#1 December 17th, 2004 01:43 PM


We're Back! (just)

It all sounded like such a simple plan, we'll get a new server because one of the others was hiccupping every second day.  But that meant moving this site to that server and that site to this server, which is all fine if everybody does what they'll say they'll do and all the electrons line up just the way you want them to. This time however, Entrpy took over and we've been off the air for nearly 18 hours now as far as I can tell.  The updates were lost, some new sponsors are unvalidated and nobody has been able to join since yesterday, so we aren't exactly happy little campers here at ISM.

It'll take a few more hours for the new server's IP to propagate so if you get any funny responses don't fret.  After that ISM will be fully tweaked,, happy and healthy and brimming with bare beauties for your pleasure.

Tonight is the ISM/Agony office year's-end celebration so let's hope nothing else cooks and we can all go to the pub, where everybody should be in Melbourne when it's sunny and 30 degrees (proper degrees).

Sorry to anyone who has been jerked around.  And if you've been trying to join, do it now - and do it twice, we need it to pay for the beer...


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