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#1 November 18th, 2004 10:37 PM


Furry Girls

Has anyone (Head?!) noticed that girls with blonde bodyhair - legs, belly, arms etc - generally get more complimentary comments? Or is it just biased old me being selective? Do we want more? Are there lots of blonde/fair bodyhair fans lurking out there? Opinions please folks.....


#2 November 19th, 2004 03:26 AM


Re: Furry Girls

I don't know that I've noticed "better" comments for women of the blonde/fair persuasion, but I *have* noticed that the number/"quality" of comments seems to be directly linked to the blurb on the front page.  If the blurb is just sort of "here's so-and-so, here's her shoot" they don't seem to get nearly as many great comments.  But if the blurb says "here's the gorgeous lovely and talented so-and-so with her amazing and wonderful pics" they get tons of raving comments.  This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual quality of the photos or the woman herself, but seems really a reaction to the blurb writer's set-up of the folio.  I've actually been noticing this for a while and meant to comment on it...I think it's very odd, and seems to me to be another insidious form of society's inherent prejudice and beauty standards - as if we can only find beauty in those that others have deemed acceptable.  (I think I went a bit beyond the scope of your question, but it seemed like the right window to voice this thought I'd been having for a while. smile Sorry!)

tsunami wrote:

Has anyone (Head?!) noticed that girls with blonde bodyhair - legs, belly, arms etc - generally get more complimentary comments? Or is it just biased old me being selective? Do we want more? Are there lots of blonde/fair bodyhair fans lurking out there? Opinions please folks.....

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."
            -Emma Goldman


#3 November 19th, 2004 06:11 AM


Re: Furry Girls

Lol Liz, it's good to get things off your chest! :-)

Personally I read the blurb at the end, after I've viewed the folio. I think on the whole though ISM is a million miles from the 'normal' stuff that's peddled on the web and appears to be very even handed and non-judgemental considering the wide cross section of girl's folios published. We're all different, not just in appearance but taste as well and this site manages to provide that very rare thing...something for everyone.

liz wrote:

I don't know that I've noticed "better" comments for women of the blonde/fair persuasion, but I *have* noticed that the number/"quality" of comments seems to be directly linked to the blurb on the front page.  If the blurb is just sort of "here's so-and-so, here's her shoot" they don't seem to get nearly as many great comments.  But if the blurb says "here's the gorgeous lovely and talented so-and-so with her amazing and wonderful pics" they get tons of raving comments.  This doesn't seem to have anything to do with the actual quality of the photos or the woman herself, but seems really a reaction to the blurb writer's set-up of the folio.  I've actually been noticing this for a while and meant to comment on it...I think it's very odd, and seems to me to be another insidious form of society's inherent prejudice and beauty standards - as if we can only find beauty in those that others have deemed acceptable.  (I think I went a bit beyond the scope of your question, but it seemed like the right window to voice this thought I'd been having for a while. smile Sorry!)


#4 November 19th, 2004 06:30 PM


Re: Furry Girls

liz wrote:

I don't know that I've noticed "better" comments for women of the blonde/fair persuasion, but I *have* noticed that the number/"quality" of comments seems to be directly linked to the blurb on the front page.

Wouldn't it make sense that if I'm knocked out by the folio then others will be too?  (I write the primary blurbs, but as of last week we have genius artist/designer fi, who made the original ISM site, looking after Extra).


#5 November 20th, 2004 01:26 AM


Re: Furry Girls

OK, my original thread was hijacked...but that's ok...it's a forum after all, we're a democracy. BUT...back to the original thread...reposted here in full as follows....

"Has anyone (Head?!) noticed that girls with blonde bodyhair - legs, belly, arms etc - generally get more complimentary comments? Or is it just biased old me being selective? Do we want more? Are there lots of blonde/fair bodyhair fans lurking out there? Opinions please folks...."

Feedback on the subject, thanks ;-)

pia wrote:

Yeah I noticed too that there seems to be quite a direct relationship between the blurb and the number of comments (don't know about the quality of comments though). I was wondering if it is just because more people bother to look properly at those sets which say "here's the gorgeous lovely and talented so-and-so with her amazing and wonderful pics" It is interesting anyway, isn't it.
um .. and yep I think it makes sence that if you (head) like a set lots of other people will like it too .. i spose you have good taste wink


#6 November 20th, 2004 06:36 AM


Re: Furry Girls

I too agree that if the blurb writer (Head, or the new genius!) thought the folio was outstanding, then it's likely that many others will think so too.  But I agree with Pia, that maybe more people look at those folios that get a smashing review in the blurb.
I'm looking it with the idea that, not accounting for individual taste, the blurb can directly impact the number of viewers/commentors of any folio.  I've seen several that I thought were just great, but the blurb was just kind of descriptive rather than praising, and the folio got, like, three comments.  Then there are other that, while also lovely and well done, were highly praised in the blurb, and instantly had, oh, fifteen comments or something.
Also agreeing with Tsunami, the site has amazing diversity and has so many different types of women, that there's something that everyone will adore.  I'm just wondering if folks are looking at/not looking at folios based on the blurb, and if they *are* looking, if they're going in with a preconceived message that they're going to be blown away by it or not that impressed.  Perhaps I'm looking at it from more of a psychological point of view, in terms of how the blurb affects the potential folio-viewer, whether they realize it or not...
(Sorry, again, Tsunami, still hijacked! smile  .........)

pia wrote:

Yeah I noticed too that there seems to be quite a direct relationship between the blurb and the number of comments (don't know about the quality of comments though). I was wondering if it is just because more people bother to look properly at those sets which say "here's the gorgeous lovely and talented so-and-so with her amazing and wonderful pics" It is interesting anyway, isn't it.
um .. and yep I think it makes sence that if you (head) like a set lots of other people will like it too .. i spose you have good taste wink

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution."
            -Emma Goldman


#7 November 20th, 2004 09:49 AM


Re: Furry Girls

Oh, that's ok Liz, I don't mind, no...really...I dont! :-)

liz wrote:

I too agree that if the blurb writer (Head, or the new genius!) thought the folio was outstanding, then it's likely that many others will think so too.  But I agree with Pia, that maybe more people look at those folios that get a smashing review in the blurb.
I'm looking it with the idea that, not accounting for individual taste, the blurb can directly impact the number of viewers/commentors of any folio.  I've seen several that I thought were just great, but the blurb was just kind of descriptive rather than praising, and the folio got, like, three comments.  Then there are other that, while also lovely and well done, were highly praised in the blurb, and instantly had, oh, fifteen comments or something.
Also agreeing with Tsunami, the site has amazing diversity and has so many different types of women, that there's something that everyone will adore.  I'm just wondering if folks are looking at/not looking at folios based on the blurb, and if they *are* looking, if they're going in with a preconceived message that they're going to be blown away by it or not that impressed.  Perhaps I'm looking at it from more of a psychological point of view, in terms of how the blurb affects the potential folio-viewer, whether they realize it or not...
(Sorry, again, Tsunami, still hijacked! smile  .........)


#8 November 20th, 2004 06:39 PM


Re: Furry Girls

tsunami wrote:

OK, my original thread was hijacked...but that's ok...it's a forum after all, we're a democracy. BUT...back to the original thread...reposted here in full as follows....

"Has anyone (Head?!) noticed that girls with blonde bodyhair - legs, belly, arms etc - generally get more complimentary comments? Or is it just biased old me being selective? Do we want more? Are there lots of blonde/fair bodyhair fans lurking out there? Opinions please folks...."

Feedback on the subject, thanks ;-)

yes, I have noticed this..."Gentlmen prefer blondes" syndrome, perhaps? I personally prefer the blonde, light hair, non-furry, shaved look. Obviously, entirely a matter of personal preference. Seems there is a preponderance of users/viewers who are in this camp. Either that, or the ones who prefer the darker, furrier look tend to lurk and not comment.

Right OT!!


#9 November 22nd, 2004 12:44 AM


Re: Furry Girls

gtrvox wrote:

yes, I have noticed this..."Gentlmen prefer blondes" syndrome, perhaps? I personally prefer the blonde, light hair, non-furry, shaved look. Obviously, entirely a matter of personal preference. Seems there is a preponderance of users/viewers who are in this camp. Either that, or the ones who prefer the darker, furrier look tend to lurk and not comment.

Right OT!!

Mmmmm. that makes me an outspoken lurker I guess. I take absolutely no notice of what the folio preamble says and make my own mind up, based upon what I see and sense in the folio. At the risk of being reiterative, great folios are produced by ladies, regardless of colour, creed, age or folic disposition. The thing that makes a folio great is the sense of self that is portrayed.

I'm not sure whether my thought processes make me any more or less of a "Gentleman", just because I don't prefer blonde.

The one thing that I really hate to see are males that resemble gorillas (or other members of the great apes). There are visual boundaries to the amount of body hair I can tolerate but that isn't the fault of the person - blame the genes - no not Levi!!!

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