#1 January 7th, 2008 01:10 AM


pietra - thumbnail

A question (to the mods, I guess??)
In Pietra's folio, the thumbnail used on her profile does not seem to actually represent a pic - was that particular shot deleted from the folio? Or are pictures used for profile thumbs that are actually separate from the foilo?

Reply appreciated


#2 January 8th, 2008 09:45 AM


Re: pietra - thumbnail

voxpopuli wrote:

A question (to the mods, I guess??)
In Pietra's folio, the thumbnail used on her profile does not seem to actually represent a pic - was that particular shot deleted from the folio? Or are pictures used for profile thumbs that are actually separate from the foilo?

Reply appreciated

Hi Voxpopuli...  sometimes what happens here is that an image gets chosen from a set for the thumbnail that doesn't make the edit for various reasons; it could be blurry, or there's a similar pic that did make the cut, or it looks good small but not large, or us fine editors are having a slow brain day (most likely scenario).  We usually try to include the preview images in the set but rely on your eagle eyes to spot such inconsistencies.  Thanks for the heads up.


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