#1 October 6th, 2003 12:24 PM


Why do i Get sponser access only when I have paid

I have e mailed them  and i have also called the billing comp. and they say my account is active.   but i get the the same locked door as you.  no response from the admin/mod as of yet.   i guess its not just me we should all get a free month  ha ha lol


#2 October 6th, 2003 10:01 PM


Re: Why do i Get sponser access only when I have paid

Yes we did get all four of your emails, including the ones with double priority status, and we gave you a personal reply.

This was our fist outtage for a couple of months and as far as we know it was only a few hours.  In response to your question no, we don't have 24/7 customer service, it is about 16/7. You must be confusing as with one of those big corporations who have an army of customer service operators standing by.  Incidentally, how quickly do they respond, generally?

We're sorry to have inconvenienced you and hope you enjoy your sponsorship of Project_ISM.    And here's a statistic to mull over: despite the absolutely clear instructions we give for requesting service, over half of the sponsors who email us with login problems do not give us a username or subscription number.  Here's another: 80% of our server overhead is wasted dealing with hack attempts.

Hope this helps.


#3 October 7th, 2003 11:18 AM


Re: Why do i Get sponser access only when I have paid

Head wrote:

Yes we did get all four of your emails, including the ones with double priority status, and we gave you a personal reply.

This was our fist outtage for a couple of months and as far as we know it was only a few hours.  In response to your question no, we don't have 24/7 customer service, it is about 16/7. corporations who have an army of customer service operators standing by.  Incidentally, how quickly do they respond, generally?

We're sorry to have inconvenienced you and hope you enjoy your sponsorship of Project_ISM.    And here's a statistic to mull over: despite the absolutely clear instructions we give for requesting service, over half of the sponsors who email us with login problems do not give us a username or subscription number.  Here's another: 80% of our server overhead is wasted dealing with hack attempts.

Hope this helps.

danm hackers !
First of all Thank you.  For your info   the billing co. I spoke with do offer 24/7 support and they gave me a quick response and were very polite.  They checked my ststus  and said would send an e mail in my regard.  I only sent one the others must have been from them.  And  I did include my user name and password.  Again thanx.


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