#1 October 23rd, 2006 12:11 AM


How far you go

There’s been a lovely sequence of explicit shoots in the last few days, and I found myself wondering… When you do a shoot, do you already have a clear idea of how far you want to go or not? Or does the character of the shoot create itself as you go along? And how many of you find yourself willing to go a bit further with each new shoot? Because the opposite can happen too – that an explicit debut can be followed by much chaster sets. Then there’s the case of one of everybody’s favourites, Cle: almost all her sets are actually quite restrained, except for the lovely set she did with her boyfriend - which was gloriously unrestrained. And that’s interesting again in another way: she was happy to be explicit with her partner but on her own she preferred not to? Any personal experience here would interest me.
Perhaps there’s a reason for this interest of mine. The indescribably beautiful (and very daring) Allegra is about to reappear, and from the preview shot it looks as if she’s in male company. I do hope she’s not going to let me down.


#2 October 23rd, 2006 06:37 AM


Re: How far you go

LeoBloom wrote:

Perhaps there’s a reason for this interest of mine. The indescribably beautiful (and very daring) Allegra is about to reappear, and from the preview shot it looks as if she’s in male company. I do hope she’s not going to let me down.

I think you will agree that not only does she not let us down, she achieves the exact opposite.  What a fab set.


#3 October 23rd, 2006 04:51 PM


Re: How far you go

centrevom wrote:

I think you will agree that not only does she not let us down, she achieves the exact opposite.  What a fab set.

You're telling me. I'm blown away by it.


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