#1 September 6th, 2007 12:48 PM


A Question for the admins if I may

I have noticed a lot of the attractive young photographers have a mention that they have contributed to Beautiful Agony.

Would it be possible to also advise what the BA # was.

I, for one, would like to be steered in the correct direction, and in my own defense, I have a vision problem so trying to match a face from one site to a face from another site is very trying.

Just a curiosity question.

PS: Since the contributor has already submitted pics or videos for the world to see, assuming the world has paid the entry fee, I can't see the contributors objecting to a cross reference. Just my humble opinion.  wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#2 September 6th, 2007 01:13 PM


Re: A Question for the admins if I may

Hi Ashmedi, long time no see (yeah, I went there, but I'm just being cheeky - I deserve a punch in the arm for that!)...
We do actually cross-reference our ISM artists with their contributions on BA. 

If you go to a person's profile page, for instance today's Reload artist Minka, and scroll down to the bottom bit below where all the profile questions are answered, you will find a banner that takes you to their BA page. 

Since your vision is not the best and you'd find it hard to pick out faces from the BA mugshots, you'll have to pay close attantion to the number included in the link that looks a bit like this:

Which means her BA number is 0343. 

All good?


#3 September 7th, 2007 05:55 AM


Re: A Question for the admins if I may

Pheeeeww...I think I gotta join the other two places too to get ALL the good of all our wonderful artists.



#4 September 7th, 2007 08:34 AM


Re: A Question for the admins if I may

Hello Fi  wink  Yes, It has been a long time, but in my world time moves very fast.

Have I ever mentioned to you how much I love cheeky wink  smile

You can go 'there' anytime with me, it's all good.

You picked Minka as your example, Do you read minds as well.
Mine could be a scary place  smile

Thanks for the info, I have seen the banners, but never bothered to click on them since I thought it would just take me to BA which is bookmarked.
I never noticed, (excuse me while I go there too), that it actually linked or pointed at a particular agonee.

Yes, it's all good now that I know.

PS: I would never punch you in the arm, I would just hug you to death.  wink

Last edited by ashmedi (September 7th, 2007 08:55 AM)

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


#5 September 10th, 2007 01:07 AM


Re: A Question for the admins if I may

Holy crap, this is blowing my mind.

I am approx 10% thru checking profiles for BA submissions and I have found 50.

If the trend continues I should have "names" for over 500 of my BA clips.
That means more than 1/2 of all BA artists have done static shoots as well.

That is mind boggling  wink

Ashmedi is an ancient demon of rage and lust.
Rage is not my thing, but I must admit to committing my favorite of the 7 deadly sins for most of the contributors smile


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