forward seeing you or both of you again (at least here in this great place).

Take care. Be well.



#7 November 14th, 2007 10:04 AM


Re: All about image

Thanks turtleman... most find me too intense in person, so at viewing distance is probably perfect for you!  I"ve come to the conclusion though that I can't be anything but myself, and if people like me or not it's not really anything I can change, physically as well.  I feel loved in this world and am able to love back and that is enough for me.  And Leda loves me... she's a great gal, one of the best.  Every time we get together we spend most of our time doubled over.  We had an idea for a camping trip video, installments I guess?  Anyhoo.. thanks for your sentiments, you seem like a nice gentleman.


#8 November 14th, 2007 10:05 AM


Re: All about image


Just a quick note to agree with Turtleman, you are beautiful, you have a lovely body, and I love the shape and size of your breasts.

I would assume that the breast surgery was medically required because of the other treatment, and hope that you are cured of what ailed you. The surgery certainly didn't impact your beauty in any way.

PS: I loved your Beautiful Agony  wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#9 November 14th, 2007 10:58 AM


Re: All about image

Ah, you found me.  I was just being cheeky that day.. And yes, all is well, and to be honest, I am thankful for the whole darn lot, because it has made me a better person, and taught me how to laugh at life! So when do we get to see your agony then?


#10 November 14th, 2007 11:18 AM


Re: All about image

Kitkat and Leda are my two favorite models. I love your attitudes and outlooks on life. Please continue to post, share ideas, and above all lets have more photos!


#11 November 14th, 2007 01:36 PM


Re: All about image

I'm working on it Pony_1.  As we speak.


#12 November 14th, 2007 01:42 PM


Re: All about image

kitkat wrote:

. . . .  So when do we get to see your agony then?

Kitkat, at my age nobody would want to see that  wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#13 November 15th, 2007 01:01 AM


Re: All about image

thanks for your nice words and thoughts. If I am a nice gentleman I can't say....let you and others decide if that is so...  smile

Agony...oh boy...I'd love to see that. I better get there, LOL!
I have seen some pre-views of I touch myself and Agony and I must say it's really, really deep...so personal....soooo...mmmhh....words fail me. But, yes, I love it. And I'd love to share it too. Guess someday I will have one up too (if they let me put it in, LOL!)
Be cheeky, be cheeky! I love cheeky girls.  wink

Too intense? What do you mean kitkat? I mean a video brings over a personality quite well. I don't find you intense at all, at least not in your video.  smile
Maybe I like intense things. When I drink tea or coffee, it gotta taste like a good tea or coffee. same with breads, cold cuts and whatnot. I love natural things such as leather, cotton, wool, wood, silver.....the plastic world is not my place. Guess in the same way I love real girls, girls just being themselves, as they are. REAL! That's why I'm so happy here.

Take care!



#14 November 15th, 2007 01:02 AM


Re: All about image

ashmedi. What is age? Be brave and be yourself and we will enjoy your agony too.



#15 November 20th, 2007 12:37 PM


Re: All about image

Hi all sorry been "away"  was having log-in woes.
KitKat rocks and she is intense but I think we both are and that is certainly no bad thing at all wink makes for more than a few laughs. I think ditz may even have been mentioned!!!!!!!! (But I think that was for me hmmmm) She is just so very very lovable xxx

Hey Pony my boys are 2.5 and 4.5 and they are (I'm sure like many kidlets) a handful. This sort of thing is fun and gives me a break from the ho humness parenting can be, OOOOO aren't I a terrible mum haha. But seriously it is a nice escape from the routine that life can be smile and I get to feel just that bit naughty..........I did do another shoot but I have no idea when it will come up so will be a suprise for me too!

And a camping we must go..........


#16 November 21st, 2007 04:21 AM


Re: All about image

Thanks for teh update and I will be anxious to see you up coming shoot. I think it is cool that you have kids and still have the ability and confidence to pose!  Email me and Turtleman when you get a chance. Pony


#17 November 21st, 2007 10:27 PM


Re: All about image

It is interesting that you brought up the subject about being a” terrible mom”. Obviously your husband supports your decision but have you told your friends and family that you have modeled? You have a lot of self-confidence but telling certain friends and family may be difficult especially since you have kids. Are you planning to tell them when they get older? It might be neat for them to know that they have a cool mom!


#18 November 22nd, 2007 02:29 PM


Re: All about image

hey Pony, I guess first up i am seperated from the boys dad (and he knows what I have been up to and is fine with it wink secondly my new man is also very ok with what I do (bit of a turn on really). I have an excellent habit of choosing awesome men as partners even if the relationships haven't continued into the far furture.
I have told some friends mainly because i think it's such a positive experience that I thought they may be interested in having some fun as well.....I'm relatively at ease with my sexuality and love learning more about myself in this area which is another reason why I mention it to certain friends, but certain others no way would I go there. Some people hold onto the coarseness of porn and their whole ideas about it are coloured, so having their views shoved down my throat doesn't interest me one little bit tongue (and with some there is no point going into discussion on the differences between what I consider porn and erotica...cause you know an argument will ensue). I have a friend who subscribes to this very site but still doesn't agree with what they do here which is interesting to say the least. Feels that women are somehow 'tricked' into putting ourselves on here. And speaking for myself I believe I'm mature enough to have made the decision knowing full well the possibilites and effects it could have on future events.. (ie work related/friends or family shame).
Which brings me to my boys finding out (haha probably their Dad will tell them)and that  will make no difference, we each form out own opinion on so many subjects and if it comes up I will have no probs telling them about it. I have always been a very open person (sometimes much to my Mums chagrin) but being open about your sexuality can only be a positive thing.
   I'm  a very relaxed and honest parent, I know I have my flaws but I don't think that being a part of this site and the others makes me a bad/terrible parent. Things like not listening to your child, not giving them your time or yelling when it's not necasary are being a 'tired'  parent (and need to be watched out for), beating your child or telling them they are stupid and useless IS bad parenting.

I think my family will be worried that they weren't there for me (monetary wise) and will feel bad about it. Which is not really the reason why i keep doing it. Plenty of other ways to make more money than this, as it's really only pocket money smile
It's really just a bucket load of fun wink and being open to opportunities and learning new things can never be a bad thing.


#19 November 22nd, 2007 04:59 PM


Re: All about image

Funny leda, I spoke to a mate of mine about whether having kids had changed his morality... he said probably it has loosened up a little!  I am curious to see what having kids will (if ever) do to me.. my family all know about what I do and of course some of the family are not ok with it, but they are not the folks I like to hang out with!  I would be very proud if my boys were into a site such as ISM, and if my daughter's did it, equally.  I'd like to gossip with my kids about sex, and I imagine when you are all adults you could have some great laughs.  But I am probably a lot like you in that I would let my kids hang over railing without freaking out... !  You rock too, awesome woman!  xxx


#20 November 23rd, 2007 06:10 AM


Re: All about image

I really appreciate your informative replies, both from Leda and Kitkat!  I know it has to take courage to pose and I am glad that you find it a positive experience and fun. It is really cool that your new man approves and finds it as a turn on. We have the same type of moralist people here and I avoid them. I find it cool that you will be open with your boys and it sounds like you are an excellent mother!
I am curious to learn more about your friend that subscribes but feels women are tricked. He sounds like a hypocrite; does he ask how you were tricked? Did he indicate that he enjoyed your shoot?
Where did you get the idea to be a model and have you had any previous experience? I know a woman who is a studio art model and she loves it.
Leda, I really enjoyed your 2 shoots. Both shoots had a couple of surprises and your humorous personality is transparent! I find it refreshing that you used some imagination. Please give me a clue to what surprises are in store when your next shoot is presented. If you would ever want to chat please email me, we have not received much attention from my post about Communicating for Fun. Thanks again for your thoughtful post.


#21 December 4th, 2007 10:09 AM


Re: All about image

Women being made to feel shameful for expressing themselves sexually kind of disrespects them as sexual beings. Being attractive enough to be desired is a gift like having a great singing voice, so when you use your gift, like using a great singing voice, that should be celebrated and you should be given kudos.

I think it's been mentioned before but most peoples families have no problem doing that if you become a beauty queen.



#22 December 5th, 2007 05:03 AM


Re: All about image

Well said Blissed. I enjoy this format so much more than the Playboy type of sites. I enjoy viewing natural girls that may have some flaws. It takes more courage for the women to pose who may not be judged as Playmate material. I appreciate this opportunity.

KITKAT do you have kids?  You were saying that if you did you would proud if one day they were involved in a site like this.


#23 December 13th, 2007 03:42 AM


Re: All about image

Hey guys - Im so happy to see such an honest open and caring thread going here - all women are beautiful and unlike the lads mags - here they can share their beauty and personaluty on their own terms - having done a bit of cheap glamour it is all so fake - it can be fun to pretend and dress up but after the tenth time they yell "suck it in, tits and arse out more" you start feeling a bit bored of it - I wont ever tire of ISM - and making my own art and having fun in this community. I hope to be contributing to this site for a long time to come.


Alisha X


#24 December 13th, 2007 02:10 PM


Re: All about image

Your shoots are great and your personality come through.  You, Leda, and Kitkat seem to really enjoy your shoots. It is obvious that you are having fun and you look for a theme. Are you single and what do your friends and family feel about your website and posing for this site?
When will you have your next shoot? I look forward to it! I am adding you as my favorites with Leda and Kitkat!


#25 December 17th, 2007 03:59 AM


Re: All about image

Thanks Pony. I do enjoy creating my folios a lot. I have a on/off girlfriend (she lives far away) - she is happy as it means more pictures of me naked in the world for when we are apart lol - I hope to get some shots of the both of us up here sometime!
My mother used to be a burlesque dancer so she is fine with what I do, and understands why, most my friends don't know still - close friends do - it just never comes up in conversation really... lol
I hope to get invited back for another set soon - its up to the guys at ISM how soon - I know there are a lot of pretty girls who all want to join smile



check out my 4 folios at ISM here: http://ishotmyself.com/public/view_arti … =FreshCoat


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