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#1 March 26th, 2005 12:54 AM



"I thought I'd take a look at the forum hoping the people behind the images might be a little more interresting, but my search has been in vain..." EgonArbus 23/3/05, thread; now tell me...

I hope it wasn't purely on the content of my thread that this cynical generalisation was formed? That would be a pitty (not to mention leaping to an ill founded conclusion). Perhaps you would condescend to start one of your own that might escalate the rest of us to your lofty heights. I will certainly await it with bated breath...


#2 March 26th, 2005 04:19 AM


Re: EgonArbus

Wow, it's really strange to me that he could think that! The people at the forums here have been, to me, some of the most interesting people on ANY online forum I've seen!


#3 March 26th, 2005 05:55 PM


Re: EgonArbus

Merricat wrote:

Wow, it's really strange to me that he could think that! The people at the forums here have been, to me, some of the most interesting people on ANY online forum I've seen!

Merricat, I just did an 'advanced search' & found your folios from the past. I LOVED 'bookworm' -- very original & steamy...


#4 March 26th, 2005 09:15 PM


Re: EgonArbus

Merricat wrote:

Wow, it's really strange to me that he could think that! The people at the forums here have been, to me, some of the most interesting people on ANY online forum I've seen!

I wonder what he deems to be interesting? The people in here are, on average, well read, argue sensibly (well, most of the time) and are a down-to-earth, honest community. The one thing I really like about this site and this forum is the openness of the models, both in their written and photographic guises. The members ain't that bad either ;-0

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#5 March 27th, 2005 12:02 PM


Re: EgonArbus

bethesda wrote:

Merricat, I just did an 'advanced search' & found your folios from the past. I LOVED 'bookworm' -- very original & steamy...

Thank you! I really love that set, though I wish I had done it with my red hair. I don't think black was the most flattering color for me.

And yeah, people here are definately interesting. I don't know why this guy thinks otherwise.


#6 March 27th, 2005 03:56 PM


Re: EgonArbus

Merricat wrote:

Thank you! I really love that set, though I wish I had done it with my red hair. I don't think black was the most flattering color for me.

And yeah, people here are definately interesting. I don't know why this guy thinks otherwise.

I've just followed suit and had a look at your folios as well. I love the idea behind bookworm, I don't have any bookshelves (as I am a destitue single Mum with very little furniture) and I have great pillars of books all over my bed room, I like the idea of being surrounded by them. Katana is deffinitely my favourite, after watching kill bill I was desperate to buy a sword but unfortunately university amenities fees took prioroty. Oh and you're right your red hair really suits you it looks fantastically hot i that folio.


#7 March 27th, 2005 06:08 PM


Re: EgonArbus

Could I put in a word for EgonArbus?  If, like me, he is an older guy, he may have felt threatened when women began to assert their rights.  I think I have got over my initial panic, but maybe he hasn't.  Perhaps his disdain serves to cover his fear.  There are certainly plenty of assertive women in ISM's forums.


#8 March 28th, 2005 07:34 PM


Re: EgonArbus

An interesting concept but not one to which I acquiesce. It's a long time since I considered myself young, yet I have never had a problem with treating both sexes equally. In my book there is no such concept as a woman asserting her rights. We all have rights, whether we are male or female, child or adult.
I understand where the you are coming from but even in earlier times, when the male word was supposed to be law, I baulked at the idea that any man should be so arrogant as to think that he was the absolute authority and could wield power over any female, simply because he could call himself male!
We, well most of us, live in a democratic society and that very word is misunderstood. Demos means people and Kratos means strength, ergo Power to the People - not power to the male or power to the female.
This is not intended in any way as a personnal attack against you Philos, nor against anyone else but the idea of gender authority really gets to me. Outburst over!

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#9 March 28th, 2005 11:16 PM


Re: EgonArbus

philos wrote:

Could I put in a word for EgonArbus?  If, like me, he is an older guy, he may have felt threatened when women began to assert their rights.  I think I have got over my initial panic, but maybe he hasn't.  Perhaps his disdain serves to cover his fear.  There are certainly plenty of assertive women in ISM's forums.

You start by saying you're going to put a word in for EgonArbus but end up imputing motives to him. Not much of a defence! I do not think he was being disdainful and there is simply no way of knowing whether he was "covering his fear". Can a "cigar just be a cigar"? Even Freud allowed for that! Egon looked at the forum and found the people uninteresting. Fine - an opinion expressed and we can move on, right? Some people here are interesting, some less so. If someone finds me boring I'm certainly not going to look for some deep motives.



#10 March 29th, 2005 03:43 AM


Re: EgonArbus

gtrvox wrote:

You start by saying you're going to put a word in for EgonArbus but end up imputing motives to him. Not much of a defence! I do not think he was being disdainful and there is simply no way of knowing whether he was "covering his fear". Can a "cigar just be a cigar"? Even Freud allowed for that! Egon looked at the forum and found the people uninteresting. Fine - an opinion expressed and we can move on, right? Some people here are interesting, some less so. If someone finds me boring I'm certainly not going to look for some deep motives.GTR

The usual standard of comment at erotic web-sites is on the level of "Great tits!", yet Egon appears to find us less interesting than that.  I think that is a phenomenon that requires explanation.  Either we are boring or Egon is mistaken.  It would be nice (IOM) to know which.  Gtrvox, I admit to going way beyond the data.  I'm a terrible gossip and enjoy speculating about the motives of people who do odd things.


#11 March 29th, 2005 09:41 AM


Re: EgonArbus

As I've read the site (and I've been a member for a while), I've found increasingly that when I now visit the site, I look at the forums first and then the pictures. Yes, there are some sublime pictures, though, after a while, the fascination of what will be said in this unique discussion space, between the diverse artists/models and the diverse aficionados of their beauty. The fact that ISM is both art and erotica, and yet manages to avoid the culture of sleaze and shame that many mainstream porn sites have, makes this attached community space all the more compelling.


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