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#1 March 21st, 2013 11:09 AM



Pretty much says how I feel about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=pl … 86oaQ4aLcM

My heart also goes out to all the muggers of drunk people who's own actions have ruined their promising made up fictitious sporting  careers and jobs as supermodels blah de blah.



#2 March 21st, 2013 11:21 AM


Re: Steubanville

Interesting commentator.... I like the video, it brings out all the main points with crazy sound effects. Yes please, stop the victim blaming, stop the slut shaming and let's all end rape culture....

How simple is that?


#3 March 21st, 2013 11:24 AM


Re: Steubanville


Last edited by artemesia (March 21st, 2013 11:24 AM)


#4 March 22nd, 2013 10:55 PM


Re: Steubanville

Yeah how do we seek to stop rapists raping. In this case I think the defendants were so distressed in court because they were likely genuinely cognitively innocent (they wouldn't have raped anyone if they were sober). Their relationship with alcohol is what led to their actions. But they did do it, it wasn't somebody else, so they must be convicted.  Some people murder when drunk and they're convicted of murder. Is someone guilty of a thoughtless and irresponsible relationship with a recreational drug that endangers others? yes. When you regularly take a recreational drug you know you'll be under it's influence and know how it changes your behaviour. When your record of drunk behaviour that is abusive or endangers others is labelled in you and your friends sober minds as humorous I think that's the point where their needs to be an intervention. Could being put on report and given an $18000 fine for kicking a dog and trashing garden furniture prevent a future rape, murder or coma inducing beating. The fine is repaid monthly but simply reduces more with every month of incident free behaviour and can be suspended if you don't take the drug again. Perhaps that might be one of the many solutions we need to end or reduce incidents of rape.

Another contributory solution in this kind of case may be to educate them as part of a comprehensive sex education in school about dominant BDSM notions and desires and how they must be only be actioned with consent. A comprehensive sex education with one of it's remitts to reduce sexual offending and give possible future offenders extra attention would be good too.


Last edited by blissed (March 22nd, 2013 11:36 PM)


#5 March 25th, 2013 10:51 AM


Re: Steubanville

"Steubenville is rape culture’s Abu Ghraib moment according to Laurie Penny at the New Statesman.

Susan Sontag observed of the Abu Ghraib atrocities that “the horror of what is shown in the photographs cannot be separated from the horror that the photographs were taken."

sontag's words are always so power...

did you see the onion's satirical take on the boy 'victims'?
here is the link since it has already been establilshed as SATIRE
http://www.theonion.com/video/college-b … agi,19097/

Last edited by artemesia (March 25th, 2013 11:46 AM)


#6 March 25th, 2013 11:08 AM


Re: Steubanville

Hey Blissed, I know that this is your thread and I know we are on the same side here. I am going to counterpoint your last post but please do not feel offended, if I am speaking strongly it is in reaction to the situation and not against you.

I don't think these guys were cognitively innocent. I think they were assholes, bullies who thought it was okay to victimize a peer as long as they got away with it, and it was only when they were caught and held up to public scrutiny that they began to feel oh-so-sorry for their actions. Not because their actions were wrong.

But because they were caught.

Even in court, the boy did not apologize for raping the girl. He apologized for distributing the pictures. Why? Because the pictures were the only reason everyone found out about the depths of depravity these kids reached that night.

Please do not blame alcohol. It is another technique of shifting responsibility from the rapists. These boys were proud of and amused by their actions the next day and the day after that, as evinced by the evidence of their recovered text messages.

Massive trigger warning on that link.


#7 March 25th, 2013 11:52 AM


Re: Steubanville

"It wasn't even rape because you don't know if she wanted to or not. She might have wanted to. It might have been her last wish."

This is a quote from the leaked video of the kids discussing that night's events. They knew what happened was wrong. Everyone was drunk, and yet there were people trying to force consciousness of the horror of the situation, people who understood how fucked up what happened was.


#8 March 25th, 2013 10:58 PM


Re: Steubanville

Viva I think in their case you could be right actually (I didn't know about the leaked video and the boasting) though alcohol can play a role in getting rid of the fear of consequences at the point the crime is committed.  The war time phrase for this is Dutch courage. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_courage

It's the courage needed to commit most crime, that criminals are proud of

blissed wrote:

When your record of drunk behaviour that is abusive or endangers others is labelled in you and your friends sober minds as humorous I think that's the point where their needs to be an intervention.

So they took social credit for what they saw as the courage needed to commit their crime. And luckily, that they were tempted to do that and boast about it, helped convict them and determine their level of guilt. In which case I think many people agree, a year in jail seems too short.


Last edited by blissed (March 25th, 2013 11:11 PM)


#9 June 8th, 2013 10:24 AM


Re: Steubanville

The hacker who out ted the steubenville rapists has been taken down by the FBI, he also likes to hack the westboro church for kicks. He sounds like a good dude if you can give support thru sharing his tale or splashing some cash please do, the world needs more people like this


Follow the links for dedric to learn more and see how you can donate, but I think just talking about cases like this with your coworkers is helpful too.

Please excuse spelling, my real computer broke and I am broke to,typing on a tablet kinda sucks, but I'm super grateful I can look at porn without having to borrow a flatties compy

Last edited by artemesia (June 8th, 2013 10:27 AM)


#10 June 8th, 2013 08:07 PM


Re: Steubanville

10 years in jail for what he's done seems ridiculous.

I liken him to someone breaking the speed limit to get an injured person to hospital. If there's no provision in law for instances like this, then I think it's time we looked into creating some.



#11 June 10th, 2013 02:43 AM


Re: Steubanville

Is the FBI prosecuting or is it the football team and church?


#12 June 12th, 2013 11:40 PM


Re: Steubanville


Fuck the FBI, we deserve street justice, here's hoping for an uprising in america soon


#13 July 13th, 2013 04:10 AM


Re: Steubanville

I lately saw Ms 45, a movie about a woman who is psychologally destroyed by a rape and becomes a serial killer. The scenario is really basic but it's graphically beautiful.

Last edited by paranoid24 (July 13th, 2013 04:16 AM)


#14 July 13th, 2013 09:13 AM


Re: Steubanville

Have you ever seen "They call her one eye"? It's a beautiful swedish rape revenge film. I haven't seen Ms 45 but I have a copy around. I'll get to watching it soon, thanks paranoid


#15 July 15th, 2013 10:58 PM


Re: Steubanville

The second part follows the same theme.


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