#1 May 4th, 2007 11:16 PM


yay Parisienne!

So glad she won smile  It's one of those portfolios I keep going back to


#2 May 8th, 2007 08:16 PM


Re: yay Parisienne!

Salut Albert.  Yes, winning is rewarding, and an incentive to shoot another!, but the shoot was rewarding too, insofar as others like my aesthetic, which encourages me to explore it again.


#3 May 8th, 2007 08:30 PM


Re: yay Parisienne!

I think I'm a rarity on this site because the majority of 40+ women are not willing to show their stretch marks and lived-in bodies in a public arena!  Or maybe they lost their adventurousness or devil-may-care attitude along the way and got more conservative?  Or maybe it's just indicative of how time consuming raising a family is and they simply don't have the resources........


#4 May 9th, 2007 12:07 AM


Re: yay Parisienne!

Really looking forward to the next one and umm ...what stretch marks? 
Regarding rarity: it's probably not conservatism: nobody here is expected to be pornographically explicit (you were wonderfully subtle and restrained, by the way).  Not everybody has the courage and self-confidence or feels the urge to show the effects of gravity, time and childbirth. As an over 40 myself I know how reluctant many women of my age are to even undress with the light on. Sad. I wish there were some way to say to "40+" women that it really doesn't matter : not here, (any more than in the bedroom, with a new lover). Few viewers will judge (I think -and any verbal silliness will not get through here anyway); many will find the results beautiful or will identify and gain confidence to have a go themselves.  So much to gain for the artist though, (again looking at past comment). Always ALWAYS positive.
If anyone is reading this and is 40+ and toying with the pros and cons of doing a folio for ISM ...Just Do It!
Parisienne, thank you again for such a beautiful folio. Nice to see you on here, by the way.


#5 May 9th, 2007 08:37 AM


Re: yay Parisienne!

parisienne wrote:

Salut Albert.  Yes, winning is rewarding, and an incentive to shoot another!, but the shoot was rewarding too, insofar as others like my aesthetic, which encourages me to explore it again.

please reload.
your senior citizen sister jamie teehee

'stay beautiful'


#6 May 9th, 2007 01:28 PM


Re: yay Parisienne!

I have to agree with all of this (also 40+ but male so posting - not likely!!!).  I too think you have produced one of the most  spectacular sets of images on the site, I too keep coming back to it, I too congratulate you on your win and unashamedly having studied your body carefully (:)) find no stretch marks either.  I think I may have mentioned, as a comment, my appreciation of your subtley.  I know what a vulva looks like so don't see the necessity of seeing genital close ups in every folio (I'm not imposing a ban here by the way.  Not if, but when, you do another set I hope you keep up the same standard of "Class".  I certainly appreciate it and know, from this forum seqauence, that others share this view.
And no; not everyone over 40 is beautiful in the same way that not everyone under is.  But that doesn't concern me.  I don't see this site as being about beauty but creativity, poetry and art.  Some folios satisfy me in this regard and some don't.  This brings me onto the issue of voting but that's a totally different topic.
Anyway Parisienne thanks for your comments here and be assured you have at least one fan - yours truly!
ps what a rant that was - sorry about that smile


#7 May 9th, 2007 08:58 PM


Re: yay Parisienne!

Ouais, on a suffisament de porno sur l'internet!  It's heartening that this forum agrees there's room for more pictures like mine.  Call me old fashioned, but nudity doesn't have to be open heart surgery all the time!?!


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