#1 September 5th, 2006 04:58 AM


He was definately crazy.

My hats off and my head bowed in reverence to the loss of one of Australia's treasures.

One may or may not have liked Steve Irwin  (The Crocodile Hunter) but he brought more to the table than I ever will.

The brought Oz into the spotlight.
He brought  wildlife into the spotlight.
He brought conservation into the spotlight,  even in third world countries.

His gonzo, balls out approach brought new light to a normally low-key subject.  My children are part of the "MTV generation" and Steve appealed to them more than my heros did.  He was a man of the times.  He was a national treasure and I hope they honor him as such.

"Apple of my Eye", "bated breath", "brave new world", "caught red-handed" - all coined by Shakespeare.


#2 September 5th, 2006 03:19 PM


Re: He was definately crazy.

As much as all us Aussies loved to make fun of him he really was a fantastic guy. He did such wonderful work for wildlife conservation/awareness.


#3 September 5th, 2006 06:42 PM


Re: He was definately crazy.

He was himself and had strong family and conservation values, he will be sadley missed. A true aussie


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