#1 March 3rd, 2004 05:57 PM


regarding the new design...

The navigation is an improvement. Thank you.

Definitely miss the red, however.
The gray is much too... depressing. Cold.

Also, would be better if the 'you just missed...' links went to the artist statement instead of directly to the folio (for those who like to read the book before they see the movie.)


#2 March 3rd, 2004 07:37 PM


Re: regarding the new design...

The navigation is nicer but the grey is a bit gloomy.

The search page still needs work, however. If you try and get a list sorted by portfolio name, page 1 is OK but when you go to page 2, the order has reverted to artist or something.

How the hell do I just get a list of all the portfolios?


#3 March 3rd, 2004 08:28 PM


Re: regarding the new design...

Sorry, but I don't like the use of the pixel fonts. I don't think it suits.


#4 March 3rd, 2004 10:27 PM


Re: regarding the new design...

TheJudge wrote:

The navigation is nicer but the grey is a bit gloomy.

The search page still needs work, however. If you try and get a list sorted by portfolio name, page 1 is OK but when you go to page 2, the order has reverted to artist or something.

How the hell do I just get a list of all the portfolios?

Thanks for the heads-up, we're working on that bug.  It was OK during testing!  For a quick index of all artists, there's still a 'show all' link on the front page, on the left.


#5 March 4th, 2004 06:38 AM


Re: regarding the new design...

The new layout is a great improvement big_smile Well done Head!


#6 March 4th, 2004 02:41 PM


Re: regarding the new design...

I like the new look to the site, much easier to navigate from the Home Page...


#7 March 4th, 2004 05:57 PM


Re: regarding the new design...

I like the new navigation concept. I think the SHOW FOLIO and DNLOAD ZIP buttons on the FOLIOS or Search results pages are too small. The SHOW FOLIO isn't really needed. It's the same as clicking the picture, that would leave more space for the zip buttion. And the Dates are all messed up, even todays post 3/3 says 27 Feb.


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