#1 October 18th, 2004 11:21 PM


Pia. Need I say more.

It may sound a tad bit strange, but I've never felt the need to post a thread, ever. I guess it's derives from my quietness. However, Pia changes things a little. I've always wanted to visit the Nordic countries, Sweden and Denmark in particular. I might have to make a little stop to Australia first, in order to feast my eyes on the wonderfulness that is... Pia. Young lass, if you by chance, stumble on this post, read this. You are undeniably blessed. I wonder what it must have been like to shoot those pictures ? (It's an open-ended question that needs no answers) I was mesmerized by the shapleliness of your figure and the delicate beauty that you possess. If anything makes me dream, it's the chance encounter with a creature like yourself. A creature of poise and infinite charm. I could continue on with reverant praise, but I won't. Let it be known that you have charmed this little soul. May the rest of your year be filled with chance encounters with wonderful people and tantalizing trips to far-reaching places. Cheers Miss Pia. You've heightened my morning. kiss. p


#2 October 20th, 2004 11:43 PM


Re: Pia. Need I say more.

Pia, I am somewhat dumbfounded... I didn't know what the "proper" methodology to follow was, so thank you for suggesting I put up something in your folio section instead. Look over there, and I believe you will be pleasantly surprised.
Finally, about the "blessed" forebodings... I cannot substantiate those, you know that full well. There is a number of "soft" sciences out there. The science, or in most cases, art of listening and complimenting people according to their needs and wishes is something that takes patience and a selfless abundance of fun ! As I sit here, looking at the grey skies, I cannot help wonder that you are much like a trip to machu picchu: full of stories, colorful personality, and a wealth of pretty views. Enough, read your folio comments.
ciao and thanks for brightening my otherwise hectic and busy day.


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