#1 July 23rd, 2009 04:06 AM


Art, Sensuality, Beauty in:"the life through the eyes of a woman"

.............first excuse my english.. im brazilian...

How it would be the world seen with other eyes, another perspective, from another angle.? a good question. to share  experiences with another person, to print that moment in an image, a moment of the time where it locks up many emotions. this often asked it to me and I believe that many also asked too someday. and I found part of the answer here in this project, " ISM".
What you observe when sights your body? sights down and see your feet, your legs, your hands, all your body the integrity of the case of your soul.

believe that but the difficult thing to take photos is to transmit in an image so many
things and mainly to transmit sensations, as to be another person. as it samples in many photos of each artist  (ravished_003; spectate_091; spectate_081; open air 192; up to here_055; circadia_025; golden brown_040; tickled pink_085; shot caller_068;principessa_022; and many many more folios to express :"the life throw the eye of a woman".
That is a TRUE WORK, that is sensuality, exitation, imagination, a FANTASY,  is an amount of sensations that you could only describe them. look your beauty legs, your boobs, your hands; all.

The perfect photo is that one which you can see through the eyes of the beauty, through the eyes of a woman, observe feelings and pass-on in an image the real beauty of a being, and all of you made it possible with the art of your body, all of you are precious, all of you are a woman and that says everything to it.

the woman is the most perfect expression of the nature, the most divine and detailed creation of the human being. our existence, our future...

..and your opinion ?

Last edited by templaryo (July 23rd, 2009 04:15 AM)


#2 July 23rd, 2009 10:37 AM


Re: Art, Sensuality, Beauty in:"the life through the eyes of a woman"

I'll just make it easier for people to see some of the pictures you are talking about:

spectate_081 spectate_91 
open_air_192  circadia_055  uptohere  ravished

So I guess you mean photographs which are taken of what a woman sees when she looks down at her own body.  Yes it is very insightful to get this perspective as you do with ism as opposed to other sites where there ius that distance due to the photographer being another individual. It's like the gonzo view isn't it? Except looking at oneself.

Thanks for sharing your favourite kind of pictures with us.  Glad you are enjoying the site.

Last edited by Folly (July 23rd, 2009 10:41 AM)


#3 July 27th, 2009 10:29 AM


Re: Art, Sensuality, Beauty in:"the life through the eyes of a woman"

Hey templaryo,

"How it would be the world seen with other eyes, another perspective, from another angle.?"

What a wonderful post! I think you've made an excellent point about how the images on here are "through the eyes of a woman" - it really does sometimes give you the sensation of being in another skin and actually SEEING another person as they see themselves through their own eyes, doesn't it!? It's magical...


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