#1 May 23rd, 2006 01:21 AM


Question for the artist ladies

Do you check your photos before sending them to ISM?

The reason I ask is there are huge amount of pics missing from the folios and it seems like the ones that are missing are the more provocative ones. The only answer I saw on the FAQs was they were dud pictures, blurry or no good. But I seriously doubt that you would submit blurry or dud pictures. I am pretty sure you would take those out yourself.

I think I will not re-subscribe to ISM because of premise. I will hate it because the women in the pictures ISM actually shows are gorgeous. But if I pay a site to see pictures. I want to see them ALL and decide for myself which ones are good or not. I do not think they should "censor" or take any out. And if it is a question of bandwidth...  charge a few extra dollars a month.

Please give me your feedback.


#2 May 23rd, 2006 03:49 AM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

Sometimes there can be 200 shots in a raw folio. The artist submits the shots their happy with and then the site chooses the best ones from those.There are so many folios coming out all the time that to have 150-200 shots in each one would be unwealdy. I think most movies have around 15 hours of raw footage and  If someone really cares about their work their going to edit it and bring you what they think works.

Just my 2 cents smile


#3 May 23rd, 2006 04:04 AM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

They could a least let us download the full zip or something though.


#4 May 23rd, 2006 10:45 AM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

smokin wrote:

Do you check your photos before sending them to ISM?

The reason I ask is there are huge amount of pics missing from the folios and it seems like the ones that are missing are the more provocative ones. The only answer I saw on the FAQs was they were dud pictures, blurry or no good. But I seriously doubt that you would submit blurry or dud pictures. I am pretty sure you would take those out yourself.

I think I will not re-subscribe to ISM because of premise. I will hate it because the women in the pictures ISM actually shows are gorgeous. But if I pay a site to see pictures. I want to see them ALL and decide for myself which ones are good or not. I do not think they should "censor" or take any out. And if it is a question of bandwidth...  charge a few extra dollars a month.

Please give me your feedback.

oh i wouldn't go away just yet.
this is still the best site around since it is US shooting US.
you have to keep in mind that because we are shooting ourselves there will be some images we submit that are probably best left out.   that is the decision of the editors.   

but i have gotten through many many folios here since i posted and i adore the honesty and beauty this site generates.

so don't run off just yet...the best is ALWAYS yet to come!


'stay beautiful'


#5 May 23rd, 2006 02:51 PM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

smokin wrote:

Do you check your photos before sending them to ISM?

The reason I ask is there are huge amount of pics missing from the folios and it seems like the ones that are missing are the more provocative ones. The only answer I saw on the FAQs was they were dud pictures, blurry or no good. But I seriously doubt that you would submit blurry or dud pictures. I am pretty sure you would take those out yourself.

I think I will not re-subscribe to ISM because of premise. I will hate it because the women in the pictures ISM actually shows are gorgeous. But if I pay a site to see pictures. I want to see them ALL and decide for myself which ones are good or not. I do not think they should "censor" or take any out. And if it is a question of bandwidth...  charge a few extra dollars a month.

Please give me your feedback.

I think this was best answered by head a while back in a forum post when he said..

head wrote:

"There's a lot of repetition is some sets. And dross. E.g., try photographing your bum and you'll get fresh air 2 times out of 3. If we put all the pix up we'd be drowning in complaints about the quality of images on the site.".


#6 May 23rd, 2006 03:45 PM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

smokin wrote:

Do you check your photos before sending them to ISM?

The reason I ask is there are huge amount of pics missing from the folios and it seems like the ones that are missing are the more provocative ones. The only answer I saw on the FAQs was they were dud pictures, blurry or no good. But I seriously doubt that you would submit blurry or dud pictures. I am pretty sure you would take those out yourself.

I think I will not re-subscribe to ISM because of premise. I will hate it because the women in the pictures ISM actually shows are gorgeous. But if I pay a site to see pictures. I want to see them ALL and decide for myself which ones are good or not. I do not think they should "censor" or take any out. And if it is a question of bandwidth...  charge a few extra dollars a month.

Please give me your feedback.

Before I sent my pictures in I did cull those that were just plain bad but I did leave plenty that were almost duplicates of other images. I left these in to give the editors a choice, trusting that they would edit the folio intelligently and sensitively and that's just what they did. I am much more happy with what finally made the site than what they left in. It is true to the spirit and intention of my original set of images but more succinct.

Don't you think that if we were being "censored" you would be seeing complaints from artists here on the forums about it?

I guess it's human nature to assume that you're missing out on something fabulous when you know there's something you're not seeing but I can assure you that, at least in the case of my folio, the "more provocative" images were left in. I wonder if maybe the folks here should just start renaming/numbering the folios after they've been edited so that people can concentrate on the fantastic images they are seeing rather than fantasising about what they think they are missing out on.

We're hardly lacking for quantity of photos here and I know I am finding the number of amazing folios on the site quite overwhelming.


#7 May 23rd, 2006 07:44 PM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

shannon wrote:

I think this was best answered by head a while back in a forum post when he said..

you are so right.
it is very easy to get duplicates or some that resemble duplicates when shooting.
i am still shooting the 'ishotmyself' style for my other work without submitting to this site and i have to tell you, there are always plenty of shots that just dont cut it....;)

'stay beautiful'


#8 May 23rd, 2006 11:57 PM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

smokin wrote:

Do you check your photos before sending them to ISM?

The reason I ask is there are huge amount of pics missing from the folios and it seems like the ones that are missing are the more provocative ones. The only answer I saw on the FAQs was they were dud pictures, blurry or no good. But I seriously doubt that you would submit blurry or dud pictures. I am pretty sure you would take those out yourself.

I think I will not re-subscribe to ISM because of premise. I will hate it because the women in the pictures ISM actually shows are gorgeous. But if I pay a site to see pictures. I want to see them ALL and decide for myself which ones are good or not. I do not think they should "censor" or take any out. And if it is a question of bandwidth...  charge a few extra dollars a month.

Please give me your feedback.

when i did my shoot, ISM gave me 2 batteries and when i handed my photos in i had no power left! i looked through my shoot a lot i think most of the pics i took were posted. i think a few doubles were taken out but as the others said there are a lot of pics to post. i was very critical about my pics i took as i would imagen most are. please dont leave if everyonr leaves we wont be able to post more pics! i can see what you mean though


#9 May 28th, 2006 12:27 PM


Re: Question for the artist ladies

Yes, I went through and removed what I could see on the little screen were really bad... but things that were fine in a tiny window often aren't when blown up.  Also I did have multiples etc or shots that I guess were a bit out of theme so weren't included.  Overall though I liked the photos chosen.


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