#1 September 15th, 2003 06:02 PM


Phase out the Brazilian


I am a regular visitor to your site but am yet to enlist. Ah, got a phobia about giving my credit details etc + I think I would be completely addicted to the net if I had free access to your magnificent site!

Anyway, was mighty impressed with Emmy Lou today. I absolutely love women who snub convention leaving their bodies as nature intended. Emmy Lou and a woman called Flaxen - 18/8/03 - are brilliant. Knickers with pubic hair lining the inner thighs is a divine artistic statement in this day and age. It is unconventional, certainly daring considering they place themselves before a society that frowns upon it. Congratulate both artists for me if you can.

I find it fascinating to imagine what type of person each of the models are. Their naked state conjures a story in my mind. There have been so many beauties that have lost their beauty without their pubic hair. They no longer seem naked if that makes sense, but rather 'clothed' by convention.

MMmm. Was disappointed to read about not having guys on the  site. Would love to have posed. Furthermore, I am mighty envious of being prevented an artistic liscence over my female friends!

Meanwhile, keep up the great work. Will add more later.


#2 September 17th, 2003 12:32 AM


Re: Phase out the Brazilian

...of giving your credit card data via a secure internet connection. If someone is after someone elses credit card data he wouldn't took all the great and efforts that are necessary to hack into a secure connection, which is nearly impossible anyhow. It's easier to take a job at a near restaurant, shop or gas station.


#3 September 18th, 2003 03:42 AM


Re: Phase out the Brazilian

Hey scorpio74, you should forget the worries about your credit card issues and sign up, it is definately worth the small sign up fee.

I hope this doesn't get taken out of context by anyone, but I honestly think the site guest area is way too generous. I don't think I've ever seen so many free images in a guest area before.


#4 September 26th, 2003 04:15 AM


Re: Phase out the Brazilian

scorpio74 wrote:

MMmm. Was disappointed to read about not having guys on the  site. Would love to have posed. Furthermore, I am mighty envious of being prevented an artistic liscence over my female friends!

Hi there,

If a website wishes to thrive, it's hard to do so if you mix men and women together. The reason for this is that too many people who like to look at pics of one gender will be put off by even the presence of pics of the other gender (whether they view them or not) and will not join. I am female and would love to see a site like this starring guys showing their stuff, but if I were considering this as the owner of this place, I would make it a completely separate website. I think it would do well, if you could market it to women (as well as to the usual gay audience).


#5 May 22nd, 2008 05:51 PM


Re: Phase out the Brazilian


my first post is a wee bit of info you might beable to use

I pay for items and access to these wonderful places with whats called a Prezzy Card

Cost me $5 buck NZ and the amount I wish to load on it,.. doesn't matter if somebody hacks it <laughing> it's empty when the payment is made and I have what I want

Not sure if theyer about else where but they are VISA based cards



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