#1 April 2nd, 2007 01:25 AM


Hey there Everyone!!!

Hey there peoples! Just thought I'd say g'day n give a lil update about what's been going on lately since I've just gotten a password to this fantabulous site!
Well, I'm in my lucky last honours year at uni- in Indonesian n am working my butt off at the mo with research n piles upon pilse of translations!!! Hmmm... still working at the docs as a receptionist (where Cle also used to work) a few days a week... Should really do a naughty shoot there with Cle... once all the docs have left- that'd be soo much fun! Hmmm what else, let's see... been gigging it up stacks... have really gotten into the whole 80's glam/ cock rock era at the mo- you know like Poison, Kiss, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Warrant etc... My mate's actually in a kick arse cover band who plays all those songs n more so have been following them around lately...
Omigosh, I also finally told my parents about doing this whole nudie thing n they surprisingly weren't that surprised at all! I knew my parents were really chilled n easygoing but to spill something like this, well I was still bloody nervous. Oh well, all's good now, so now I can do whatever I want! Yay!!!   smile
Hope you're all keeping well n look forward to talking to you all again soon. If you have any questions or anything, you know where to find me.
Luv Chloe (Strawberry). xoxo


#2 April 2nd, 2007 11:32 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

Hey Chloe, what you didn't tell us is whether your oldes took out an ISM membership: hmmm :-)


#3 April 3rd, 2007 05:12 AM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

Agamemnon wrote:

Hey Chloe, what you didn't tell us is whether your oldes took out an ISM membership: hmmm :-)

he he he....this is funny.


...mmmmhhh...yeah...right...did they?


#4 April 3rd, 2007 06:20 AM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

Hi Chloe glad your parents are OK with your modelling, they might've suspected it praps and didn't say anything. It would be good if the doctor said Chloe thank you so much for locking up tonight, left and got half way home and found they forgot something and came back to find you and Cle dressed as nurses or naked :) Anyway, it's nice to hear from you and I'm glad your Uni's going well, it's nice to know I can come to you if I ever want a competent translation done for cheap or free :)


Last edited by blissed (April 5th, 2007 09:26 AM)


#5 April 3rd, 2007 06:51 AM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

in what languages are the translations you're doing? How many languages do you speak?



#6 April 3rd, 2007 07:46 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

strawberry wrote:

Hey there peoples! Just thought I'd say g'day n give a lil update about what's been going on lately since I've just gotten a password to this fantabulous site!
Well, I'm in my lucky last honours year at uni- in Indonesian n am working my butt off at the mo with research n piles upon pilse of translations!!! Hmmm... still working at the docs as a receptionist (where Cle also used to work) a few days a week... Should really do a naughty shoot there with Cle... once all the docs have left- that'd be soo much fun! Hmmm what else, let's see... been gigging it up stacks... have really gotten into the whole 80's glam/ cock rock era at the mo- you know like Poison, Kiss, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Warrant etc... My mate's actually in a kick arse cover band who plays all those songs n more so have been following them around lately...
Omigosh, I also finally told my parents about doing this whole nudie thing n they surprisingly weren't that surprised at all! I knew my parents were really chilled n easygoing but to spill something like this, well I was still bloody nervous. Oh well, all's good now, so now I can do whatever I want! Yay!!!   smile
Hope you're all keeping well n look forward to talking to you all again soon. If you have any questions or anything, you know where to find me.
Luv Chloe (Strawberry). xoxo

hello chloe darling
you are one of my favourite babies on this site.

p.s.  let me turn you into art wink

'stay beautiful'


#7 April 3rd, 2007 08:48 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

turtleman wrote:

in what languages are the translations you're doing? How many languages do you speak?


Oooh caught not paying attention this time!

Well, I'm in my lucky last honours year at uni- in Indonesian n am working ...

Another Peter.


#8 April 17th, 2007 12:57 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

Hey everyone! Great to hear from you all! Soz I've been a bit of a slacker n not replying in a while, have been caught up in all my homework- 'head down bum up' as I always say!
Agamemnon- crikey, if my oldies took out a membership I think I'd have a heart attack- tho I didn't tell them which sites so I think there's minimal chance of that happening... luckily... tho my shoots on this site are pretty tame so it wouldn't be too bad, but if they saw me on ifm... well, that'd be another story!   smile
Hey Peter (turtleman)- Yep, as Agamemnon said, I'm doing Indonesian, tho I did also study Japanese for eight years or so. I've forgotten most of it but I"m sure it'd all come back to me if needed!
Hey hey Blissed! Great to hear from you- long time no see! I think my p's weren't surprised cos they know exactly what I'm like n that I'm farily open in that way! Hehehe... that'd be funny as if that happened, tho EXTREMELY embarrassing too! Do you reckon I'd lose my job if I did? Hmm... so tempting to do tho... I'm sure I could help you out if you ever needed it, tho what'd I get in return for doing it for free hey!?    wink
Hi Jamie! It's been ages since I've seen you too! You're too sweet, thanks heaps for that! YOu can turn mme into art anyday....   wink

Well, haven't really been up to much recently cos I'm still being a little hermit nerd n studying, tho I did go to Canberra for Easter to my bf's mum's house- Omigosh I ate WAY too much chocky, but hey, isn't that what easter's about!   smile   I also visited the National Library of Australia for... yep that's right you guessed it- RESEARCH! Agh... I'm going insane with all this work! I've even started thinking in Indonesian on a daily basis which is scary...
Hmmm... I've also been gigging it up with my mate's band, Rattpoison, who are a 80's hair metal tribute band! They never disappoint me- I love em, n since it's all 80's stuff, it allows me to dress up in all that kinda stuff- like leopard print n stuff. Omigosh, I just brought THE hottest pair of stilettos ever- they're leopard print n make me like nearly 6foot tall, since I'm 5"8 n a bit already! (Tho after wearing them on the weekend, my feet were caning all the next day!) I even managed to sneak up onto the stage n dance around with them- sweet!!!
Oh, does anyone here follow the footy- AFL??? Go the cats! We are kicking arse at the mo- I went to the game last sunday n we absolutely thrashed the demons! Fingers crossed my boys don't slacken off later in the year tho- I want that premiership cup this year dammit!!!   smile
Anywho, gotta choof off to work soon so will talk to you all again soon. Hope everyone's keeping well n not working themselves too hard!
Luv heaps to you all, Chloe.


#9 April 17th, 2007 12:58 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

Omigosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I'd written basically an essay until I submitted my reply!!!   smile   xoxo


#10 April 17th, 2007 06:32 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

strawberry wrote:

Omigosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I'd written basically an essay until I submitted my reply!!!   smile   xoxo

essay away darlin

'stay beautiful'


#11 April 18th, 2007 02:47 AM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

Eeeehhh...Cloe...send some more essays. I love reading your aussie-english.  smile
Way cool!

Glad you're doing so well. If you think and dream in the language that's the best that can happen to you. It means you're really diggin' it.

hugs to you.



#12 April 19th, 2007 01:54 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

strawberry wrote:

Omigosh, I'm so sorry, I didn't realise I'd written basically an essay until I submitted my reply!!!   smile   xoxo

Not an essay; a strawberry conserve.  Streuth that was crook smile


#13 April 21st, 2007 10:13 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

strawberry wrote:

I'm sure I could help you out if you ever needed it, tho what'd I get in return for doing it for free hey!?    wink




#14 April 21st, 2007 10:23 PM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

What I tidak mengatakan kepada anda ialah saya sudah belajar Indonesia forthe lewat sedikit minggu dan sekarang bisa berkata itu dengan fasih

I'm clever :)



#15 April 24th, 2007 06:04 AM


Re: Hey there Everyone!!!

OK....secret language, LOL!


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