#1 October 18th, 2004 10:39 PM


Voting starts now!

Righto, we've added a voting thingy.  The idea is to vote for the new artist you'd most like to see Reload.  Now before your itchy pinky goes to click on every artist, grok that you can only vote once a week, so maybe wait til next Monday then come back to your favourite artist and show her your adoration.

Only artists with a primary folio less than 30 days old can collect votes.


#2 October 19th, 2004 09:11 PM


Re: Voting starts now!

Head wrote:

Only artists with a primary folio less than 30 days old can collect votes.

How cruel! I wanted to vote for Theda, the love of my life, but she's three days past the 30-day limit!!!!!  Please make sure she reloads soon - I'm sure all her fans are dying to give her their votes.  Oh, no! I see it has to be a primary folio so we can't do that either (weep, weep.)


#3 October 21st, 2004 10:45 PM


Re: Voting starts now!

I voted for Evagreen before I realised you could only vote once. And though I certainly don't regret my vote (she is gorgeous) there has been a host of stunning ladies this week. Looks like I'm going to have to wait to vote again, but there's so much choice!


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