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#1 December 21st, 2004 06:36 PM


Site down

Head, I don't know if this is the place to address issues of site access or not but for the last 48 hours this site has been down in the UK for the majority of the time.

For instance, about 8.15 GMT I was looking for the extra folio I hadnt been able to access the night before and managed to load the site, but before I could get the Standard folio for yesterday the site went down again.

This is probably something to do with your move to the new server but if it's something you werent aware of it may need looking into.


#2 December 21st, 2004 06:48 PM


Re: Site down

Gimme_Danger wrote:

Head, I don't know if this is the place to address issues of site access or not but for the last 48 hours this site has been down in the UK for the majority of the time.

For instance, about 8.15 GMT I was looking for the extra folio I hadnt been able to access the night before and managed to load the site, but before I could get the Standard folio for yesterday the site went down again.

This is probably something to do with your move to the new server but if it's something you werent aware of it may need looking into.

Just to let you know, we had a route down across the Net in the UK. ISM wasn't the only site affected by the outage. So, much as it distressed me not being able to access ISM either, I can't lay the blame totally at the feet of the ISM host.

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#3 December 21st, 2004 08:46 PM


Re: Site down

Belgareth wrote:

Just to let you know, we had a route down across the Net in the UK. ISM wasn't the only site affected by the outage. So, much as it distressed me not being able to access ISM either, I can't lay the blame totally at the feet of the ISM host.

Ah, OK I didn't know that but I wasn't affected at any other site


#4 December 22nd, 2004 12:12 AM


Re: Site down

On the contrary, do blame our host.  We requested a new IP last Thursday and was told it would happen immediately.  Then followed 5 days of apologgies, but no reason given why they couldn't actually ~do~ it.  Meanwhile ISM was running off a crippled machine which needed constant reboots, while the  hosting company's automated monitoring service - and on two occasions their actual ~people~ - insisted it wasn't down at all.  It has cost us a lot of money, a lot of stress and probably a lot of face, but thankfully it all seems resolved now.  Conveniently, the day they sent us their monthly service bill.

So sorry subscribers, but we'll make it up with a few freebie extras over the next week...


#5 December 22nd, 2004 03:43 AM


Re: Site down

Head wrote:

On the contrary, do blame our host.  We requested a new IP last Thursday and was told it would happen immediately.  Then followed 5 days of apologgies, but no reason given why they couldn't actually ~do~ it.  Meanwhile ISM was running off a crippled machine which needed constant reboots, while the  hosting company's automated monitoring service - and on two occasions their actual ~people~ - insisted it wasn't down at all.  It has cost us a lot of money, a lot of stress and probably a lot of face, but thankfully it all seems resolved now.  Conveniently, the day they sent us their monthly service bill.

So sorry subscribers, but we'll make it up with a few freebie extras over the next week...

Well, thanks for the honestly Head. It looks like we had two problems to contend with in the UK in that case!

Whatever happened to reliable hosting services? They are all falling over each other to get your business and then they just screw you up

[color="Red"]require "help.pl";[/color]


#6 December 22nd, 2004 10:37 AM


Re: Site down

I had the same troubles here from Italy and i thought it was due to my ISP, but I really appreciated the honesty of the head. And tnx for the gifts you will give us the next week. I'm sure they will cover the days in wich the site was off in our memories ;-)


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