#1 December 10th, 2006 07:05 AM


So much to do and so little time

I've been a member on this site for quite a long time - with a few minor hiccoughs along the way. Sadly I am finding that I have little time to devote to the folios and even less time to devote to this forum, so it is with great sadness that I have finally decided to terminate my ISM account.

I have seen other members (and some of the lovely contributors) disappear over the years and have often wondered how life was treating them all. I know I shall miss the interactions with the people in here. It has been entertaining, educational, frustrating and down right good fun being a member of ISM. It's odd but somehow I never managed to click with the forum on IFM, from which I am also departing.

I would like to say thank you to one or two people in particular, with whom it has been a pleasure to communicate over the years.

Liandra - just  in case you ever read this forum nowadays, I'd like to say thank you to you for your humour, intelligence, honesty and downright adamance in the early days of ISM. It's been a pleasure knowing you and I hope that everything is working out for you on the other side.

Zille - you are a wonderful person and it's been a pleasure knowing you at least as far as this forum would allow. I hope your work takes you to wherever you wish - you deserve it.

Perl - I adore your wit. As "techies" I don't think we would ever agree on the right way to do anything but as a person I have the greatest respect for you.

Jamie - apologies - at first I was convinced you were a figment of your own imagination. I'd come across you so many times in so many places without having a clue about you or your photographic motivation. It has been a pleasure to actually interact with you in here and discover a little more about the real you. You are so open and honest about yourself and your feelings.

Catt - this forum would not have been tha same without you contributions. You somehow managed to be ethereal and ubiquitous at the same time - just like a cat

SCSI - all I can say to you is keep up the members end in here. You've done a great job so far and I shall miss the jibes we used to have.

Blissed - As a fellow Englishman (that's if you don't think you live in a different country ;-) ), it's good to find someone with the same sense of humour as myself. I hope you endure ISM for a long time and enjoy it as much as I have.

Oh and finally - Thank you to all of you for making this forum one of the best on the Net.

My subscription doesn't actually laspe for a little while but I don't know when I will find the time to get back in here again, so for my 645 post I will say a preemptory Sayonnara.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#2 December 10th, 2006 12:07 PM


Re: So much to do and so little time

Belgareth wrote:

I've been a member on this site for quite a long time - with a few minor hiccoughs along the way. Sadly I am finding that I have little time to devote to the folios and even less time to devote to this forum, so it is with great sadness that I have finally decided to terminate my ISM account.

>>>  snipped for brevity<<<<<

time to get back in here again, so for my 645 post I will say a preemptory Sayonnara.

I shall greatly miss you, Bel.  I've come to think of you as my buddy on the other side of the pond.  The famous English wit and the ability to smile at yourself and take Yankee humor in stride have been your hallmarks.  I felt a loss when Trebora never came back from his "vacation" and always wondered what became of him.  I will miss you too.  I will surely miss our jousting and wish you well in whatever road you make take.  Hopefully we will cross paths elsewhere.  As the native American Lakotas are fond of pointing out:  There is no word in Lakota for "Good Bye".

Oh,  and by the way....  it's called a WRENCH.  A spanner is something you wind springs with.



"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#3 December 10th, 2006 01:30 PM


Re: So much to do and so little time

Sad to see you go, though given how little I was participating in the forums for a while there I don't feel I can complain.
I always feel that techie arguments are an important part of the whole "geek thing". We never even got onto "Emacs vs Vi" either (actually my answer would be "neither" since they got Kate right, but that could lead to a whole different argument about window managers and desktop environments).

Take care, and it was nice to "meet" you.


#4 December 10th, 2006 04:13 PM


Re: So much to do and so little time

Belgareth wrote:

Zille - you are a wonderful person and it's been a pleasure knowing you at least as far as this forum would allow. I hope your work takes you to wherever you wish - you deserve it.

Belgareth, I have always looked forward to seeing posts from you, and this one saddens me, but I do understand it.

You are a wonderful person, too, and I hope that whatever activities are dragging you away from here give you profound satisaction and happiness.

Whenever you want to catch up with me, you can stop my my livejournal ( http://zille.livejournal.com ) and see how I'm doing!  And leave a post for me and let me know how things are with you!   big_smile

~See more of me at http://zilledefeu.com


#5 December 11th, 2006 12:49 AM


Re: So much to do and so little time

Goodbye Belgareth.

"If I don't see you any more in this life, I'll see you in the next. Don't be late."


#6 December 11th, 2006 10:04 AM


Re: So much to do and so little time

<script src="http://www.clocklink.com/embed.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">obj = new Object;obj.clockfile = "0012-silver.swf";obj.TimeZone = "WET";obj.width = 150;obj.height = 150;obj.wmode = "transparent";showClock(obj);</script>

and B just to help you, have one of these, (GMT) presented to you in appreciation for all the posts you've made that have either made me think or made me laugh. Nice to have met you smile



#7 December 11th, 2006 10:07 AM


Re: So much to do and so little time

<script src="http://www.clocklink.com/embed.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">obj = new Object;obj.clockfile = "0012-silver.swf";obj.TimeZone = "WET";obj.width = 150;obj.height = 150;obj.wmode = "transparent";showClock(obj);</script>

and B just to help you, have one of these, presented to you in apreciation for all the posts you've made that have either made me think or made me laugh. Nice to have met you smile



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