#1 March 30th, 2007 10:57 PM


Inverted Nipples ...

Hi all,

I'm new here.

I was wondering if anyone knew some folio where girls have inverted nipples, I love them. my wife's nipples are inverted and she is ashamed of them (even if i tell her about 100 times a day that her braests are wonderful !).

i was hopping to show her that some girls are proud to show their inverted nipples here and that she should stop being ashamed of them.  (She thinks she is the only one that has them)

I already found a couple of folios but going thought all the folios would take me for ever. I was hoping that older member could show me the way.

Thanx for the help and i hope this wonderful site never goes offline !


#2 April 2nd, 2007 01:10 AM


Re: Inverted Nipples ...

Hey there Stakabo!!! Well, like your wife, I too have an inverted nipple... only one though- my left one! I know so many people- my friends n stuff- that also have them too, tho they aren't on this site! But hopefully that helps to put your wife's mind at ease... she's definately not alone!
Hope you enjoy browsing this site, there's so mamy wonderful girls on it!!!


#3 April 3rd, 2007 09:31 PM


Re: Inverted Nipples ...


There really are beautiful girls on this site.


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