#1 September 22nd, 2003 01:11 PM


maybe I'm missing something....

I've only looked around the site once or twice, but given the statements made about this being a legitimate project concering everyday women photographing themselves and submitting portfolios for "selfploitation" it seems funny that they all appear to be  young, thin, cute and sexy...  This leads me to believe that either it's staged. or extremely narrow minded in preliminary editing.  This isn't the way the world works kids.


#2 September 22nd, 2003 03:29 PM


Re: maybe I'm missing something....

slacka wrote:

I've only looked around the site once or twice, but given the statements made about this being a legitimate project concering everyday women photographing themselves and submitting portfolios for "selfploitation" it seems funny that they all appear to be  young, thin, cute and sexy...  This leads me to believe that either it's staged. or extremely narrow minded in preliminary editing.  This isn't the way the world works kids.

If you read the full FAQ trhat should shed more light on this.  When the project began we had friends and friends of friends contribute but since we went 'live' and made the project open to the world we haven't rejected any applicants based on age or appearance.  We would welcome some older and larger women to apply.


#3 September 23rd, 2003 12:51 PM


Re: maybe I'm missing something....

Head wrote:

If you read the full FAQ trhat should shed more light on this.  When the project began we had friends and friends of friends contribute but since we went 'live' and made the project open to the world we haven't rejected any applicants based on age or appearance.  We would welcome some older and larger women to apply.

fair enough...


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