#1 September 25th, 2007 07:37 AM


Finally here!

Hey everyone,

I finally got my internet back up and running and thought I would stop by to say how much fun I had doing the shoot. Really liberating and an absolute riot - loved it! Hope you all enjoy the foilio as much as I enjoyed shooting it : )


#2 September 26th, 2007 09:23 AM


Re: Finally here!

Hey Darlene,
great you are HERE!!!

I went back to your portfolio....boy can you smile!! I love that smile - infectious!
I sure can see how much fun you had. I sure have fun looking again....

Whow! Great!
I love #44...great profile!  smile
#49...the way it's cut....superb....Ok, ok.....I admit, I love butts. I like/love everything else too, but butt...oh boy....
Don't worry, everything looks great on you.  smile

#21 - did you get hurt?

#27...oh wouldn't I love to lay there and enjoy the vista.....

See ya soon I hope, and read more soon too.  smile



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