#1 June 3rd, 2009 05:43 PM


Favourite beach picture

Hi all, with Tahnee's skyblue set going up today and Keelan recently taking it to the beach in in_this_skin, I thought it was good time to reflect on what great places beaches are to get naked!
Some of my favourite beach pics are:
Daniella, unda_244 124 & 221
Sequoia, lorelei_115 and 163
Darkling in freak_out_2_285
and I can't go past the extreme hotness of Reyna's beach set mi_carino_69

Anyone else want to share their favourites?

Last edited by Folly (June 3rd, 2009 05:44 PM)


#2 June 3rd, 2009 09:41 PM


Re: Favourite beach picture

I like the beach where Kia took her folio and where Vivienne did her video.  Beaches also remind us of good times with family and friends.


#3 June 4th, 2009 10:22 AM


Re: Favourite beach picture

Oh good ones Dags56, Isn't the sky a beautiful colour in Kia's folio blueocean?  Shot _102 is gorgeous.  I love beach shots with the water foaming and spraying.
And Vivienne is so lucky to live in such an amazing place!

Don't forget Joana's seaside flag dance!


#4 June 4th, 2009 11:21 AM


Re: Favourite beach picture

I love love love #103, #106, #129 and #150 in Lila_F's la_vida


#5 June 4th, 2009 07:32 PM


Re: Favourite beach picture

Yes Folly, Joana's video flag dance on the beach was great.  In Kia's folio blueocean shot # 32 was one of my favorites where her eyes are such a light blue that they take your breath away and the shot down the beach in the back ground.  In her video on IFM her eyes are not as light but still beautiful.  I just wish that she would do another shoot. 

Vivienne is lucky to live where she does and I hope that she is recovering well from her car accident and can give Tyson more walks on the beach and us another video soon.


#6 June 5th, 2009 10:32 AM


Re: Favourite beach picture

Nice choices veronicaf, 106 is pretty awesome.  And there's something about sand on the body as being very aesthetically pleasing, however uncomfortable it may be in real life!

Dags56 - Have you seen Vivienne's beautiful agony? She's Ms 1347


#7 June 6th, 2009 10:18 AM


Re: Favourite beach picture

hello beautiful people of ISM,
last month my first folio went live it is called 'tempest', because i surf and am into s&m I decided to take some of my bondage gear down to the beach for my shoot.  it turned out that a storm brewed up and the result was a very moody set of pics, not your usual beach folio.  i would love you to take a look and let me know your thoughts, i really enjoyed shooting the folio and even though towards the end of the shoot i was so so cold it was exhilerating. 

ps. i think tahnee's shoot looks amazing..sexy gals+beach=WOO hoo!



#8 June 8th, 2009 09:09 PM


Re: Favourite beach picture

Thanks Folly I did not know that Vivienne was on beautiful agony but I will check it out.

Valentine, your folio was great and you are a beautiful lady.  To bad that you could not get some action shots on your board for your next shoot.


#9 June 16th, 2009 11:00 AM


Re: Favourite beach picture

Valentine, that was a great idea to contrast your two interests like that.  And you couldn't have asked for a better sky to suit the mood your gear brought to the beach.  A cool spin on the beach setting.  Have you any ideas for a follow up?


#10 July 11th, 2009 07:11 PM


Re: Favourite beach picture

I really love all these beach shots. Somehow I find it very erotic and interesting to see the beach.. and maybe people in the background. So daring! You are very brave girls and thank you for that.

Valentine, I find your photo# 58 very exciting. Mainly due to what I wrote above. Thanks for a great contribution. I love it!


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