#26 April 21st, 2007 11:26 AM


Re: Those lips down there... Large and Pink

liberation wrote:

First, Miss, you look great and I'm glad your happy with your surgery. My opinion on labia size would have to be summed up with: proportion. If the lady in question has full round thighs and a full butt than I would expect her lips, as you say, to be proportionally big, as well. The converse would be equally true. I would say, however, that when the inner labia are teased outward, that is a big turn-on.

As for piercings, I can't speak for the penis, I would never do that to myself, before initial pain and lifetime desensitization are factored in there is the practical aspect that it will tear condoms. Speaking of desensitization, I did have both of my nipples pierced, and from the piercing outward they were numb, until a few months after I had them removed.

Personal Liberation

Hi liberation :-)

Thanks for your kind comments.

I think you are right about proportion - most things look asthetically good if in proportion - although I must say - occasionally you might find a person with an oddity that is totally out of place - but just looks quirkily attractive and adorable.

Good point about piercings and condoms - that just ain't going to work :-S

miss x


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